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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't bother playing a mod that just adjusts what is already there. The reason for this is simple, I have already played the game through multiple times. It would take some incredibly miraculous stuff to make me want to go back and play through the main game again.


    And really, at this point in the lifespan of Fallout 3, I think almost everyone else has beat the game about as many times as they are going to. No one I know of is looking to play through the game another time, just with improvements and better balance.




    And on another point, though unlike my point before is pretty much just me. I never download weapon mods, ever. I don't think they do anything at all to help the game. Unless you can make a weapon that alters my playing style I am not interested. Just having another variation of a pistol or a rifle bores me to no end.




    But anyways, to get to what direction I personally would like. The thing that is 100% essential to Fallout 3 and the thing that gets people to come back and play the game all the time is the Open World / Sandbox aspect of Fallout.


    I forgot who said it earlier, but someone said that the mainquest/storyline is essential. With all do respect I couldn't possibly agree less. The main storyline is an afterthought of Fallout, and if that was the draw of the game then there is no way it would be averaging a 9 out of 10 rating on most websites and magazines. The thing that draws people to Fallout is that they can forge their own story and go their own path.


    The defining moment of Fallout is when you step out of Vault 101 and you see the vast Wasteland before you and you thing "wow... what should I do" and then you think, "I can do whatever I want!"




    So my point is, if you really want to make a mod that improves the game, expand the possibilities of the sandbox.


    The important thing is to focus on the kind of things players can continue to do that are fun, that doesn't require a scripted plot to be done. Dynamic aspects are more important than scripted quests.



    Sidequests are cool and all, but rather worthless when they don't loop back into "how does this help me" or "how does this improve the condition of the game world"



    I think your dreaming idea could fit very well into helping refine the sandbox aspect of the game. Stuff that doesn't happen because of a planned plot even, but just because that is how life in the Fallout sandbox is.




    I won't go into too much detail on specifics of how to go about expanding the sandbox and stuff unless you want me to, but for now I would just suggest something that expands on non plot of quest based battles. Stuff like having factions fighting for power or something, maybe randomly having Megaton or someplace under siege by Raiders that you can defeat or join. Anything that lets the player carve out their own path and identity in the Wasteland.





    But anyways, that's just my opinion. Take it for what it is.

  2. Well, I may be the only one that thinks this, but honestly I think facial expressions on the player character would really be wasted on a game like this. Unless you just really like to rotate you camera around all the time and walking backwards you arn't really going to see the face...


    When I first played Fallout I thought it was a huge waste how in depth they did the face customization, when I spend the whole game looking at the back of my character.



    Now, as someone who does animation I deffinatly agree that it is the subtlety of certain movements that can really make things seem more alive, and in another game I think it would be great. But the fact that both Oblivion and Fallout have cameras that lock to the back of your character no one would be seeing the hard work put into making all those expressions.


    Maybe in a game like Mass Effect, where you constantly see your characters face in conversations, and when you walk around with you gun holstered you can fully see your characters face when he or she turns around, but if the only time you are going to see it is when you stop what you are doing an pan the camera around, then it doesn't make much sence to me.

  3. On the subject of game engine limitations, I guess that is correct, these aren't engine limitations. If you wanted to add a shield to the game, you would be starting from the ground up. I know it would require custom animations, would probably need to be created as a piece of armor, but how to show it in first person view and have it move when you block and have the game use the shield instead of your equipped weapon is science beyond me. Certainly a heck of a lot harder than adding a new gun or ammo. Ultimately, I have been modding the game since I first finished playing it in September last year and the thing that struck me was things that did not include stuff that they had in oblivion, like the extra skils, models and animation. Oblivion itself left things out that were in Morrowind, like medium armor, pauldrons, spears, etc.


    Adding a sheild would be a game mechanic, which would have to be programmed, but it isn't part of the game engine.


    If you want to complain about the game engine, that would include stuff like the lighting problems and the lack of shaders or the game crashing a lot (my game never crashes at all, but if it did it would be the game engine) or the fact that you can't add physics to parts of a character.

  4. I still don't get how you are seeing the characters face all the time... If I am limping back to Megaton wounded I will be looking at the back of my character or in 1st person view...


    Or am I the only one who doesn't have the reverse camera mod that makes you look at the front of your character?

