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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. I was just throwing around some ideas over in the request area, and mabe you would be interested in some of them for your new immproved Bigtown




    it is really just me spouting random ideas that I have no intention of makeing, but if you are going to end up makeing something along these lines, tell me and I can probly at least get you some 3D models and stuff done (examples of my stuff in my sig)


    but I could really see how awesome it would be to actualy have Bigtown be a dynamic livable city that you can keep improving and comeing back to, as opposed to just doing one quest and leaving forever...

  2. ya, I'll take the screenshots if you can get them




    should I add the tripod thing or not, since it can't be used on Fallout


    it is real easy to add if you want it though

  3. so, does anyone still want the gun from this picture?




    I have some free time to make it if someone could at least tell me the anime it is from or some complete pictures of it


    don't know why the link won't work...


    but it is from page 5


    Time to do my Part in my topic :D





    I would also say that would be a pretty bad ass gun to be running around with ;)

  4. *** I guess this is not so much a request for someone to make this for me, but just throwing some ideas out there too see what other people think, if someone did want to make this, I would deffinatly help, but there is no way I could do it all myself***


    Ok, I will start by saying, this idea is not exactly an easy one to explain without looking like a total idiot, so bear with me...


    The whole idea is to take Fallout, and add a Harvest Moon 64 kind of element to in... yes, I really said it... combining Fallout with Harverst Moon 64...


    This would not be something to take over a large area of gameplay, I don't have any intentions of turning Fallout into some kind of farming game where you spend more time doing borring chores than you actually do haveing fun and doing quests, the intention is really to be a sort of stop point in between going through the game as usuall... kind of something that supplements the main quest by grounding your character to the world so to speak, giving you a place to call home and something worth fighting for, as well as a new way to get supplies and stuff you need




    But I guess to truely convey my idea, I will have to explain what I have been doing to experement with the gameplay of Fallout 3


    I have played through Fallout 3 five time now, 2 on Xbox 360 with no mods, and then 3 more on my PC using various mods to make the game better. This most recent playthrough I have been trying to play the game based on a more realistic schedule, based around the main idea of getting 8 hours of sleep every night, and avoiding being in the Wasteland at nights. So I would get up around 8 in the morning (from my Megaton House, head out to Crater Side Supply, then go back to my locker and pull out the 4 weapons I would use for that day, always makeing sure I don't start the day with over 125 pounds. I would then go out and do quests and adventures untill it started getting dark, and then I would head back home for the night and start all over again.


    Playing the game through like this actually made it more fun, enstead of like before, where I would just head from one side quest to another and keep going night and day and every once in a while sleep and head to town when I started getting too much stuff... Playing based on going home every night seemed to help the pace of the game, it wasn't just constantly going from one Super Mutant fight to another. It was nice haveing a place to go back to. Also, the idea of only carrying 4 weapons was probly the best immprovment to gameplay I have found so far. It made me find combinations of weapons that worked well together, and I didn't keep relying on one weapon for certain situations. And I kept switching up weapons due to lack of ammo and the condition getting bad.


    But anyways, the problem I had with this is, going back to Megaton just seemed boring... yes, it immproved the pace of the game, but it never changes... You can visit people, but they always say the same thing... you can add stuff to your house, but they really don't do anything for you... It is just lacking a real dynamic and changeing atmosphere




    But anyways, the idea I want to go off of is haveing not just a house to go back to, but an entire dynamic town that you could live in and change. This is where the whole Harvest Moon 64 idea came in.


    A few months back I was going through some old games and found the game, I put it in to play for a bit, and before I knew it 4 hours had gone by... The game really isn't that fun, really, it is quite boring, but something about it is quite adictive. The thing that really draws people to keep playing games like that is that it keeps giveing you rewards for doing boring tasks, if you plant food, it grows and you get money from it, and then you can keep upgradeing your stuff and get gifts for girls who will in turn go on dates with you, and then you get laid, and everyone is happy....


