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Everything posted by zanity

  1. One day people will have a good stab at modding Factorio or Satisfactory like systems into this game, as well as Star Trek replicators and the like. Meanwhile Beth crafting systems have always been horrible, and are simply unbearable at this level of 'complexity'. Even in Fallout 3, crafting was deity awful, with the need to remember the random list of junk, and quantities, to make any unique weapon, and then avoid the weight limit when collecting said junk (tho what you made with the blueprints was mostly highly imaginative). The process of crafting should be fun. Todd is just too thick to get this. He thinks crafting should be a pain in the backside to 'compensate' for the benefit of the wonderful item you get as your 'reward' for suffering the pain. No-one likes this. Yeah, people wanna work for the reward, but work and suffer are two different concepts.
  2. Beth games, without mods, have NEVER been about role playing. Instead they are about gameplay. In Fallout 3 the 'bounty' system was about generating random combat encounters to make the wasteland more 'interesting'. Whether good or bad, you got a bounty where good guys or bad guys chased you- but to the same end- more gunplay. I recall Skyrim did advance the system to allow a fine to be paid to a guard. Systems in fallout 4 regressed and systems in Starfield have regressed further. Mods will improve on all these systems just as soon as possible. No-one likes any of the current systems, and Beth's game by game dumbing down has made even basic stuff much worse. But a lot, and I mean a LOT of modding evolution must happen before viable role-playing can be a thing in this game.
  3. Tsk, tsk- asking for such a thing here sounds like a ban to me. This will not have been done by accident. And Nexus has stated such purposeful inclusions may not be undone by mods hosted here.
  4. You think the game originally intended to do more- really. Well here's a fact that will amaze you. The original dev design was for an ambitious and actually good game, that Team Todd worked on for years, and in the end had to give up on. The game you now play is the result of a desperate attempt to salvage anything- and there will be dangling threads from the original design specs all over the pitiful wreck we ended up with. For instance, do you really think the original intent was to have the SAME artifact in the SAME cave that just happens to be randomly tacked onto a non-related dungeon, without even a wall you have to break down to find it? I mean come on. A core story element like that, clearly bashed out on the editor at the very last moment in five minutes. Beth's older, vastly better games had a ton of cut content too. Did you know Team Todd tried to implement a working stagecoach transport system in Skyrim (and FAILED of course). A mod later did a pretty good job of fixing what Team Todd was far too hopeless to get working. Of course Starfield has DLC (everyone's eyes roll) coming- but it seems that this is now intended to be a major Witcher/Cyberpunk like story addition. However, this will almost certainly try to add some (broken half-baked) new systems. Maybe they'll give all the robots pronouns, and have them hit on you.
  5. In general, this is a very BAD gameplay design. It would take too long to explain why. But in Starfield, it can work. However, only on a whole planet specifically modded for this purpose and experience. And this is the perfect future of modded Starfield. Individual planets that, by being their own unique thing, can go wild in experimental gameplay concepts that otherwise have been proven to not work at all well. Better- we WANT this. The Star Trek (TOS, not the rubbish that came later) approach where every new planet is a potential Lovecraftian horror, with rules that the explorer will only learn via first hand experience. But the freaky MUST be contained to be fun. Splattering freaky ideas across planets in general would make for awful gameplay. Indeed this design philosophy is why vanilla Starfield is trash. Every planet the same- since every planet merely uses the same dull-witted systems. No surprises. No mental challenge. Planets should be DIFFERENT. So until you land, you won't even be able to guess what you are going to see and experience. Like the vaults in Fallout- remember. How dull-witted would Fallout have been if every vault had the same concept, like the planets of starfield.
  6. Already discussed at the highest industry level by animation experts in other companies. They could not believe how trash the eye animation system is in Starfield. Yes, it needs to be fixed, but CANNOT be fixed until the right tools and documentation releases. We await a total body replacement system. Hair replacement. Face mesh fixes. And then facial animation fixes- which will be the most difficult given the game has a full facial animation system already to facilitate the expressive movements for speech. Many do not understand this, but earlier Beth games were very hard to repair in certain areas down to the code essentially being limited to small pools of memory and a single CPU core. These restrictions were hard-coded, and a consequence of the game code being highly compromised in order to run on laughable poor consoles. Starfield also compromised to run on the (now hopeless) Xbox-S, but even this out-dated console has loads of CPU cores, and a decent amount of memory from the POV of mod needs. I don't mean mods running on this console, I mean the lowest common denominator code target for Starfield is good enough for Starfield PC mods to do things they could not have done on earlier Beth games. Starfield mods can be much more ambitious as a result, and total animation overhaul mods should be easy eventually.
