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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. Ahhh this looks awesome! If you have need for any lady voice actors, I can lend my voicebox.

    Also, you seem a bit bitter about Fallout 4 :wink:


    Oh the frustration of modding late in the life cycle of a game...


    If you are planning on adding perks, I'd love to make some Vault-boy images


    As a matter of fact, I do have some perks in the mod. I'll send you a PM with some details.


    Seems pretty epic, I must say.


    Do you have any need for fruits and or veggies? I just started some work on some farm plants in Zbrush that I am willing to share once I get them done.


    I'd love to, but they'd have to be "long" plants (like maize, broc flower, or white horsenette). Would you be able to convert the models into .nifs as well?



    I'll message you pictures when I am done with them and you can tell me which ones you want and which ones are not 'long' enough for you.


    I haven't nifed anything in a while, but it can't be too hard, or I will just ask someone to help me out with that. I've been working on building games in Unity and Unreal the past few years, so my mod specific skills are a bit rusty.

  3. This is a little thing, but small as it is I don't have the coding chops for it and it would make help, I think, a lot of people.


    Make it so that, after a 1-2 second mouse-over , a preview (pre-Listen?) of what your character is going to say plays for you.


    When I play games like Mass Effect, or most of the Tell-tale games, I am sometimes surprised and disappointed in the conversation selections I make. And Fallout 4 seems to be taking a similar approach to conversation, now. This is fine, I don't actually have a problem with this, but it would be nice to know in advance what I am going to say. Just changing the text description of each option to show what I'll be saying will probably clutter the screen up horribly, and even then it would not convey tone of voice. Having it so that a 1-2 second mouse-over causes a preview of what I will say to play solves all of these problems.


    But I have not the coding chops to be able to make the GECK do such a thing, as I said. And this seemed like the best place to put this idea. Sorry if it's off-topic.


    The flow of dialogue would be so wonky if you were to sit around listening to each option in the middle of the conversation.


    Mass Effect took things to such a better and more fun experience compared to anything Bethesda has made thus far. Any step Fallout 4 takes to looking like Mass Effect's dialogue system is the best news ever.



    I hated having to read through long, drawn out dialogue choices in Fallout 3, the short choices are the way to go, keeps the conversation moving and smooth.

  4. I would help, but I use everything besides Blender... If you have general questions about 3d modeling or texturing, I can help, but all the teams I have worked on have been either Max or Maya, and I do my personal stuff, including all my texture painting in Zbrush.


    I personally hate painting textures in Photoshop. I still do use it for certain things, just not much.

  5. Let me just quickly mark my territory right quick. I've already made the decision to build Miami Florida for Fallout 4. Just some FYI. :sleep:


    Sounds like fun. I'm mostly just doing companion stuff and assets,


    As long as your mod doesn't deal with the Fallout Tactics Brotherhood of Steel, then you don't have to worry about me getting into your territory.

  6. Here are a few sample conversations of the dialogue I am looking to have voice acted. Basically my mod has 4 unique companions that you can dynamically learn more about through dynamic conversations.


    The conversations will be set to happen one at a time after so much in game time has passed, that way you aren't sitting there just listening to dialogue for too long at any one time.


    I'm trying to approach each of the characters a bit differently so that you get a new experience from traveling with them or coming back to your settlement and talking to them.




    The dialogue will have a certain path with different paths that you will follow based on the choices you make. Here is an example.







    Emma - The shy one who fixed robots



    Emma: Uhhhh...

    Player: a. Hi, I'm 'Player Character', what's your name?

    b. Hello little girl, how are you?

    c. Is something wrong with you?

    Emma: a or c. I'm Emma...

    b. Humph... I'm Emma, and I'm not a child...

    Player: a. Oh, you seem kindof shy, do I scare you?

    b. Don't worry, I don't bite... Well, except that one time I was caught by slavers...

    c. Umm... ok *Ends Conversation*

    Emma: a. No... I just, well, need to go... do that thing.

    b. Oh... um ok...

    *End Conversation*




    Emma: Uhhhh...

    Player: a. Those are some pretty cool robots you are working on.

    b. Nevermind *Ends Conversation*

    Emma: Oh, those things. Just some prototypes I have been experementing with. I have'nt got any of them to work yet but I've been studying Cal and the Pacification Bot for ideas. I hope I can someday get a new robot working.

