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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. just make a custom race that you play as


    put a 2 at the end of the texture files for your characters skin textures


    go into the custom race and switch all the body textures to the new one


    and then you should be fine

  2. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5716/chairx.jpg


    just started on some of the new furniture I want to make


    I want to have the carpenter sell a lot of stuff, and if possible, I want it to be able to be used for your Megaton or Tenpenny house as well


    once I get to texturing it I want to make it look like really worn leather, but I just wanted to post a start to see if anyone thinks this is the direction I should go style wise


    (it is also still missing the wooden feet...)

  3. yes, I am planning on starting out very basic


    but I want to have my overall blueprint for my mod first, so that I know where I am going and have a clear plan of attack


    I don't want to just start building and realise I didn't leave enough room for something immportant



    I just always thought it was a good idea to know where you are going before you start building

  4. I deffinatly want to have some quests


    but mabe it should be killing Ann's livestock and you have to help her, and then she would like you better


    I want to at least have one small quest for each girl


    but anyways, which guys do you think I should put in there?

  5. Ok, I don't know how possible this would be, but I thought it might be really cool to set up the girls as very unique companions, more of which wouldn't fight at all


    Karen - she would be the only one that would perform like a standard companion and shoot up people and stuff


    Popuri - she would automatically boost your barter skill, and she would have the ability to search for valuable items for you (like how Dogmeat does, but she gets better results)


    Elli - she would probly be the most usefull of all, and it is actually an idea I have been wanting to try for a while now. She would be able to heal you for free and give you food that will temporarily up certain stats (like buffout and psyco and stuff, but from her food with no side affects)


    Maria - when she is on your team your guns get much less damage, and she can repair them for you and she could also make stuff you would usualy need a workbench for


    Ann - she would automatically give you animal freind and she would be able to summon different animals to fight for you (she may have a pet too, mabe a Yao Gui or something... im not sure)


    any feedback on this?

  6. I have just started working on this mod right here




    The whole idea is to have a town that is 100% sustainable without haveing to scavenge the Wasteland, so it will have at least a Farm and Brahmin, and I am hopeing hourses and chickens if I can figure it out


    I am building some new items and furniture and such for the town, and am going to put the town together once I figure out what exactly is going to be needed


    I was hopeing to start a brainstorming discussion, but that really hasn't worked out completly



    but if you are interested in helping me, all you need is two things


    1. A brain


    2. A Keyboard


    and a guess you would need hands in order to type your ideas... but if you could type this I guess that is already covered



    All I need is people that will throw out some ideas, read other peoples ideas, and respond to those people ideas...



    Once I get all the brainstorming done and get the town put together, it will be 100x more likely that I can get some people to help me get the plant growth scripts and stuff to work, and if not, I am sure I could figure it out


    This is a long term mod, so it won't be done too soon, but anything you can do to help would be appreciated would be great

  7. Well right off the bat I'm thinking that perhaps you should use GTS and find a good, unique worldspace. Perhaps somewhere greener where cultivation is plausible. And I suggest you call it a town and not a city.


    I don't really want to use a new worldspace simply because it would kind of de-attatch you from the Wasteland a bit, I was really thinking of haveing it just outside of the normal game borders, as in, the edge of the town would be just barely touching the wasteland


    but im not sure on that





    but what do you guys think about connecting this town to a vault or something... not being in a Vault, but mabe they are decendents of Vault people who built their town and the Vault is in the back of the town hidden or something, and maybe they had a GECK that turned the town more habitable




    And I was also thinking about fixing up my tank model (in my sig) so that it looks better, and trying to get it to work somehow, and mabe that is why the town is so protected from Super Mutants and Raiders





    both of those could lead to some cool quests, but just ideas I am throwing out to get some thoughts





    But as far as growing stuff goes, I would like it if it started out iradiated, and though takeing good care of the land it becomes more pure (bring purified water and stuff)




    and what about building the town up high on a platue or something


    if someone wants to go into Fallout and find some locations and take screenshots, that would be great

  8. Bookstore or abandoned Library


    Eatery/Food Store/Baked goods


    Small Garden outside


    I can't beleive I forgot the bar... wow...


    but I really like the idea of using the names from Harvest moon


    don't want to be copying it too much, but it would be a great start to work off of


    I think it would be cool if you got to write books for the Library, she asks you question about you quest and you give answers to fill it in


    A flower shop in the wasteland would be pretty hillarious

  9. - Mayor's House / Office

    - General Store

    - Resturaunt

    - Library

    - Barber Shop (only if I can figure out getting new hair, if not, I won't waste an entire building for haircuts)

    - Blacksmith / weapon and armor store

    - Carpenter

    - Barracks (mabe a small wall around the town too...)