  7. There are TWO basic leveling philosophies. 1) the player levels to unlock more fun abilities, BUT at the same time the world around the player levels up so the player is never at an advantage. 2) the world exists INDEPENDENTLY from the player skill set, so the player must level up to take on those parts of the world ALWAYS at a given higher level. Gamers war as to which of the two is better. It makes sense for a Beth game to mostly use 2, but for 2 to work, the player must organically become aware of the regions too high a level to currently take on. Of course the way in which 1 or 2 is implemented can vary. A familiar enemy can just become 'tougher' to kill- rather rubbish UNLESS said enemy visibly gets, say, better armour. Then you can make a fight tougher by having MORE enemies, while each enemy keeps its base armour and weapon stats. New enemies can of course, be introduced with much higher stats WITHOUT breaking immersion. Here's the thing. Whether a game uses 1 or 2, it doesn't matter unless the game is well designed. Starfield is utter trash. Garbage of the lowest order. People currently tolerate it because of the volume of the 'story'- missions and quantity of dialogue. But the systems are the worst. They don't need 'fixing' but replacing. A total overhaul. Here's the thing. Imagine the game 4 years hence, modded to the gills. Now think about combat. Say a modder has created an entire planet. What will combat be like on that planet? A would say combat will almost certainly be at a FIXED level- ie., system 2. A modder will almost never want to attempt system 1 (which requires a complex pre-existing combat system framework). Fine, so now its a matter of what form of leveling system will make it the most fun to take on the modded planet. Todd's current system, where you end up a battle GOD is the worst possible idea. Play the game for a few dozen hours, and all potential battle mods lose all of their challenge. What you really want is the greatest variety in RPG battle builds, where the idea is NOT to become a leveled up battle god, but where you have maximum build variety in how your character experiences battle. Of course if your build leans on armour and gun choices, you can always choose to NOT use the stupidly over-powered versions of either to maintain gameplay challenge. The perk overhaul mods for earlier games focused on fun, unique and build appropriate skills, NOT dull-witted stat boosts. If you want THOUSANDS of hours in a mega modded Starfield, you are going to need to believe you are always in danger. This is a game design challenge even the best stand-alone game devs never have to face.
  8. Wow- just wow. The incompetence of the clowns that made this game just keeps on astonishing even me. But here's a word (or two) to the wise. SIM SETTLEMENTS. In other words don't waste any time using Todd's clownshoes non-essential systems in this game. They are nothing but a trash afterthought there to 'fatten' the game specs for the hard-of-thinking. To make you think vanilla Starfield is worth a AAA price. Instead, wait until those that know what they are doing add a full correct settlement system to the game, sometime after, at the earliest, two years. Personally, I think current Starfield should inspire open world Beth game fans to go back and play a super modded version of any of their earlier games while waiting the many months for Starfield even beginning to be de-bugged, repaired, and then completely over-hauled. None of this work will be done by Bethesda or the jokes they call "official patches". But the community will work wonders eventually.
  9. Ah, this has ALWAYS been part of the 'fun' of a Beth game. I know a person who (temporarily) gave up Fallout 3 in disgust because they accidentally 'stole' an item in a shop, had all the town people turn hostile, and had no good earlier save to turn to. Even in the good old days, when Beth employed people of talent (all have long gone now), the design of various systems led to some terrible annoying outcomes, BUT once one learned the issues, it became part of the enjoyment to work with them. And, of course, there were always mods that altered or removed the annoyances. Anyhoo the follower scripts in Starfield are utter broken junk. Mods will completely overhaul them, in combat and out, but only when the tools and documentation become available.