    Player: a. That's awesome, I've always been interested in how robots work but I could never build one.

    b. Wow, that's the most words I have ever heard you speak... You must really like robots.

    c. Don't you need a whole team of scientists to make a robot?

    Emma: a. I didn't think you would be into things like that... Hmmm, you can come look at my robots anytime you like.

    b. Well... There is just so much to say about robots.

    c. Well... I guess so, but I still try.

    Player: a. I look forward to hearing updates on your robots.

    b. Ok, cya. *Ends Conversation*


    Emma: Hey, how's it goin?

    Player: a. Just wanted to see how your robots are coming along.

    b. Have you blown up any robots lately?

    Emma: b. Ha ha... Not yet, but maybe soon. I know how much you like watching things go boom.

    both. Just been going over some Robobrain designs my mother had. She was always particularly interested in Robobrains. I think I might have messed up a bit though... Sigh...

    Player: a. What did you do this time?

    b. That sounds like fun.

    c. I know, I saw the Pig-Bot stumbling around the farm... (Available after talking to Pig-Bot)

    Emma: To make a Robobrain work, you need a real organic brain. Nobody wanted to lend me their brain, so I decided to use the pig that dad was going to BBQ for dinner. Now he is oinking his way around the farm as a robot.
    If you could bring the brain back to me, that would be great!

    Player: a. Why was you mom so interested in Robobrains?

    b. Ok *End Conversation*

    Emma: Her grandpa was turned into a Robobrain when captured by the Calculator. He somehow recognized his locket and remembered his former life and then turned on the Calculator. That is the locket I have here. She wanted to know how it was possible for a robot to retain memories.

    *End Conversation*



    Karen - The nice one, is a medic/cook




    Karen: Hello, what bring you to our humble home?
    Player: a. Just curious
    b. (Trying to help) I heard you needed a water purifier and I wanted to help.
    c. (Pretty Ladies) I saw some pretty ladies and I had to stop and say hi.
    Karen: a. I hope you like the place.
    b. We definitly need one of those, you should talk to Teller.
    c. You wouldn't be talking about me, would you? *flirty*
    Player: a. (Nice place) This is a nice little spot you have here.
    b. (Kindof boring...) Not much going on around here, is there?
    c. (Of course) Who else, one look at those pretty blue eyes, and the rest of the world is just a blur.
    Karen : a and b. Ya, it is safe, secure, but not much for excitment. I guess that is the symptom of stability.
    c. Ohhhh! *blushes*
    *End Conversation*
    Karen: Hello, back again I see.
    Player: a. Of course
    b. I guess
    Karen: b. You don't sound too excited.
    both. Here, I just cooked up some bacon, I know you will totally love it!
    Player: a. What's that?
    b. The pre-was food?
    Karen: a. Only the best food ever in the pre-war world.
    both. Miraculously Vault 54 had 100% non mutated pigs in it. So now we raise pigs in hope that we can spread fresh meat with no radiation to everyone in the Wasteland.
    Player: a. Sounds great
    b. What for?
    c. I like Brahman
    Karen: a and b. It is incredible by itself, but even better with eggs or on a brahman burger. Best food to eat when you have a hangover... oh, I didn't mean to say that out load...
    c. You need to try bacon on a brahman burger! I always crave those when I'm totally wasted... oh, I didn't mean to say that out load...





    Cal - The robot who got defeated in Fallout Tactics





    Cal: What's up newguy?
    Player: What kind of robot are you anyways?
    Cal: A very awesome robot!
    Player: a. Yes, yes you are.
    b. Sigh... I mean what kind of model...
    c. Really? Did you really just go there?
    Cal: In all seriousness, I am a Vault 0 robot built to make the Wasteland safe for the humans coming out of the vaults. I guess somebody hit the snooze button a few too many times, because we were about 80 years too late waking up...
    Player: a. So you just slept through the apocolypse?
    b. So you just shot up mutants?
    c. Someone must have been tired...
    Cal: Pretty much! We were suposed to come out guns blazing and remove threats to humanity while they were all safe in their vaults. The system failed, however, so we weren't activated.
    *End Conversation*