    - 2-4 Regular Houses


    The Mayor and his wife live in the Mayor office building

    One of the girls and her parents will live in the general store's top room

    One of the girls and her brother will live in the resturaunt and run the place

    The librarian will live in the Libraries back room

    No one will live in the Barber Shop

    The Blacksmith will have a seperate extension with his forge and will live in the other area attatched to the shop

    The Carpenter will have a mill like thing behind his house/office area

    All the gaurds will stay in the bunkers at the barracks

  10. I have one, havn't used it in ages, but I will go pull it up and see what my screename thing is


    but I am about to head to work, so I will get it when I get home tonight (won't do much good messageing me while im at work)

  11. hello


    I am just a noob to 3Ds Max, only been at it a few months


    I have a mod I just started about 6 hours ago if you are interested, even if you just want to throw out some ideas or make a chair or something


    I view it as a long term mod, mostly as something to motivate me to keep practiceing my 3D modeling


    but if you want to help the link is in my sig (first one)


    and if you are really a master of 3Ds Max, I would take any advice you could give me on how to get better, some of my work is in my sig


    but anyways, have fun on this site

  12. But anyways, I think I will begin a topic to start the brainstorming process


    give me all the ideas you have


    We just need to narrow this idea down to exactly what we want to be put in the game, that way it will be much easier to actualy start implementing ideas


    From what I have seen, most of the mods that never get made that people support, is that no one ever narrows down their ideas into what exactly they want to do, they have the general idea, but not specific enough to be the blueprint for a mod, so that is what I want to do first, before I start getting people to make all sorts of stuff for this mod



    so, for anyone that wants to post and join in this Brainstorming session, I will credit you as part of my all immportant Brainstorming team if I ever get this mod done


    So, the first brainstorming topic will be


    Who do we want in the city?


    I need to know what roles need to be filled, the names of those people, and any and all information you can come up with about backstory and personality


    I also need to know what exactly these people would do for the Town


    and I really just want a general idea of how many people you think should go in the town (it is hard to build the town when you havn't narrowed down the size or the funtion of the buildings first)




    I will start the brainstorming by saying, if we are going to stay close to Harvest Moon games


    5 Girls that you can flirt with, that would also have various other jobs they do, such as running shops or possibly a barber


    ***** side not *****I asked some people that are good at this stuff how possible it might be the have a Barber that has only unique hairstyles not found in the rest of the game, they havn't answered yet, but if they tell me it is possible, I will make some custom hairstyles just for this mod to get from the local barber shop **********


    I also think it would be cool if one of the girls was a badass security gaurd or something


    we would also need guys for people that use female characters, but this is less immportant, since most people that use female characters are still guys, and don't want to have their female character flirting with guys (correct me if im wrong, im more going from my own opinion here)


    so I would say only 3 guys


    but all of these characters would double as ordinary freinds and their normal jobs if you didn't have a relationship with them


    I am also thinking it might be cool to have 2 of the chicks be possibly bisexual, so you can have a relation ship with them even if you are a girl player character, one of them would be obviously bi, while the other would take a lot of work but would be possible


    I suck at comeing up with names, so if anyone can simply come up with that, it would help greatly


    We will deffinatly be needing a carpenter, probly a farmer as well


    One person will run the general shop and another would sell food, possibly mabe a cook and a waitress


    we would also need a couple gaurds, a mayor, and mabe even a library or something


    we deffinatly really need a good repair person, that if you help them out (by completing quests and stuff) you can get them to repair stuff to 100% for a small charge (mabe this could be the nerdy girl character... but not like Moira though, more of an introverted nerd...)


    so, anyone else have some input?

  13. Would it be possible to have some hairstyles that are only available from one certain NPC in the Wasteland? So you can't select it from the regular race menu, but when you go to that NPC it is available (perferably those hairstyles would be the only ones that NPC could give you)


    I just want to know if it is possible, because if so I am going to add a barber into the town I am building, if not, then I won't waste my time

  14. I really like this idea of character settling down, there are already mods for survival ( = Basic needs, cooking... ) so I am pretty sure this idea is possible to fullfil.


    ya, I plan on somehow combining this with some of those stuff, but I want to make sure it doesn't throw the game out of balance, where you spend too much time doing boring stuff


    but I think the main problem with basic needs mods is that going home and sleeping is boring and there are no interesting people you can get to cook for you and stuff, it is like I said in my last post, it doesn't really add to the soul of the game, though it is executed great...


