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Everything posted by zanity

  1. The tone of your post is whining and offensive. That an ENB may not BE TO YOUR TASTE is fine, but DOES NOT imply the ENB itself has any problem. Learn to express your desires WITHOUT ATTACKING the qualities found in work that other people consider great, even if you don't. You want an ENB with a certain look, just say so WITHOUT phrases like "it makes game play sooo annoying" and "And I don't want it to look like there's a constant atomic explosion in the distance during the day, either". People making mods aint your servants or slaves- show some courtesy!
  2. You have to learn to work around bugs in Fallout and Elder Scroll games. NO CHOICE!
  3. Nvidia PERSUADED bethesda to EXCLUDE a gamma setting ingame, so loads of peeps have this problem. You see, Microsoft has this MORONIC idea of 'reference gamma' that sets your display device to a correct gamma on the desktop, that a game then inherits. Guess what? Like most microsoft 'clever' automation, it just doesn't work. I use a program called GAPA.EXE (Google it) to set a FO4 appropriate gamma on the desktop before launching the game). Before using an ENB, I used 0.75. But after activated an ENB, I needed 0.95 gamma for the game to look correct.
  4. Ignore all rubbish about 'texture streaming' and HDD speeds, and change your .ini file thusly: In Fallout4.ini, under [general] add these lines... iTextureUpgradeDistance1=4800; 7500 iTextureUpgradeDistance0=2400; 5000 iTextureDegradeDistance1=6000; 7500 iTextureDegradeDistance0=3200; 5000 Why you couldn't Google this well known fix is beyond me. Learn to GOOGLE.
  5. Sadly, in a project this 'complex' there are almost always memory leaks that show up in one circumstance or another, and may give a CTD. FO4 is much better in this regard than Skyrim, but FO4 is NOT a true 64-bit engine, but a HACKED version of the Skyrim engine poorly coded to reduce certain memory limits. In other words, when the GECK is finally released (AFTER Beth has milked the DLC market), expect heavily modded FO4 to hit serious memory issues.
  6. WTF- the data that defines the world DOES NOT EXIST beyond the 'invisible walls' that form the edge of the map. What on Earth do you expect- some magical game that creates data in real time out of thin air, just cos you are not grown up enough to understand how coding works? Let me guess, when a movie ends, you also think you should be entitled to tell the film to 'continue' somehow, because YOU cannot understand the idea of a finite creation. The so-called 'invisible walls' in this game are logical and well placed, by-and-large, unlike many of those in Witcher 3, where the map gave one impression, but the actual navigatable world differs significantly. FO4 has MANY serious issues, but 'invisible walls' aint one of them.
  7. This is a truly GREAT idea, but isn't implemented for obvious reasons. Decals (as left by weapon fire) attempt to 'adjust' for material and geometry, usually with pretty hopeless results. Spray painting 'grafitti' would be much much harder. The easiest method would be allowing the user to craft a 'tag' graphic in an external app, and then apply this 'tag' like an object in a given location. That way the user wwould bear responsibility for ensuring the 'tag' looked like it really 'belonged' on a wall, door or the like. The 'tag' could be added to a custom weapon 'decal' list, and 'fired' at a wall. DDproductions (sp?) would suggest crafting a custom teddy bear, and leaving it as an 'aide de memoir' (sp?) to mark already visited locations, but given that many dungeons have multiple, well separated entrances, would this help?
  8. Beth wants to make money off DLC modders would create (better) FOR FREE within weeks of the GECK being released. So what possible incentive would Beth have in delayings the GECK til the DLC starts to sell?
  9. You mean aside from using google to learn about all the wonderful software tech that allows exactly this?
  10. To Calerid... If you are playing FO4 on the PC, you do know you can fix ALL your texture problems (lo-res or not loading) by adding a few lines to your .ini file? Under [general] in fallout4.ini add: iTextureUpgradeDistance1=4800; 7500 iTextureUpgradeDistance0=2400; 5000 iTextureDegradeDistance1=6000; 7500 iTextureDegradeDistance0=3200; 5000 this forces the BEST textures to load almost all the time instantly. On a 1GB 6870, this was the ONLY way to get decent performance- the texture streaming used by FO4 is inhereted from John Carmack's insanely BAD Megatexture system (although FO4 doesn't use other Megatexture tech), and massively increases VRAM usage for ZERO gain. PS the second values on each line were recommended for peeps with better GPUs. The DOWNSIDE is that your initial load times (even off SSD) will be much longer.
  11. The 'followers' are so lame compared to the mod author created ones for Skyrim (like Inigo and those in iNPC), it is just depressing. Bethesda made no effort at all in this regard- after all why should they even bother when the game sells a billion dollars worth regardless (yes ONE BILLION and growing). At the quarry you drain, Piper repeated her ONE line about mirelurks every 30 seconds or so for my duration there. So much of FO4 falls below AAA standards, we should all be disgusted.