  5. The other is one that SHOULD be possible.. but PLEASE!!! none of those crazy huge boob jiggly meshes..

    I think with some of the better models and textures made for Fallout 3 a decent jiggly mesh to make females look and move more naturally would not be too much to ask.. Now don't go all indignant or whatever... I mean until it upgraded to the point where too many people couldn't play and quit pending their own pc upgrades.. an MMO I used to play had a jiggly built into it.. took me by complete surprise... but women moved and jiggled like women.

    it was a very moderate jiggle not something wildly weird like some I've seen... but quite natural appearing, Nothing modders here can't manage.

    Just want my avatar to not only look natural.. but move and jiggle naturally.


    You would have to modify the skeleton and then fix pretty much every single animation so that the added bones in the breasts would move. A "boob jiggly mesh" as you said is immpossible, because a mesh by its very nature doesn't have movement.

  6. I'm just curious, but how exactly are you seeing your character's face when in battle and walking around? I play with the third person camera over half the time, but I can't remember ever seeing my characters face during gameplay...
  7. If you are actually going to come through on what you say you will do and you can write on about the same level or better than this




    Then PM me



    To date I have had 19 people offer to do dialogue, and not ONE has writen even a single line... So if you are just fooling around, please don't waste my time. But if I can get a handfull of people who actually do something I could split the work up and make this mod a reality, but I can't get anywhere doing all of the dialogue myself, since I am not writer, I am a game designer and 3d artist...


    I am not looking for perfect, just quality enough to make the mod worth playing, so no one or two line conversations.



    But seriously, don't waste my time... I am very serious with that, if too many more people waste my time I will scrap the whole project and quit modding all together...

  8. I don't think pedophilia is OK anywhere.


    Now, don't shoot me for saying this, but I actually think American dislike of the Japanese may be rooted in WWII. The Japanese commited horrible atrocities then, like Pearl Harbour, and the American veterans, most of whom still live, have passed their memories of the Japanese to their children, giving them views of the Japanese which are now false.


    Bit of a long explanation such such a simple question :P.


    No offence, but I don't think you could be any further from the truth... At least when it comes to people modding videogames.


    I don't think anyone on any modding website anywhere on Earth is going to take Pearl Harbor into acount when modding a videogame.


    The only resentment toward Japanese people I have seen are people who think all they do is anime style mods that ruin the game, nothing against Japanese people as a whole, but a hatred toward anime style art.



    And pedophilia in ART is ok in Japan. Not only is it legal, but it is widely accepted in society as normal... Look it up if you don't beleive me.

  9. I would agree completly with ecksile.


    At least on the American side of things, we would have no problem putting thier mods up and playing thier mods if they wanted to post them here. But since they don't know English well they probably just don't want to spend the effort navigating out site and dealing with keeping track of how all the English websites work.


    There is no rivalry at all in my opinion. I don't post my stuff on Japanese sites because I can't speak or read Japanese, and I would assume the same works the other way around.




    The only time I have ever seen a Japanese mod get kicked off the site was when it was a kiddy porn mod, which I guess is ok over in Japan, but deffinatly against the Nexus rules and against what American culture finds acceptble.

  10. The GECK is a lot easier than you think. I avoided the GECK for about the first month it was out, but then I sat down with if for about 3 hours and found out that it really isn't that hard.


    Making a town is a simple as finding a spot in the Wasteland, putting down the houses and items you want around the town, and then building the interior spaces in the same fashion.


    Making a character naked is a simple as having a normal NPC and removing everything from their inventory.

  11. Sorry, but no one will write dialogue for me...


    If it wern't for that small problem I would already have the whole thing done. And not just some short halfased attempt either, I'm talking about fully dynamic dialogue with multiple paths that add variety and choice to it.



  12. I hope that in the geck(if they add one for this game)that it will include more features including more texturing/modeling stuff instead of using the complicated blender stuff and that the game is more moddable with more dlc!!


    Modeling and texturing is always done outside of the game engine. It wouldn't make any sence at all for Bethesda to put modeling and texturing tools into the GECK.


    Bethesda uses 3Ds Max and Photoshop and sometimes Zbrush to make stuff before putting it into the GECK, so they would never bother making their own tools to do it...

  13. Awesome :smile: . So will you have time to do the grain silo we talked about a few months ago?


    I completly forgot about that :ninja:


    I will have to go back a few pages and find the details on that again... But making a silo isn't a problem at all, it is just remembering to do it and finding some time with 3Ds Max.

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