    I don't mean this as an insult to the people that make mods like that, because I have nothing but the highest respect for them, I'm just saying that I would like to expand on the concept by not just haveing you need stuff, but have you actually want to go back home at the end of the day, and actually want to visit the dinner or have your girlfreind cook for you or something...


    but maybe I am just being to ambitios... I don't know.... but hey, whats the worst that can happen? I get practice modeling and learn more about modding videogames even though my mod failed... doesn't sound too bad to me



    But anyways (damn I say that alot... mabe I should come up with some new transition words...)


    The part of this mod I think is going to be the biggest challenge is actualy haveing dynamic characters with dynamic diolague...


    I will need a lot of help scripting the characters and stuff, and they will have more dialogue than even some of the most major Vanilla characters, so I will need a lot of voice actors


    And im not even sure how possible it is to have them change their views about how much they like you based on reveiving gifts and stuff

  15. I think I may start working on this as a very long term project (mabe it will be done in 2 years or so)


    Im just going to start by makeing mew models for stuff around the town. I am a bit tired of seeing the constantly used chairs and beds and stuff they use everywhere else, and want something a bit more fresh. But mainly because 3D modeling is what I like to do, and I need some practice building some objects and getting good textures on them.


    But remember, I have only been using 3Ds Max for a few months, so don't expect too much


    Once I'm done with this stuff I will move on to building the town, but that will deffinatly be a while






    But anyways, I would appreciate all the help you are willing to offer, and I'm not just talking about people that can 3D model or use the GECK. I need ideas and concepts too


    I would appreciate any and all concept art, no matter how badly drawn it is, I just need some more ideas to go off for stuff, characters, buildings, crazy cow milking contraptions, whatever you have, as long as it fits the Harvest Moon mod


    If you can't draw, it would be just as good if you could search around on google and find me pictures of cool furniture and buildings that would fit into the Fallout world, but also be a change from what is already on the game, you probly don't understand how truly valuable good reference pictures are when 3D modeling.... If you have a camera and are willing to find me some good pics of stuff, that would be insanely helpful


    I would also really appreciate it if I could get some ideas on the town layout, just go into paint and throw in some squares for buildings... I have some ideas on how I want the town, but am haveing trouble deciding what direction I want to go


    Also any sort of story ideas for quests, background of the town, background of characters in the town, just simple dialogue or whatever, anything is a help, and if you don't beleive that, just look at this topic and see how I like to take ideas that really arn't that great and run with it


    And if you don't think your stuff is good enough to be of use to me, just read this topic and how I took this guys basic and cliche story and helped him out, I work best when people throw me simple ideas and let me go crazy with them, so throw me all you stuff




    But I still will also need people who actualy can get the stuff to work such as makeing the food grow and everything, but I will completly understand if you want to see this come a little further before you help, but if you do want to help now go right ahead, but I won't be expecting much untill I get the town close to finished









    But the whole idea right now is to get a solid soul behind this mod, so it doesn't turn out to be some town with generic people and generic stuff to do that just seems lifeless and boring, even though they system works fine. It needs to connect you to the game, not just be another Megaton where you don't feel like you truly belong or are needed... you need to actually like the people in it... What point is haveing a home and people you can interact with if you don't like those people...


    But anyways, If I get the concept down and make a real badass locking town, it will be much easier to get others to help get this working

  16. this is a really horrible title for a topic...


    first, why would it at all be a suprise that people havn't made Battletech mods?


    and second, the title doesn't even say what kind of mod you a requesting...


    I'm not trying to be rude, just trying to make a point that no one wins when you don't make clear and to the point titles... people who like Battletech will probly overlook this topic, while people like me waste their time opening this page to find out they don't even know what Battletech is...

  17. Just open up the geck, go to NPCs, search for Clover, and then modify her to how you want, then save


    Changeing NPCs is very simple


    Now as far as trying to get the face from a former save, I wouldn't even waste my time trying, I don't know of any way you can to do it...

  18. if this thread was all about pervy stuff, I would have been kicked out a long time ago...


    unless of course you are some kind of weird perve that is into lolicon girls wearing Zaku 2 helmets and carrying sniper rifles...


    but ya, Tallgeese 3, Zaku 2, and a sniper rifle deffinatly don't go into the category of pervy anime... and not even the Saber that I am working on can really count as pervy eather


    I don't have a body mesh to work on, so I can't make anything pervy anyways, though I am working on makeing my own body mesh, that will deffinatly be a long long time before I get it looking good, considering how much I still need to learn about 3Ds Max (I only first used it 4 months ago...)

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