    Cal: Yo.
    Player: Where did you get the name Cal?
    Cal: I'm named after my father, the Calculator.
    Player: a.You like him?
    b.You have a dad?
    c.Sounds cool.
    Cal: No, he was a malfunctioning d***head. Literally a malfunctioning robot, figuratively a d***head. He died about 80 years ago, now I'm a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin.
    Player: a. That's odd
    b. Robot Paladin?
    Cal: The 'Minority Faction' isn't as closed off as the Brotherhood core. They recruit Ghouls, Super Mutants, Reavers, and even Deathclaw.
    *End Conversation*



    Cal if you ask him for advice on attracting the girls.
    Cal: *Once Only Intro* My job as a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin is to keep those 3 girls safe and healthy, as long as you don't have any weird human diseases or plan on doing anything kinky with a rocket launcher, I am more than happy to give you some advice.
    *Second time* Studies how that contact with other organics keeps organics more healthy. Organics are odd...
    *After Conversation* Keep me updated as things change and I will give you some more advice.
    Player: a. Karen?
    Cal: Karen is a real sweetheart, she has been single way too long because she doesn't trust Wasters and Raiders. Just be fun, but show that you are someone she can trust. If you can do that you will have yourself a very high quality girl.
    b. Emma?
    Cal: She is shy and doesn't really know how the whole flirting thing works. She will try to latch onto any common ground the two of you have and talk about that all day. But be careful, if all you do is talk about robots, she will start to see you as just a friend. Let her know you are confident and interesting.
    c. Kaylee?
    Cal: Why would you want to do that? That girl is a firecracker, her mood os more up and down than a yo-yo. If you are nice she will think you are a sap or trying to get something from her... If you are mean she won't feel comfortable opening up her soft side to you, or maybe she will shoot you in the face... You gotta put yourself out there a bit, then push her away and let her chase your attention. Then pull her back in for a bit, then push her away again. She has to feel like she earned your attention to feel safe to open up to you.





    Kaylee - The very moody one who hates people and is a sharpshooter



    Kaylee: What do you want?
    Player: a. (That's not very nice)
    b. (How are you?)
    c. (Why so rude?)
    Kaylee: a and c. Why are you bothering me?
    b. Annoyed...
    Player: *Pick Multiple - Ky2*
    a. (Let's be friends)
    b. (Is this your home?)
    c. (Why don't you like me?)
    d. (Goodbye)
    Kaylee: a. I don't do the whole 'friends' thing, go annoy someone else.
    b. Yes, that's why I am here. Why are you still here? On second thought... I don't want to know...
    c. Why do you keep trying to talk to me? On second thought... I don't want to know...
    d. Finally.
    *End Conversation*



    Kaylee: What do you want?
    Player: (What is your name?)
    Kaylee: What business is that of yours?
    Player: a. (I helped you out) I got your water purifier working, the least you could do is talk to me.
    b. (I'll call you Bubbles!) Well, if you won't tell me your name, I guess I will just have to call you Bubbles, since you have such a bubbly personality.
    c. (I love you) Because I fell in love with you the first time I saw you.
    d. (Nevermind...) *End Conversation*
    Kaylee: a. And I paid back my part of the agreement, I don't owe you any affection just because you did a favor... Why does everyone always want stuff from me...
    b. Uhhh! you're such a tool... Fine, my name is Kaylee, no nicknames...
    c. Ewww... You're joking right?
    Player: a. (yes)
    b. (no)
    Kaylee: a. Don't be a d***head, but that was kindof funny... kindof...
    b. Ewww... You're such a creeper.
    *End Conversation*



    Kaylee: Back again...
    Player: (You should dress nicer) You know, you actually might be kindof cure if you didn't dress like a Raider prisoner of war.
    Kaylee: Ughh! You didn't just say that... I'm not just some doll to stand around looking pretty for your pleasure!
    Player: a. (Ever dressed like a girl?) Have you ever actually wore a dress and acted like a girl before? Who knows, you might like it.
    b. (Take a bath!) You kindof smell...
    c. (I didn't mean that...) I didn't mean it that way... I just think you are very beautiful and... I will shut up now...
    Kaylee: a. Geeze... When I was little mom and Karen would dress me up. I have never worn a dress since, It just isn't my style to be somebodies eye candy...
    Player: a. (You would look great)
    b. (Be a strong independant woman!)
    c. (Nice body!)
    Kaylee: a. Oh... uhhh... *blush*
    b. Damn right, I don't need to impress anyone but myself.
    c. I'm not an object! a**hole...
    d. People get dirty fighting out in the Wasteland, you're just as dirty as I am...
    Player: a. (Ohhh...)
    b. (I'll join you then!)
    Kaylee: a.Idiot...
    b. (male) I should kick you in the balls...
    (both) Don't be a pervert...
    c. Don't think you can objectify me and then get out of it with cheap flattery... I'm not one of those insecure bimbos you are used to.
    Player: a. (But...)
    b. (I'm...)
    Kaylee: Shut it!
    *End Conversation*




