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Everything posted by Derkins

  1. Hilarious Don't make me break out my own lunage >_<
  2. Bans ytsejam cause thats nothing haha
  3. Bans Dez cause I think she misudnerstood me haha
  4. With a smile Moteem sits above Dez's door frame leaning his head agenst the wall.
  5. Bans Dez cause I ment my nick name was too close to my RL name but Dez has the same first two latters as my own name *Deap breath*
  6. Bans Dez cause its way too close to my real name
  7. Bans ytsejam because that one word did not translate
  8. With a small hint of pride Moteem jumped down and landed soflty on the ground "Well if you tell me who the master is I could possibly help there." He said as a small smirk coverd his face.
  9. Bas dez p'wal il zhah leaving uns'aa xuil doeb belbaun biu ilhyrr d'lil xanalress
  10. Bans DontWorryBeHappy p'wal nindol zhah getting brane'
  11. Bans Dez cause now I have to go looking
  12. Bans dezdimona cause she still wont tell me *Tear*
  13. Bans DontWorryBeHappy cause he is right *Sniff* :thumbsup:
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