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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. Ok, this is a simpe request


    I just want some people to try out my mod and see if it works with whatever existing mods you use


    it isn't hard at all, all you need to do is


    1. download my mod

    2. put the BSA and ESM in your data folder (only two items, very easy)

    3. if you have any other hair or eye packs, uncheck the ESP or ESM

    4. play the game, see if it works

    5. if you don't like my mod, delete Hairpack.ESM and Hairpack.BSA from you DATA folder

    6. tell me how well it worked


    I'm not asking for anything hard, just play your game like always, and give me your feedback


    Here is my mod




    All it does is add hairpacks and eyepacks into one compatible package, and give NPCs new hair and eyes


    also, feel free to tell me if you don't like my design for any particular person





    and I thank in advance, anyone who is willing to help me out, if you need help testing your mod or something else simple like that (like help knowing how to put hair or eyes into the geck or something) I will try to repay the favor

  2. The Type3 body replacer shouldn't have a .esp file it is just a mesh and a texture, so you load those into the data folder and they just work (it loads them enstead of the default Fallout mesh and texture, no esp/esm required) His outfits for it have a .esp file, but it is 100% compatible with my mod


    My mod and his Body replacer don't have anything that will mess with the other in any way


    have you tried to run each one individualy, because it sounds to me like you have something wrong with your data folder or something


    it could also help if you could list the contents or give me a screenshot of you Fallout 3 data folder


    but you should try running no mods at all and see if the Type 3 works, if not, then you have the stuff in the wrond folder, then try just my mod running, and see if that works, and if it doesn't then tell me and I will tell you how to fix that

  3. I can get you at least one skyscraper modeled, probly more assumeing that you will be working on this over at least the next couple of months


    I will see what I can do as far as textures go


    I am really just doing this for the practice, because I need all the 3ds Max practice I can get

  4. any hair or eye mod will override the one before it


    so if you have any sort of hair or eye mod put on after mine in the load order, it will not work


    just uncheck all the other hair and eye esp or esm files and it should work just fine

  5. that is pretty awesome, I think at the least you could probly give it super jump abilities or something cool like that, but i really don't know


    only thing is the Japanese wouldn't have power armor... but that doesn't really matter

  6. what are you looking for as far as 3d models go for this mod, I may be able to provide some (no promises though)


    Im mean more along the lines of like buildings, signs, random structures, or possible a vehicle or two, I don't realy have the time or skills to pull off some nice cyberpunk outfits, though I would like to...


    but as far as makeing the models for some more clean and futuristic buildings, it really wouldn't take too long, since it would mostly be a lot of basic shapes with windows and stuff comeing in or out of the shape


    texturing on the other hand may be a bit hard, im really clueless on how to get the lighting and stuff for neon signs and the like

  7. Either way, I think someone should copy and paste some prostitutes into other cities as well. They were fairly common in the other games, and I imagine they would be in a world like that.


    You would think that in a total anarchy that lacks any sense of morality, where men with little more sense than cavemen rule over people simply because they have more guns and beat people that stand in their way, and those who arn't strong get sold into slavery or starve to death or get killed by Yao Gui or even worse, get captured and tortured by Super Mutants... Do you really think that in a world like that, a small pettite woman with no strength and no protection would use the one thing going for her (some really nice boobs) to gain some sort of power over the brutish cavemen that run things...


    next to being a raider, prostitution would probly be the most common job in the wasteland


    do you really think Dukov was the first guy with the brilliant idea to offer protection and food for sex...


    civilized places like Rivet City and the Citadel are deffinatly the minority as far as living conditions go... even in a place like BigTown, someone like Bittercup would probly much perfer to offer her "services" to the Vault Dweler as apposed to live in a hellhole where she would sooner or later end up in a Super Mutants soup, or captured by a slaver and sold to some caveman raider in Paradise Falls... or end up in the Pitt and mutate into a freaken Trog...


    so really, sex/prostitution mods would be more realistic than the game is right now, at least if it was pulled off right

  8. there is nothing immpossible at all about eather of those, it would just take a whole lot of time to bring out all of those different plates of metal and stuff, and im already too busy working on other stuff
  9. I am not ready for this thread to die out so here is an idea for some female Power Armor; although it would prolly require a major amount of model and texture time >.

    < Still would look f-ing awesome in game :P





    I think I might also try a variation of this, but make it more BOS style, somewhat of a combination between power armor and a scribe robe


    I'll probly take the basic armor shape and just add some technological wires and stuff to if


    but remember, im still new at this, so I don't know how well all that frilly cloth is going to turn out


    also, can you tell me what it is from, so I can get some more reference pictures

  10. The Tallgeese as a power armor? Holy crap. But I'd want the beam rifle and sword and board too. :D


    I'd love to be able to do the modelling and texturing and such, but I probably don't have the patience to learn and don't really have much artistic skill anyway. If I could do all that.. you can bet there'd be either an Iczer battlesuit or a BGC hardsuit up on the nexus.. or both.


    I am actually working on the beam cannon right now


    I need to find a good projectile for it, I will probly use the FatMan animation for it

  11. well, I was still going to work on it a bit, but I can send you the file now if you want


    pm me you email adress and I'll send it to you


    do you want a Max file or something else, like an Obj (I've never loaded stuff into Fallout before, so im not sure what you use)





    right now, about all I can make in 3ds max is robots and machines and stuff, my organic and cloth modeling isn't that great, but I am working on it

  12. I was thinking about converting this into power armor





    I already have some of the model made, but I was just makeing it for practice, and wasn't thinking about putting it into Fallout 3, but I guess it might work... I'll have to work on the model a bit more, but I deffinatly need the practice




  13. thanks for the replys


    but that does seem a bit out of my league, since my real priority is spending more time working on my 3d models and scripts tend to confuse me....


    but I do have one last question


    Lets say I have a Commpanion NPC that uses the Type 3 Alice body type, and I make a couple of custom outfits for her. Could I somehow lock it so she can only wear those set outfits, and nothing else, and so that there is absolutly no way the Player Character could trade her for those outfits or accuire them in any way

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