  7. I'm interested in volunteering to do some voice acting work. I'm and audio engineer and editor. I work at a radio station where I have done some radio commercials and read the weather report. So I have good equipment, microphones, audio software etc. I'm also pretty good at creating characters. I grew up in Los Angeles and learned to mimic the way different ethnic gangs talk and the slang they use. My voice is on the deep side but I have no problem speaking in different pitches. I would practice these voices and characters in my room. When my GF came over (this was 20 years ago. I don't live with my mom lol) she asked my Mom who was in the room with me. "That's just him... He's a little weird." So if she thought there were several different people speaking, people who never heard me probably wouldn't know it was the same person doing several voices. Being an audio engineer for near 30 years, I can produce top quality recordings and add effects if needed. Let me know if you are interested.


    Can you mimic the player character in Fallout 4?




    Doesn't have to be perfect, just enough that it isn't jarringly obvious when the player is speaking lines from my mod as opposed to the vanilla game.

  8. Wouldn't it be better to play the game and then make it?


    Get a feel for the world and such?


    Putting a story that fits new vegas into fallout 3 would be horrible, and this is an even bigger change.


    Right now the story is all just about the characters. The backstory is a combination of Fallout Tactics lore and my story of how the Brotherhood in the Midwest fell apart after Fallout tactics, according to clues taken from what very little sources are available.


    75% of the dialogue I have written is about each personal character and their private life, so it could fit into any possible context.


    15% has to do with events that happened 80 years earlier in Colorado, or 10 years earlier in a Vault located in rural Kansas. I don't think I have to worry too much about Bethesda's story overlapping mine in that part of the world.


    Then the last 10% I will have to re-write once Fallout 4 comes out.




    I want to get all the stuff outside the game done and ready, so once the game is released I can really focus on the stuff relating it to Fallout 4.

  9. My main concerns are the lack of skills and the new dialogue system that seem to drastically limit yo ur options. epsecially for the creation of larger quest mods. it may be made impossible ot add more than fo ur dialogue choices which can be even more of a problem to those charactars who aleready have all four mapped already.


    Sub menus, that is a simple solution.


    Bethesda is just now catching up with the modern age of dialogue where Mass Effect was years and years ago.




    I doubt skills are gone, they probably just weren't 100% completed for the demo. Though I never found them to add much to the game anyways, I could live with them or without them.

  10. I am looking for people who want to voice act for an upcoming Fallout 4 mod. I don't like to mod late in the life cycle of a game, so I would rather be one of the first mods released on Fallout 4 than one of the last mods released on New Vegas.


    So, after seeing the gameplay demo, it appears the player character is now going to have a voice in much of the dialogue he/she speaks.




    So I need...


    a) A voice actor that can mimic the voice of the player character. Doesn't have to be perfect, but enough that it isn't jarringly noticeable when my mod dialogue starts and vanilla game dialogue ends.


    b) 3 voice actresses to do dynamic npc companion characters.


    These all have a LOT of dialogue, I am experimenting with a dynamic dialogue system that allows you to over time build up a trust with these characters and make the player feel like he or she is part of something beyond themselves in the wasteland.


    c) An old man from Vault 54 in middle of nowhere Kansas who is a farmer.


    This one is less dialogue than the other two.Unlike the others, I don't however have the dialogue ready to give you at the moment, since I am currently still writing.




    If you are interested, I will message you the dialogue and see if you approve.

  11. I'm really just curious as to the possibilities and what I could do with such a mod.


    Do you think it would be possible to make an alternate start mod, but then combine that with the vanilla start, and then when playing as the vanilla start character, find the alternate start character and have them be a companion?


