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Everything posted by Derkins

  1. Bans Dez cause I just finished my book during mt bathroom break.
  2. Plaving his hands on what ever he was sitting on he looked over to Nerco "Oh did you well too bad I was not informed."
  3. Moteem sat ontop of a shelf leaning agenst the wall that smug smile still on his face "So how is taking over the wold going?" He said letting a low chuckle escapre his lips.
  4. Bans Dez cause its not junk food its breakfeast.
  5. i thought you missed me *tear* Bans Dez cause this danish is delisous
  6. I like that I am completly single and still have no money >_<
  7. Bans DontWorryBeHappy cause I am back AHA!
  8. At this very moment I am reading Star Wars Republic Commando Triple Zero Phew thats a mouth full good book though if you like extended univers of star wars.
  9. Bad-listener I am at work >_< but 44 minutes till I go home YAY
  10. Band Happy cause I cant go there either My works block progams block almost everything its a matter of time till thei site is blocked.
  11. With a smile Derkins backed up a few steps then kicked off the ground black flipping onto the fall of an already destroyed building "Have at it."
  12. Bans Keylek cause I wana see it now I am curious
  13. Bans DontWorryBeHappy because I cant get to that site I am at wotk >_<
  14. Bans DontWorryBeHappy cause I cant see that image or what ever he put up
  15. Bans Dez and keylek and DontWorryBeHappy c ause hey I got a tripple ban AHA
  16. Bans Dez cause I am joing I am not really that sensitive
  17. Bans keylek because he is pickin on me(no fair)
  18. Smiling he keeps his hands behind his back and walks over to them "I my self have lsot the taste for blood." THat was mostly true liked human food more but he did not like human blood to drink just to spill onto the ground.
  19. correctitron (there is some thought put behind that word)
  20. Derkins grinned even more at the mans statment he knew he could not risk a fight right now so he would be nice. "Alright I wil be careful then no need to worry."
  21. Bans keylek cause I am so not lying how could you even thing that? :confused:
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