    So what I want to do is bring this over to Fallout. So here is a list of what I would have in the town


    1. Your Home - this would be little different than the home you have in the game already, just places to sleep and store weapons and stuff you don't want to carry around. the main difference is you would be able to buy add on stuff from the carpenter who could build you a bathroon (+ speech and barter) or a weight room (plus meele and big guns) or shooting range (plus small guns) they would not require you to use them, it would just be added to your well rested bonus, since working out on a videogame would be just plane boring. you could also add deffences to you house like Mister Gutsys or machine gun turrets. the last thing you could do is invite people to your house for various reasons :biggrin:


    2. Your Farm - it would just be a small patch of land outside of your house, where you could raise Brahmin and grow plants (I would have to make some seeds that you would find out in the wasteland, and the best stuff would be much harder to find) You could milk the Brahmin to get milk to heal hp and radiation. You could eather sell your plants and milk or use it to heal you enstead of stocking up on stimpacks all the time (my number one hate about Fallout) also, if it would be possible, i would put in some mutated hourses you could use as transportation around the wasteland


    3. The Town - it would be a pretty simple town, but the main difference would be how the people react to you. completing quests would help them get better stuff, and they would respond to your karma and how much you interact with them. they would also have events you could choose to attend. you could give people gifts you found out in the wasteland and they would like you better for it and give you cheaper prices and stuff. there would also be a few characters you could have a relationship with if you were nice to them and gave them gifts, and then you could have them move in with you


    But the whole idea would be to give you a place to call home, that you would fortify and protect from Super Mutants, Raiders, Enclave, and Yao Gui (unless you had Animal Freind, and then they may help your town) One of the people in the town would be a lookout and radio you on you pipboy in time for you to get back and help protect your town form invasion, or if it is only a small attack and you have robots and dogs to defend the place, you could just ignor it




    But anyways, this is just some food for thought, im not even sure how this would really be possible or if people would even like it, but feel free to share your ideas and opinions


    and like I said, if anyone does want to try something like this, I would be more than happy to help, I am still just an amature 3d modeler (links to my stuff in my sig) and I could probly figure out how to make the town, but past that I am pretty clueless and don't have time to learn everything neccessary to make this


    also, feel free to tell me im crazy if you want, but I already know that...

  5. o_O



    I say, you need to make a separate request thread for that highly awesome idea.

    Call it "Fallout Moon" or something :P


    I think I might just do that, as well as steal that name :wink:

  6. I dont really mean programming i meant using the geck and that kind of stuff. Yes i know its alot of work and im asking alot, but if you are good at this stuff and are able to build it for me would appreciate it thank!!!


    The Geck is not hard, just takes time and pateince


    and from what it sounds like, you don't even need any new models or anything, so it wouldn't need any 3Ds Max or Photoshop work at all, just going into the GECK and setting up the stuff where you want it (since it seems like you already know how you want it)


    and then not only would it come out how you planned, but you could learn a thing or too about modding


    amd everyone wins

  7. I'd like to make some of my party members look like heavy metal musicians and they need long hair to achieve this look. I was thinking the easiest way to do this would be to make a "hair helmet" with the style I want that the NPCs wear, overriding their default hairstyle.


    Would this work? I think I could figure this out in geck, but I'm not quite sure how to do it.


    It is VERY easy to change up the hair in the GECK, first you need a hairpack with some long hair for guys (my mod in my sig has a cmbination of all the different hair mods if you are interested) Then open the GECK, load up your data from Fallout.esm, go to NPCs, select the one you want to change, go to the Head Parts tab, and simply change it...


    if you need any more help doing it, just ask


    I have done this already on over 100 characters, so I know it works

  8. Get a dds plugin for photoshop. But it depends on what graphics card brand you have , just google photoshop dds plugin.


    I tried that and it didn't work...


    I am running CS4 and have an ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series Graphics card... but no matter what I do, it won't work, and I'm just sick of fighting with it...


    so it would be great if someone could just send me a JPEG...



    Google a program called dds converter 2. As for the body if you can wait till later tonight maybe an hour or two then i will send you one to your email...by the way did you ever send me that file :P


    actually, I forgot to send you the files, I'll get that right now (including the Zaku head)


    but im in no hurry for the body model, I just can't start working on some clothes untill I get it


    I just really don't want to be downloading all of these extra programs right now, I just got my computer all streamlined and running extreamly fast again...

  9. if someone wants to do that, it would be perfectly fine by me


    use it as a locker to store stuff... stick it next to your wall to scare Raiders away...


    whatever works


    but I however don't have a clue how to do that

  10. I've always thought it would be cool to have some sort of Farm mod... raise Brahmin, grow radiated fruit, protect that fruit and Brahmin from raiders... build giant walls and add machine gun turrets to keep out raiders...