  10. Apparently, there is a LOD bug in the image upscaling option, down to Beth agenda hires being unable to even read the technical guidelines, and understand what they mean. The latest patch SUPPOSEDLY fixed the bug, but given there was a mod that already claimed to do this, the official patch probably just stole the method from the mod. The mod may have been buggy, or Beth's implementation of the mod's solution may have been buggy, or you may be using the unpatched version of the game, without the mod. So, check whether you are using upscaling, and if so whether the quality reappears when you switch upscaling off. Check to see if your game is patched, and if it is patched whether you also have the mod that fixed the negative LOD bias bug. From my experience with the game, game settings may have an impact on texture quality even when you think they would not. So you may have changed settings you did not think would have this effect, but they do.
  11. Hahahahahahahahahaha- what was that game where everyone cried like a baby because they didn't get the 'good' ending? Dishonored I think it was. Oh, and people cried like a baby over the karma system in Fallout 3. And cried like a baby over climbable 'towers' in Ubisoft games. Dumb it down. Dumb it down. Dumb it down. And what happens when the big devs follow the 'wisdom' of the masses. An every more streamlined, bland, and pointless gaming experience that even the mainstream reviewers hate these days. I loathe the trend where the bigger devs ruin their games by taking out every mechanism that some crybaby mob whines endlessly about on forums. Interestingly the Dark Souls games wouldn't even exist if their dev ever paid one second of notice to the crybabies. But they don't- they do the opposite- listen to the informed fans and double down. Boohoo, some non-existent NPC said or thought something NEGATIVE (the boohooing is never about inappropriate praise or fawning) about my character. How will I ever live the shame of it down? Please Mr Game Designer, never ever do such a thing again. I deserved the GOOD ending in Dishonored. I know that I did. Make sure you recognise how wonderful I am in Dishonored 2. And so the climbable towers vanished in games. And karma vanished. And Dishonored 2 didn't dare to 'judge' the player. To the terrible detriment of the new games. Poor old starfield tried so hard to be bland, safe, and agenda friendly- it really did. But one agenda bumped against another. The need for an 'npc' 'approval' system so the straight male player character would be forced to experience the slash fiction version of Raylan Givens from Justified hitting on him simply because the player made reasonable moral choices. And then Team Agenda could mock people rightfully moaning about this on Steam. If 'romance' wasn't in starfield (without the ability of the player to define the sexuality of his/her character in the character creation section- an omission the agenda demanded- 'pronouns' yes, the Human Right to choose one's own sexuality- no), then 'affinity' wouldn't be in the game. The last thing Todd wants to do is 'offend' the most mainstream of his player base who want anything 'crunchy', difficult or challenging removed from the game design.
  12. May I respectfully suggest you use one of the many excellent language translation functions of services like Yandex. By doing so, you will be able to talk at length in your native language, confident that the translated version posted here reads as very good English. A short incoherent post with enough spelling and grammar mistakes implies to most people that further conversation would be pointless. As to the internal data structures of starfield, until the official support tools and documentation release, all mods are based on hopefully speculation- an assumption that what worked with Fallout 4 will work with Starfield. This is a false assumption. Even apparent similarities may have hidden changes. When 'strange' things are found, modders- not being the people who created and coded Starfield- are literally clueless. Some people are trying to reverse engineer the game- a largely pointless endeavour given the promise by Beth to release specs by early 2024. In other words if you need to ask a question like this you need to wait. Those with the skills to do high quality reverse engineering never ask such questions because they understand the answers come from systematic experimentation with an undocumented code blob.
  13. I will make one salient point- the stuff you want is all doable BUT cannot be largely achieved using the old modding methods. Starfield needs co-operation between key modders. Not at the level of story or gameplay vision- everyone will have their own ideas there. No, the co-operation needs to be at the level of universal frameworks and data structures, toolsets and documentation. With Starfield being as deity awful as it is, this game can never be improved by simply poking at the existing pathetic excuses for systems in the vanilla game. Every system in the game is dreadfully designed, dreadfully coded garbage. But if a hundreds mods all try to replace and improve the same system, where does that get us? Take space travel. The first question should be "what new space travel framework would best support new space associated mods?" Using the existing putrid Starfield frameworks for anything would be a giant mistake. A new universal set of planet frameworks will assist all those modders who simply want to focus on populating their own planet. Did you know, for instance, that even with the pathetic Creation Engine, it is possible to create a fully mapped planet surface, and thus give the ability to land on a patch that actually matches the land geometry seen from space? Of course the patches will still be squares with hard boundaries, but geography visible from one patch would actually be present in an adjacent patch. You could literally have a REAL Mars. Many of these ideas would need a powerful PC, and a lot of storage. Like flight sim fanatics, space sim fanatics will happily pay for such hardware if the experience is worth it. And here's where things can get really crazy. It is actually possible to mod another engine, like Unreal 5, into Starfield to handle REAL space flight. What Beth renders in the space sequences is so pathetically primitive, any really good modder with Unreal skills could do much better within one month. Mods using another engine would really set the fox in the hen house. What we are talking about is an open-source, crowd-sourced Star Citizen like project, based on Starfield and the Creation Engine. Once this really takes off, MS is going to have the really hard decision whether to wage war on this project, or accept it.
