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Everything posted by Derkins

  1. band DontWorryBeHappy cause I am still at work
  2. Bans sakura cause I want to!
  3. So kinda like zombie vampires? Sounds like loads of fun!!
  4. bans sakura for baning someone in a bad mood
  5. Bans keylek because work is a good thing......at times
  6. Bans Dez cause I am too working
  7. Bans Dez for thinking I missed her point.
  8. Bans Dez cause I have been here for 7 hours already
  9. Bans Dez cause I don't wana wait.
  10. I love that lil danding bannana oh I also like that I will be moving soon YES!
  11. THIS.....IS.....SNOWWARS *Chucks snow balls the size of mini vans at everyone in the thread* On a side note if someone was hired to kill or mame me after I healed I would go after them cause they still did it AHA *More snow vans are thrown*
  12. Bans Dez cause I cant see the pic >_< (I am at work)
  13. Bans Dez cause I couldnet help it ^_^
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