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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. And who asked for Giraffes?


    Number 6 on your second section of your list in the original post.


    Anyways, from my experience I think it would be 100% impossible to rig a sloth onto a mole rat skeleton or a giraffe onto a Brahmin skeleton. I've never seen a game engine that would allow you to stretch a rig. I'm no professional animator, but I did have to take 3 classes in animation in art school and I have made animations and imported them into Unity and Unreal.


    Though I have never tried importing an animation into Fallout, so take my words at what they are, non definitive.


    The other ones besides the alligator seem possible.

  2. Why Tony? Is it modeling new animations? I don't need or want that. Cribing off the standard animations like the Animalia mod seems to do from standard Skyrim templates would do just fine.


    You would have to rig it onto a current Fallout 3/NV animal skeleton.


    Deer, horses, cats, camels, sloths, cheetah, alligators, lions, giraffes... None are going to look all that great rigged to the existing movements of one of the animals.



    What do we have to work with? Scorpions, Deathclaw, Bears, Flies, Ants, Dogs, Rats, Bighorns, Brahmin, Centaur, Geckos, Lakelurk?


    Do you plan on rigging a giraffe to the skeleton of a Scorpion? Do you plan on making a sloth rigged onto a Lakelurk or a Brahmin? Do you think a lion or cheetah would look natural rigged onto a Bighorn?






    People who know how to put a 100% custom rig and animations into the game engine are the rarest kind of people around this website. People like me who can 3d model are a dime a dozen in comparison, scripters are a dime a dozen, voice actors are the same.


    Then you have to combine those custom animations into a set of behaviors so that the animal will do stuff around the game world.



    Without all of that, the animals might as well just be statues. I can 3d model a cheetah, but I have no where near the ability to make one move like a cheetah in the game.



    My best estimate is that a mod like this would take years to complete.


    If you re-proportion the legs, won't that create an issue when you rig it to the human skeleton to have it animated in the game?

    I'm not sure, perhaps if the leg the same general length it would work.



    I'm not a expert on how the animations and skinning work in Fallout, but if you were to skin something like that in Maya, every time the leg would bend at the knee, the entire part that is different would warp into a really unnatural bendy shape that doesn't even slightly resemble a bent knee.


    Changing the way the leg bends is far, far beyond my ability when it comes to Fallout modding.


    I am not making any promises, but I am playing around in Zbrush just getting myself back into using it again and remembering where all the tools are. Give me an idea of what you want modeled, and if the creative bug strikes me, I will send the model your way.


    But like I said, no promises, I am just a Zbrush artist who hasn't used Zbrush in a year and is trying to shake the dust off on my modeling skills.

    Yeah if you were really good it might be worth trying, but if your rusty *and* using Zbrush it's probably not going to be a winning combination. I mean sometimes it's hard to get nifs working 100% correctly via blender and it has a whole order of magnitude better support for fallout than Zbrush.....unless something has changed and Zbrush has new import/export scripts & tools now. Do you have to import and export via Obj?


    Up to you brother, I guess it just depends on how motivated you are.


    Anyway it's models of anthropomorphic animals and the edited armor for them. We have some races already. Probably should have a little post that's like a mini wiki to list resources.



    It is as simple as export whatever model I have as an Obj and the texture files as Targas. Zbrush can export as almost anything, there just aren't really any game engine tools available for it on the open market.


    Then I will open it up with whatever program is most compatible with the game engine I am using. I was working on several indie projects and as a result have legal versions of a variety of game industry software I invested in.


    So when I was building in the Crytech Engine, I would export as an Obj, open it in Maya, and then export as a Crytech specific file. With Unreal I always use Max, and with Unity I can use either or.




    Being rusty just effects your speed, once you know how to model something you always know how to model something. It is all just a matter of how long it takes you to remember where such and such tool is located in the sub menu or which button you have to click to render out your normal maps.




    Anyways, 'anthropomorphic animals' is really too broad for me to know what you are looking for. Do you want the full thing, or do you want separate feet, tail, and hands that you are going to attach to vanilla assets? Is there a certain kind of animal that you want?

  5. my point is people are getting incomplete games often times in unplayable states because they're getting rushed out the door. im fine with DLC if the freakin game worked on release. also dont try to argue that games should be expected to have issues on release, because aside from multiplayer games there's little to no excuse other then the producers (EA is notorious for this) rushing incomplete games out. there's evidence of this fact all over.


    also DLC such as horse armor?! that should come with something else, or at the very least cost less. i get it takes time to model and all that, but that's ridiculous.


    i would like to continue this discussion but i feel we might be hijacking the thread. so if you'd like to start a new thread on it, i will more then willingly continue there.