  14. Anyone who says "y'all" or "go out and touch grass" has simply proven to anyone who bothered to even read their 'output' that they have literally has nothing of value to say- just a friendly observation. Your rant firstly talks about the game, Microsoft, Beth, Nexus and their shared promotion of the agenda. All true of course, and happily admitted by the three entities. But you claim modders are somehow unable to fix the issues in Starfield because- reasons. Now just because YOU could never aspire to the creativity required to over-haul Starfield does not mean the modding community has the same limitations. There was a 1-in-10 chance Starfield turned out even OK after Fallout 76 and Redfall. Instead Starfield continued the trend, and perfectly encapsulated the massive decline of all game production skills at Beth. The agenda problem is not in the 'story' content of starfield (admittedly as awful as all current Hollywood output), but in the technical quality of the game. Beth does not hire based on skill and experience. However, we cannot redo the TV show version of Lord of the Rings or Foundation, but we can redo Starfield. Will Nexus host all the great mods that over-haul Starfield? Will commerce and good art be placed ahead of ideology? It won't matter, because if Nexus makes the wrong choices, it will cause the next 'Nexus' to arise. Wherever they are hosted, starfield is going to witness some astonishing transformations. And for those asking why... Look to star Citizen, and the money that hopeless project has raised. Look to Eve Online. The enduring support of NMS and Elite, despite the mediocrity of both. Gamers love space and SF, and Starfield is a modding sandbox unseen in this industry. And modders can aspire to creating entire planets. Second Life eat your heart out. It doesn't matter what the industry does, or how vile their 'politics' become, because the modders are not accountable to the dark forces that operate there.
  15. Actual smoking has been verboten in Beth games and games from other devs for a long time now- early practice for the strict imposition of all the agenda rules currently in play. Modders will put what you desire back into the game when they can. Here's a Fallout link. Big state funded organisations only got into the anti-smoking biz when fallout from atmospheric nuclear tests caused catastrophic rises in certain forms of illness. At the time the big powers did not want to give up these tests, so they needed to blame another cause publicly. In the end, the scientific evidence for the rising impact of these tests on Human wellness was so overwhelming, for the first and last time the powers on the Earth all agreed to ban them. But by then the state funded anti-smoking pseudo NGOs had become well oiled power-houses. Burned tobacco products were known to be detrimental to Human Health from the first day they were introduced in the West. It is a complete lie to suggest this knowledge only entered the common consensus when the state funded propaganda machines began to run defense for atmospheric nuclear testing in the 1950s. Of course there should be vaping in Starfield, although the retro concept fits actual ciggies better. Bizarrely the anti-smoking lobbies in most nations have gone after vaping, despite the fact that their is ZERO scientific conceptual similarity between the two activities, save for the consumption of the harmless (in low doses- even water kills in high enough dose, and I don't mean via drowning) substance, nicotine. Smoking is an issue purely via the act of igniting various substances, and inhaling the consequences of combustion. My point is that the anti-science lobby would ensure active vaping no more appeared in Starfield than actual smoking. PS I speak as a person who has never smoked or vaped- such activities are for easily influenced fools. However that doesn't change the science, the artificial reason the anti-smoking lobby came into existence, or the idiocy of 'banning' vaping as an extension of the banning of smoking.
