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Everything posted by Derkins

  1. I wish Bans Dez cause I wont be moving there for another 4 months or so
  2. Bans Dez cause goofing off is fun AND I am moving tomarrow YAY
  3. Bans Ihoe cause its nice to meet you too Bans ytsejam cause he banned someone for baning two people
  4. Bans ytsejam because I looked it up on google and there was someone with that last name. odd
  5. Bans ytsejam cause my name reversed couls be someones last name
  6. Bans ytsejam cause I don't need a valid reason
  7. Bans Gamerbird cause I feel like it
  8. Bans Dez cause I knew that like I said I like to study launages hehe
  9. Bans Dez cause I would have had it but Google translate did not work yesterday haha
  10. Bans Dez cause thats not my nicm name ngunit ito ay isang magandang subukan (i think that is correct)
  11. Bans ytsejam for using my reason to ban him
  12. Bans ytsejam because he posted in here
  13. Bans jaosals for using a different launage
  14. Bans both of them because I can not find a site to translate this stuff.
  15. bans ytsejam cause I am leaving in 5 minutes YES!
  16. Haha thats true but that depends on what you mean by real Difficualt
  17. Bans DontWorryBeHappy for stealth banning me again!!!!
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