    So I guess not even a true alternate start, because it would be triggered inside the vanilla start game, but then go through the whole character creation process to make a companion with a backstory you make through the alternate start.

  12. Flora overhaul.


    New parts to build settlements with.


    New junk and loot.


    Dog re-skins.


    You are in luck with the settlement part, because I will have a handful already modeled and textured just waiting when Fallout 4 is released.


    New post-war junk shacks and masonry type walls made out of whatever rubble they could find.


    New pre-war stuff, that just adds a bit more variety to what is available from the pre-war world. (Vanilla games usually only have 1 type of refrigerator for example)


    New plants to grow in your settlement, such as fruits that are not edible, but will suck the radiation out of the soil as they grow into weirdly mutated fruit, then you can use them as radiation grenades, because they are filled with deadly gas. That as well as pre-war foods the game may not include, and some appetizing post war foods.

  13. I could if you would like.


    I'm already sending you dialogue... lol


    Haven't you seen the messages?


    I will have some more for you in a bit, I have 12 more pages in my notebook that I need to type up.

  14. You mean customisable power armour?!


    OH SWEET LORDY JESUS. I have no idea how this'll allow PA mods to work (I expect with great difficulty), but even so, I am incredibly hyped. My PA characters are going to get a mile-sized upgrade this game.


    I have now officially boarded the hype train, destination Boston.


    Customizable power armor is actually going to make it easier for people 3d modeling power armor. You don't have as many problems with the skinning aspect, and you can texture each piece on a separate texture now. You just have to build it up in separate pieces and keep everything modular.


    The challenge is going to come from the fact that they animated the player entering the power armor. Obviously we will still use the vanilla animation and just attach the model on top, but 3d modelers like myself will have to make sure the armor we build fits into the animation that opens it up.

  15. I am making several characters for Fallout 4 that can be either companions or dynamic characters at one of your settlements. So I am writing a good chunk of the dialogue now, so it will be ready when Fallout 4 is released and able to mod.


    I am doing a lot of dynamic dialogue that advances over time and changes based on how you interact with that character.


    If anyone is interested in story and dialogue, I could use a few people to critique my work.

  16. I think that is the best news ever.


    I am very much looking forward to designing mods for Xbox.





    Obviously it isn't going to be the same as PC modding, where there are thousands of different mods of all shapes and forms. Console modding will be much less broad and varied. They aren't going to be able to have mods like 'Master Chief Armor' or 'Blah Blah Blah Sword from Diablo' or anything else that is copyrighted to another company. You won't be able to have full game HD texture replacements or anything that adds very taxing complex weather or scripts.


    It is more going to be a free marketplace to download 'New Shiny Armor X' made by 'Some Modder Guy' and be able to use it. Maybe some companions and quests will be available too, or custom player homes. Weapons are also a good possibility.


    But other than that, the overhaul mods are just a PC thing and will always be that way.





    But it is silly to hate on consoles for getting to download a select number of armors and guns and companions with quests that modders have been working hard on. It is a great opportunity for us modders to get our stuff out there a little bit more, tens of thousands of more people who may want to wear my armors or download my companions and bring them along. That makes me a very happy robot.

  17. I voted for these possiblities and why:


    > Real Animals 3


    While I doubt any animal tha survived the blast would come through unscathed/ un mutated ins someway...if we were frozen what about a stash of frozen seeds or frozen animal DNA? It could be a possablity out of the box as well.



    My Fallout 4 mod is actually centered around a vault in the Midwest having genetically pure pigs in it as a result of a little girl not wanting to leave her 'pets' at home and sneaking them in with her before the bombs. Vaultech had filled the vault with a bunch of farmers who knew nothing about technology, as one of their evil tests, expecting them all to die quickly because nobody could run the vault computers or fix faulty systems and mechanics.


    So as a result, the character in my mod has various types of pre and post war vegetables as well as pre war pigs and other useful post war animals.


    His goal is to spread food and prosperity across the Wasteland so that humans will stop killing each other out of hunger and survival, and maybe once again begin to thrive. Kindof like a modern day Johnny Appleseed. He also thinks that everyone deserves the chance to actually taste pre-war bacon, something people haven't had in a long, long time.



    If I can get animations to import into the GECK, I want to create a mutated sheep called a Centisheep, that is a 20 foot long sheep that has 7 sets of legs and lots of wool.