  16. This issue was sometimes a problem in early Beth games, but is utterly broken in Starfield. Current hack mods are a poor solution to these kinds of insanely faulty mechanisms. It seems as if not only is the latest script system far more hopeless than earlier iterations, it is also programmed by people without a clue, and is also a terrible match for the threading systems of modern PCs. From a sound environment POV, the spoken speech system should be PLAYER centric. In Beth's genius, it is NPC centric - rather like real life. So NPC speech is not motivated by what the player needs or wants to hear, but rather crude, badly coded NPC behavioral loops. Therefore a real fix involves fixing the script system, fixing the threading of script code, and writing proper script code for the NPCs. Hopefully all of this will prove possible when the official tools release, BUT with previous games, a ton of scripted behaviour was baked into hard coded functions that could be be changed. I would suggest that people start to think about the ideal version of NPC talking behaviour, in case it is possible to make heavy changes. One idea would be FOCUS- in other words background chatter is maybe quieter and ambient unless the player engages in FOCUS on a speaker or group of speakers, at which point the NPCs speak as they do currently, allowing a MISSION to be generated from the hints in their dialogue. You see, Beth would argue they have an ORGANIC side mission system, where the mere passing by of an NPC leads the player to naturally discover a new NPC linked mission, and this is actually a good thing. It avoids the explicit "mission giver" design when an NPC stands there with an exclamation point over their head- not exactly immersive. But the way in which Beth implements this 'organic' system is the worst possible- and could be so much better. I would argue the player should be in charge of whether they want to pick up new missions in a given area from 'randos' just by listening to what said randos are saying. Maybe this could even be done via a 'mood' button, where you switch into overhear and pay attention to the NPCs around one function- which would be a match for real life. Sometimes you wanna rush thru a crowd and ignore everyone. Sometimes you wanna stroll, and earwig for anything 'interesting' someone may be saying. What we can all agree on is IN YOUR FACE repetition of a handful of stock phrases loudly by the same NPCs is immersion breaking, and an unnecessarily crude method to draw attention to available side missions.
  17. It must be your lucky day (save for the named modder- doesn't she now work for Beth?- so rule her out sadly). Everything you want is everything modders are gagging to implement. But, friend, it is going to take time- a LOT of time. What Starfield needs most of all are new FRAMEWORKS- the ultimate concept for better modding. These are essentially modder created tools, coding packages, data structures and generic guidelines for mods that can all pull from the same resources, and work together. The official tools will be a very primitive beginning, as the appalling base game proves. But they will be the real starting point. After they are released, a new vision for the game needs to form in the community. How space is done. How planets are linked. How missions are handled, and mission breadcrumbs spread across multiple modders work. If anything but the simplest mods fight one another on standards, or limit themselves to only what the terrible base game achieves, everything great is lost. A generally agreed BETTER SPACE FRAMEWORK, for instance, will then allow lower mods to simply operate in the vastly improved system. Likewise a vastly improved 'follower' framework will then allow modders who want to focus on story and appearance to craft their new followers. You want 'cut-scenes' like Cyberpunk. Sorry, that's a no-no. The Creation Engine can no more support those than it can support ground vehicles. Pre-renders are a no-no too, unless they are flash-backs, down to the customisation of characters and environments. And let's face it. What do so many ambitious modders want? To make their own planets. While Starfield's astonishingly awful coding cannot do 'real' planets with a continuous surface, it does allow unlimited square patches with fast-travel between them. The hard boundaries on each square are a bummer (and no amount of modding can make this limitation go away), but disguised fast travel ideas (hidden loading screens) allow a creative modder to invent narrative excuses to mitigate the tech restrictions. Many people complain that even within the limits of Starfield's planet surface system, it is annoying that the features seen from one landing square are never present in another. Mods can fix this, or even generate geometrically correct contiguous land detail in real-time. This would allow a 'REAL' Mars, for instance, even if from any given landing spot one could not travel on land more than a few miles. You mention the PUZZLING lack of story elements in the random dungeons. But you notice they are awful crude clones, cut-n-paste everywhere you go. And because they are clones, with everything hard baked into their geometry, Beth decided it would be silly to even try giving them random story elements. Let me assure you the Starfield you play today was not the Starfield that originally began dev. This is the Starfield they COULD deliver, not the one Todd's imagination wanted to deliver- after years of failure, Starfield was crudely respecced purely on the basis of quick and easy do-ability. The same thing happened to Cyberpunk 1.5 years before released. Contractually the devs had to release on the last gen consoles. This they could not do while keeping the original game ambition. So the last 1.5 years of dev involved tearing literally everything out of the game until the pathetic shell that was left could just about stagger, half-dead, on the old consoles. Today we have Cyberpunk 2.0, a desperate attempt to put back into the game some of those originally planned systems, but without the assistance of the original engine coders, who left CDPR in disgust and despair over the last-gen console issue. While Starfield compromised somewhat to run well enough on the Xbox-S (that console is currently the bane of the game dev industry), its real lack of quality in every respect is wholly a consequence of the hopeless dev team at Beth. Redfall was a terrible warning to the industry of just how bad things have gotten at Beth. In a sane world, Beth would be shut down by Microsoft, and its very valuable IPs distributed to new MS dev teams. Beth is safe, however, since Halo proved MS cannot create new skilled dev teams to save its life.