    It would be like Harvest Moon 64, but everything would be horrible irradiated, you would be constantly be attacked by Super Mutants, Yao Gui, Raiders, The Enclave, and Raiders, and you could buy slaves from Paradise Valley to do your work for you... (or I guess you could hire someone the honest way, but what fun is that...)


    Yes, I just sujested combining Harvest Moon 64 and Fallout, I know I am crazy...


    Might be crazy but that sounds like a fun idea.


    Most stuff that ends up being fun is totaly crazy :wink:


    My last play through I just felt like going through the game on a sceduel, I always woke up at 8, went to buy supplies from Moira, stashed all uneccesary items in my house, take only 4 weapons and 3 armors (makeing sure I have less than 125 pounds of stuff) and then went out on my journey, makeing sure to return before 12 so I could get a full 8 hours of sleep...


    And honestly, that was probly the most fun playthrough of Fallout 3 I have had... I don't know why, but doing things on a day to day basis, as aposed to just running through mission after mission without returning home, just seemed to have a better overall feel to it (that, and only carrying a handful of weapons, and switching them up everyday)


    But what would be cool, is if you had a more dynamic home with all sorts of stuff to do to get more money for supplies, and neighbors that would come by and see you, and some hot chicks (or guys if your a female character) that you could give gifts in order to get them to like you and have sex with you... And you would be able to grow food and the better you took care of it, the more it would heal you, so you could pretty much defeat the need of stocking up on Stimpaks all the time (my least favorite part of Fallout) And you could raise Brahmin and Mutated Hourses you could ride (only if someone could possibly get rideable hourses working) And then you would have random Raider and Super Mutant attacks and have to protect your home and farm, and you could set up machine gun turrets and stuff...


    But it would mostly just be a place to spend about 5 to 10 minutes in before you go out on your daily quest, and then return to back at night and get supplies, just kind of a side thing while you are working toward the ultimate goal of completing the main quest...


    but anyways, that really has nothing to do with what this thread is about, so I will stop now...

  11. Get a dds plugin for photoshop. But it depends on what graphics card brand you have , just google photoshop dds plugin.


    I tried that and it didn't work...


    I am running CS4 and have an ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series Graphics card... but no matter what I do, it won't work, and I'm just sick of fighting with it...


    so it would be great if someone could just send me a JPEG...

  12. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5075/zakutallgeese.jpg






    I don't know... just felt like trying some stuff...

  13. http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/6609/texturepic1.jpg








    just a 3d model, I have no intention of messing with trying to get it into the game, since I would rather spend my time working on makeing better models, but if anyone is interested at all, tell me and I will send you the file


    just give me credit if you ever do make a mod with it


    the texture work isn't done, so if you do find use for it, I will fix up the textures a bit more for you, but as of right now I have moved on to other projects and see no reason to work on it unless someone wants to use it

  14. but this particular face was made using a mod that sin7188 has stated belongs to someone else who specifically gives no permission to share/upload it.

    I can't do anything about that, but does this character bear a strong enough resemblance?




    "Angel" Level 1 player character saved at exit of Vault 101. Vanilla Fallout 3 Hispanic race. Uses Hairstyle Hair08 from Hair Pack v 2.1 and Luchaire's Type V body.


    If there is interest I would be willing to upload this save game. It started as an NPC facegen as well.


    my personal opinion is that you need some new eyes...




    great character, but the eyes just seem empty and missing something


    then agian, it may just be the lighting, and in that case just ignor my stupid comment

  15. I've always thought it would be cool to have some sort of Farm mod... raise Brahmin, grow radiated fruit, protect that fruit and Brahmin from raiders... build giant walls and add machine gun turrets to keep out raiders...


    It would be like Harvest Moon 64, but everything would be horrible irradiated, you would be constantly be attacked by Super Mutants, Yao Gui, Raiders, The Enclave, and Raiders, and you could buy slaves from Paradise Valley to do your work for you... (or I guess you could hire someone the honest way, but what fun is that...)


    Yes, I just sujested combining Harvest Moon 64 and Fallout, I know I am crazy...

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