    I totally agree that incomplete games being sold for $60 is ridiculous, games being rushed and filled with bugs is ridiculous. You won't get any argument from me on that.


    So basically, we agree with each other, I just think DLC is a different discussion. The discussion you bring up is that game developers should make good games if they want good money. Quality control is the problem, not the existence of DLC.


    DLC didn't cause the problem any more than my car being green caused it to have a crappy engine.


    Same thing with the horse armor, selling something that is lame and overpriced is the problem, not the fact that it is DLC.

  6. most of my friends in RL who play skyrim play as the opposite gender. from what I have seen on the forums and RL friends ect. without reading any official statistics it seems quite common for people to play as the opposite gender. I wonder if there are statistics on this trend.


    It is insanely normal to put in at least one play through as the opposite gender.


    I still find it very odd to play almost exclusively as the opposite gender though, it seems a bit creepy in my personal opinion, but that's just me. Keep doing whatever makes you happy. Normal is boring.

  7. You Just read my mind. Modern games are just about shooting sadly. A mod which adds actual wildlife in the Mojave desert would make fallout new Vegas 100 times better in my opinion. I do only think that animals native to the Mojave should be included though. I'm just sick of deathclaws and giant bugs it makes no sense. Fallout is great but the ignorance in the mutations bothers me. I do hope that this mod gets created one day for new Vegas or even a version for fallout 3 is released. I'm surprised nobody thought about this way earlier.


    It is easy to think of something, but animating entirely new creatures into the game is basically the hardest of all modding tasks.

  8. I know its kinda early for this. But when Fallout 4 comes out someone should re create the entire skyrim game in a total conversion. its basically the same engine so it doesn't seem that hard to do. and maybe add some of the features added in some mods like frostfall, realistic needs and stuff like that. (and we can use fallouts new building system to our advantage.)


    Creating an entire game doesn't seem hard to you?


    What does seem hard to you then?

  9. i think that they should just finish their game before releasing it. i give RPGs a break on it because that's sorta a good way to keep people playin after they finish the quests. but every other genre... man that is just irritating.


    That's about as logical as complaining that a TV show is releasing a second season and saying, "They should just finish the show before releasing season 1, they are just trying to get more money out of me by making me buy the DVD for season 2."


    What would you want the artists to be doing during the time the QA department is testing the game?



  10. What exactly do you want modeled?


    I am not making any promises, but I am playing around in Zbrush just getting myself back into using it again and remembering where all the tools are. Give me an idea of what you want modeled, and if the creative bug strikes me, I will send the model your way.


    But like I said, no promises, I am just a Zbrush artist who hasn't used Zbrush in a year and is trying to shake the dust off on my modeling skills.



    Is there a mod for New Vegas that just makes Fallout 4?

    well i think there's a mod that you can get that adds the number 4 to title screens and the like. honestly i dont get why the game isnt FO 4... i guess it's because the over-all engine is essentially the same as the third one and they didnt think it deserved to be the fourth game. though the people who claim it should have been a DLC for Fallout 3 are bein stupid, for several reasons. i personally think DLC shouldnt exist and is just a scam to get more money out of us.



    Mass Effects DLCs are golden and worth every penny.


    I think Bethesda does a pretty good job as well on most of them, but they can be hit or miss.


    The existence of downloadable stories is a very powerful tool for the gaming industry, the tool just has to be used the right way. Why have to go through an entire 3 year, 10+ million dollar development cycle just to add more story, why not just continue off what you already have, make it for cheap, sell it for cheap.

  12. I usually play male argonian in skyrim but may occasionally play female. To me, it doesn't usually matter in games unless there is a major stat gap like in other TES games. PS does anyone else think that the female specific dialogue sounds a bit more forced than the male dialogue?


    I write all my mod dialogue with a male player character in mind, and then just adjust it here and there when needed for a female player character.



    I agree that it doesn't really matter much, Skyrim and games like it are designed to be all about the world around you, it isn't really about the character and their personal drama. I could play Skyrim as a doorknob and still have fun. (no, please don't make this mod...)

  13. My female characters are usually too young and naive to be sexualized. I also usually limit them to a certain set of skills, because I like the idea of being a small and somewhat helpless character and surviving where others would doubt that I could.


    In Fallout 3 for example, my female play through relied primarily on stealth and silenced pistols and trickery as opposed to my male play through just blew up anything that moved.


    It is kindof fun playing 'sweet little girl tries to survive big scary world.'

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