  18. Did someone really suggest "report the bug to Bethesda". Am I going mad? Do I live in an alternate reality where knowledge of UNFIXED bugs in the base version of Fallout and Skyrim across the years, despite the most accurate reporting and documentation AND description of actual coding fixes, now goes unknown? Do the community unofficial patches, that correct literally THOUSANDS of frontline bugs Beth couldn't be bothered to fix across DOZENS of so-called official updates no longer exist? The WORST most hopeless act is to report anything to Bethesda. The best thing is to document the bug on community resources like forums and wikis, so MODDERS can fix the bug just as soon as the tools become available. The general advice is- YES Starfield is full of bugs, and is in many ways more bug than working game. But at the same time Starfield has MORE modder attention than previous Beth games, so an entire legion of experienced and wannabe modders are chomping at the bit to fix them, or better replace the rotten Beth systems with vastly improved ones. In time, the entire game is going to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. So many people want 'fallout' and 'Skyrim' in space, and so many people appreciate just how awful an effort in being this Starfield currently is. Actually vanilla Starfield could not be worse (in design, ambition and world building). It and Cyberpunk are the two massive open world failures from companies that once had stellar reputations in the genre.
  19. Lore-friendly? The 'lore' in Starfield is laughable and trash. It is nothing to base anything worthwhile on at all. Obviously mods based on other IPs are not a natural organic match for Starfield. For those with a serious interest in a fully redone (via mods) iteration of Starfield, the issue of story elements will be a significant problem- but I'd bet all good modders have a vastly better sensibility of how Starfield should progress the general flavour of Skyrim and Fallout than any person working at Bethesda today. Anyway the Nexus has a dilemma. A FORMAL recognition that it allows the UNAUTHORISED use of other corporations' IP takes it into a legal quagmire. The current Nexus position, certainly not supported by actual legal principles, is that it takes down content on request. Let's just say this is a grey, but not really grey area than benefits the site and those that use it. A 'filter' that say operated on a modder provided keyword stating 'lore friendly' would be legally fine, but then who is the modder to make such a claim. And which sane player wants good mods to be limited to the deity-awful 'writing' of vanilla Starfield? Personally, within 3 years I want a fully redone Starfield (via mods) that changes just about everything, and delivers the game it should have been in the first place. Now Nexus could introduce an "other worlds" tag that mod authors who admit to using 'alien' IP could apply to their mods. Filtering on such a generic keyword (with no admittance of inappropriate use of another's IP) would be legally safe. PS the entire issue is currently below the radar, because the official tools ain't out yet, and what mods can achieve is therefore limited. When it is possible to make entire worlds flavoured accurately in the IP of a corporate monster like, say, Disney, wholesale mod bans will hit this site- bet on it.
  20. Obvious mod is obvious! And there is no need to describe an obvious mod, since the people capable of making such a mod WILL make it when doing so is possible. I would point out that all the systems, not just the mission log system, are utterly terrible in the base game, and that over-hauling just about everything will be an early modding goal, requiring frameworks and tools. This begins in earnest when the official tools release early 2024. Skyrim and Fallout had worthwhile games associated with them. Starfield is a travesty. So there's no argument that with Starfield, the house needs to be demolished and rebuilt. The mission system is very much a key part of this- I mean given that many modders are going to craft entire planet gameworlds, and will want full integration of their new missions into the player's game, a good clever mission system as a framework for everyone to use will be essential.
