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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. can you send me your my_npcs.esp file so I can see what you might have done wrong in the GECK


    if you want to see my files, you can get a lot of examples of my changes on my mod




    just compare mine and yours side by side and see if yours looks right


    you could also check and see if my mod works, and if mine does, then you know it is what you did in the GECK, and if mine doesn't work, then you have something else conflicting with it


    if you do find out that mine works, I can give you a quick walkthrough on how to change the stuff

  2. ok, I just need a simple question answered before I decide which of my mod ideas I should start working on


    I guess it really isn't mod troubleshooting, but I figured you could help, and then I wouldn't have to waste space with a quick question and answer topic



    I have my player character using the type 3 body with the type 3 armors and clothing, and some other random person in the wasteland has default body type and default armor... (I have the armor for my player character loaded as a new armor, not replacing the old one)


    so the question is, is there a possible way to kill random person, take their outfit, and have it be turned into the type 3 variant, and if so, would it screw up compatibility and be really difficult to work


    or could I just make it impossible to use the armors that you steal from NPCs with different body types



    because if not, then my idea to have different body types for different characters would be a total waste, unless of course you have your Fallout modded to be a nudist colony, but that would be just weird

  3. I think we need some of both


    I like the fact that I can go and get mods that make the game seem more realistic and keep the whole Fallout feel to everything


    but I also like haveing shiney new guns that are overpowered, and girls with fancy hair and makeup and smokeing hot bodies, even though they live in a freaken wasteland


    I like the fact that I can change the game based on my mood, that is why we have modding in the first place, isn't it... if you like it, then use it, if you don't, then leave it and move on to whatever you do like...

  4. I found my fairy tail, and am going to go through and re-theme it, so it seems like the kind of book Pre-War / Vault childeren would read (with a cheesey 50s nararation and a bit of anti-communist Propaganda) I was thinking about makeing the dragon a socialist ;)
  5. I have a fairytail I could give you, im not realy sure how long it is, I'll have to go find it first


    could probly fit in little lamplight or the school, or mabe even a vault (if you want it to be in a vault, tell me and I might change up the story a bit (add vaultech advertisments) and deffinatly change the texture)


    I could also retexture the book, but for some reason I can't get photoshop to open .dds files...

  6. what are the rules on posting a mod that includes a few textures and meshes from some other peoples mods?


    do I just credit them, or should I email them first?



    I couldn't find anywhere on this site that told...



    You have to ask for their permission, get said permission, AND give the proper credit. Steps 1&2 can be skipped if the readme specifically states so.


    Ok, one more question about that...


    What if I just upload the .ESP file that I made, and put a link to the page where they can download the hair and face retext themselves from the origional uploader



    I have emailed them and havn't got any responses yet, and I just realy want to know if anyone is even interested in downloading my mod before I expand on it

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