    In response to post #26169259.




    The1Whistler wrote:

    Ok, I hoped that was the case! Thanks for reply m8!

    Is this correct? I have tried googling this but I can't seem to find anything to back this up! Does anyone have a link to this info? Thanks in advance!

    No, no, no, no, NO!!!! Zenimax insisted Fallout 4 be optimised for LAST-GEN consoles (Xbox360, PS3) on the dumb assumption that when released, a good chunk of its profits would come from those platforms. A game released 2.5 to 3 years AFTER the PS4, designed to run on the RAM and GPU of an Xbox360- this is the worst possible scenario.


    The trailer was horrid- dull assets and rubbish storytelling, since we've all already played Fallout 3 and Fallout:NV, so we don't need to be given a wholly GENERIC introduction to the world of Fallout.


    This project feels STALE- like a team who'd rather have been revisiting Elder Scrolls rather than taking a trip back to 1950s America. And given the coding team were obviously forced to continue to work with an engine that could operate on a 1900XT (the ancient AMD/ATI tech in the Xbox360) with 512MB of RAM, the coders must've been BORED to death, and very uninspired indeed.


    I was hoping more for a NEXT-GEN gameplay overhaul rather than fretting about the overall quality of the graphics, but we are clearly getting neither. The CPU of the Xbox360, again, was the limiting factor- so more physics and more interactive mechanisms were out of the question.


    PS don't bother responding to point out that Bethesda has cancelled the Xbox360 version by now, or spent the last year inserting better MESH assets. Neither change the FACT that we are getting a game in 2016 that was wholly developed so it could run adequately on an Xbox360. This is a Producer/Managerial FAILURE of epic proportions.

    Not a word of it, it is all the lost rambling of someone who is not informed and obviously grumpy about something.

    Yeah, zanity is a bit off his rocker...the truth, conspiracies, insider information, yadda yadda...just another guy with a tin foil hat.


    Tin foil hat..lol! I know a lot of people are not very happy about some of the news we have been getting lately.. some I understand, others not so much.. just had to make sure this wasn't the case, because I've waited a long time for a new Fallout game! Well we all have I guess.



    PC gamers in general don't want to be happy about anything. They get their joy out of complaining about stuff and somehow thinking that lowering the value of other things means they have more value themselves... Sigh...



    Not to be confused with gamers that just love games, and just so happen to choose a PC because it best fits their personal needs, those guys are cool. The PC in 'PC Gamer' should never be more important than the Gamer in 'PC Gamer'.



    I would redo the sprite of the Power Armor to make it more retro. Not that there is anything technically wrong with the sprite, it's a great piece of art. It's just that it is a bit out of place in the Fallout Universe.



    - Tony Oakden, producer of Fallout Tactics http://freelancer.ag.ru/interview/bos6_eng.shtml



    So even the producer of the game thinks the armor needs a little bit of adjusting to really fit in with the Fallout world.





    I personally both love and hate Fallout Tactics. I have seen hundreds of pictures of the 'Minority Faction' or 'Fallout Tactics' armor from the original developers, and I would say with the exception of the cape on the shoulder, they are very, very accurate to what is shown in Fallout Tactics.


    However, it is still just a copy off of a 2001 3d model that even the game's own producer didn't think was retro enough for Fallout. In 2001 programs like Zbrush were still being developed, there were so many more limitations that a highly detailed model then isn't the same standard as a 'next-gen' model today. To make something like that fit today's gaming world, you have to take some artistic license and make some changes to it.


    Also, if you go by Fallout canon and lore, the Brotherhood couldn't have just made some new form of power armor, not even the Enclave had that technology till almost 4 decades later. It would have to be either a pre-war variation or a modification off of the T-51b. Either way, it would have to athetically look more similar to the T series of pre-war armors.




    And last of all, the term 'Midwest Brotherhood of Steel' was never actually used in any Fallout game, so I personally try to avoid it. They are usually referred to as "The Minority Faction".




    That being said, I am currently working in Zbrush to make a few different variations of lore friendly and next gen armors that are based off of the Fallout Tactics armor, just with more of a T-51b flair to them. I hope they turn out nice, designing armor is not exactly one of my strongest skills as a modder...


    I am also doing the same for the Calculator's humanoid robots, pacification robots, and the Reaver Movement.

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