  21. Here's a clue. How long has Starfield been out? How long did effective and fully debugged body mods, with effective armour/clothing options, animations, physics etc take to appear for fallout and skyrim? Bodgy half-hearted hack mods for sophisticated game systems are worse than worthless. I am saddened by the number of fools who think they are ENTITLED to complex properly working mods on Day One, and who claim waiting the few months til the official tools release is some kind of terrible burden. One day Starfield will be fully and successfully modded to a quite extraordinary degree- far beyond the earlier games. But that day is YEARS away- two years will be a miracle (although two years will see a ton of complex base mods completed, of course). Here's another clue- thinking named good modders from earlier games will be the heroes of starfield modding is a fallacy. Because modders work for free, their key productive years tend to be very short, and usually associated with a single title. New modders are coming, and some of them are going to do work that will blow your socks off. In other words, you need not fret if an author of your fav type of mod doesn't turn up for starfield.
  22. It does not. But when the agenda eliminates attractive women from AAA video games made in the West, the backlash, as the agenda intends, is to promote weird and grotesque pseudo-hyper-sexualised females as seen in certain American cartoons from the 1950s, and all those 'adult' anime games on Steam. The agenda is not about any form of 'equality' or fairness, but ensuring the Culture War becomes ever more extreme. A very very vicious form of psychological manipulation is at play- wars need two sides with the masses on either side being constantly exposed to demonizing propaganda. Ever see how the mainstream American cartoon industry during WW2 depicted Japanese people? Of course a ton of customers of starfield want to 'get back' at bethesda by modding in extreme forms of all those ideas and images Bethesda purposely censored out of this game. Is this healthy or normal? Not really- people should fight back by refusing to be a mirror image of Team Agenda.
  23. Nexus doesn't ban pro-sexy mods, and would vanish within a month if it ever tried. So worry not- even tho the rotten anti-sexy content in Starfield is down to Beth following the official agenda rules for AAA games from major devs, a ton of modders will put the sexy back in just as soon as experience and tools allow. No-one is playing this game thinking "whoopee, thank the entity every NPC looks like the back end of the bus, and the 'male-gaze' has been completely subverted". Pro-agenda normie gamers want the sexy even more than the other side. However, expect Nexus to ban mods called "no more fat NPCs" or "no more ugly NPCs". Nexus serves two masters, and their customers are the lesser master by far. Even theoretically permitted mods will need to choose their descriptive language more 'carefully'. Hacking about with starfield's current esthetic really misses the point, anyway, and is an issue for people with low impulse control. In two years, Starfield will have entire pleasure worlds created from the ground up. While today's Starfield truly is a rotten game, as a potential sandbox for modders, it is unprecedented. Don't cry about the agenda content- just put the game aside for as long as it takes for mods to put far more new content into the game than you could ever wish for.
  24. Nexus is an agenda site. Overt agenda content in Starfield will NOT be allowed to be subverted with mods hosted on Nexus. HOWEVER, you will be allowed to have pro-'male-gaze' mods here. The reason for this hypocrisy, given the agenda is fully against ordinary male sexuality, is explained in the novel 1984. In that novel, the Unwashed Masses are allowed all forms of 'low' entertainment, most of it actually generated by official state departments. It is more important to keep the masses distracted with 'bread and circuses'. Mods concerned with reversing agenda content should focus on fully new content that is its own thing from scratch, or mods with settings, where the mod user causes the desired change by setting free-form variables. Of the mod ideas you suggest, Mavkiel, the only one that would be allowed here is the Spacers = Raiders mod. Amping up the violence, or adding actual nudity is largely welcome here. With the presidential election cycle in the USA next year, the Culture War is going to hit levels of insanity as yet unseen. And Nexus has no intention of being either fair or neutral. Best to exploit this site for the limited good it offers, and look elsewhere to host/access the growing number of 'wrong-think' mods.
  25. Well I am in the Starfield forum so I am asking for the commands for Starfield obviously? Instead you got a chatGPT response. It is predicted that within a year, the vast majority of comments in many forums will be bot generated. Agenda studios that have the competence (ie., not Beth) already make massive and abusive use of AI. Agenda film studios, for instance, blitz user review sites with fake positive reviews written by AI bots. Before they used Human bots farms largely based in India. The Hollywood writers strike ended with a formal agreement allowing both studios and writers to make massive use of AI 'writing' 'tools'. Ever read Dune, and come across the "Butlerian Ji---". We are now in the timeline where Humanity has great reason to eventually make reality that fictional concept.
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