  12. I run a 6870 (1GB) and have these observations. Godrays are just FINE and switching them off eliminates much of what makes the lighting look great. High textures are FINE with 1GB of VRAM, so long as you fix the .ini file to only use the BEST quality textures (it is the useless 'streaming' of lower rez assets that pointlessly eats up VRAM). BUT a weak CPU (like any AMD processor) will be a major problem- a 4-core i5 is MORE IMPORTANT than a 'stronger' GPU. I use the radeon fix to eliminate the 'pixelated' body shadow. The ENB fix to fool the game nito thinking I have 4GB of VRAM. The .ini fix to almost always load the best textures only. Vivid texture replacement packs to lower the VRAM usuage in much of the map. And the 1.3 patch has improved performance massively. Yes the game still gets 'chocky' in the usual built up areas, but any kind of significant pause has gone, and even in the worst locations, the game is highly playable. I do run at 720 x 1024 tho, but at this rez, I can use 'subtle enb' and 'true nights' and still have outstanding performance. It is a fallacy to suggest that one cannot run FO4 on high settings on an old GPU, so long as that GPU was fairly powerful in its day.
  13. Sorry, but despite what you imply, the True Storms weather mod is essential to a 'vanilla' playthru in my opinion. Beth includes 'weather' but it is lame and incompetent (who would have thought). There is good reason this mod rates so highly- and it brings back to the game something that should have been there in the first place. My absolute fav moments in the game have been when experiencing action in the midst of a stunning storm.
  14. Beth is NOT a nice company (being a division of Zenimax) regardless of what any of you think. The cheap and nasty production budget of FO4- a game that went on to make a billion dollars- is a bit of a clue. Current modding of FO4 is DESPITE Bethesda, not because of them, and Beth doesn't like this one little bit. Spitefully making current mods fail with updates is a war on the average, naive gamer. But if you think things are bad now, wait until the can of worms that is paid modding on the consoles finally begins. Beth will inspect console mods with a fine tooth comb, and reject them under almost any excuse. And having learnt to do this, they'll try to impose the SAME over-sight on PC mods- once censorship officially begins, censors only ever want more power across time. Yes, we know this is a war Beth cannot win, but that won't stop them from trying to wage it.
  15. The PC version of FO4 does NOT officially support mods (yet), so forget about refunds using that reason. Beth is simply being childish with their treatment of unofficial mods, doing what they can to make the TECHNICALLY INCOMPETENT gamer have problems with their mods. Beth has made it clear that in their (faulty) opinion, modding for FO4 doesn't begin until beth have released the official tools. To be frank, if you cannot seek out and understand the childishly simple instructions to keep your mods working, you shouldn't be using mods at this time- full stop.
  16. Thank iD and John Carmack (who has now left Beth) for the long load times. Carmack invented a NIGHTMARE called 'Megatexture' - which was wrong-headed in every way for the future of computer hardware. FO4 does NOT use Megatexture, but it does use Megatexture's texture streaming concepts- where lower quality versions of textures are constantly 'fighting' with higher quality ones- wasting bandwidth, CPU cycles and VRAM. For instance, on my 1GB 6870, only by using an .ini hack to only load the BEST version of any texture did my game become acceptably smooth in most of the map. The default Carmack designed streaming meant I had the worst blurry textures AND lousy performance. When Beth bought iD, iD's management was allowed to build TWO massive teams of developers- who so far have yet to release even one game (Rage doesn't count). However, I believe Fallout 4 was the FIRST inhouse iD game to be finished and released at Beth, which explains why it has so many issues. The second, of course, will be the terrible looking Doom 4. I believe Beth's usual Scrolls/Fallout team has been working on Skyrim 2 since Skyrim launched. The total lack of innovation in Fallout 4 (save for the cloning of popular Fallout/NV/Skyrim mods) is a bit of a clue. When a .ini trick is used to FORCE the best textures to load immediately, load times explode- the engine simply wasn't built with this expectation, and the streaming method used by the engine is industry worst. So you folks have a choice- blurry textures for ages before the proper ones load, and fast load times. Or slow load times, and the best graphics when the game begins again.
  17. "Lacking"- now there's a word that literally defines FO4. At least better music and radio can be trivially modded into the game. It is everything else wrong with FO4 that is the real problem. I really hope the Bethesda A-team was busy on Skyrim 2 while an iD derived Z-team was making FO4. If this Fallout was actually the work of Bethesda's 'best', heaven help us.
  18. Sadly, the actual DLC is likely all too obvious. 1) Settlement building packs- more building blocks, and template nav-meshed floor plans for things like bars. 2) that removed content under-water vault re-added and other use of the 'sea' to the East of the map. Perhaps including boats of some kind (cos it is odd that whatsit Island has to be reached by swimming at the mo). 3) a stand-alone region like Skyrim had as the 'major' DLC.
  19. You do understand that 'pitch' and 'tone' have nothing- as in NOTHING to do with how you perceive a speaker's ethnic background?
  20. The hard-core adult elements are baked into the very fibre of Fallout games, so they most certainly DO NOT become 'child friendly' because someone wastes their time removing the 'sweary' words. Personally, I'd like to see Bethesda BAN mods that PRETEND to make their games more 'family friendly' because such mods are always a LIE, and therefore can only act to bring Fallout into disrepute. If you really have kids that love to 'build', go play minecraft with them. If they love to explore, go play one of the excellent LEGO computer games with them. If your kids are too young to handle adult language, they are too young to play Fallout, no matter what mods you use.
  21. Love the way how SJW types at the big gaming sites insist that FEMALES now present more than 50% of the videos, despite women being way less than 10% of the buyers of the AAA games covered. Anyhoo, think about FO4, and note how things like the 'Combat Zone' were simply lame attempts to replicate much BETTER content from the non-Bethesda made game, New Vegas. Of course, in the end, Beth's designers and coders proved way too incompetent to make such content work, and simply cut it out. Maybe modders could try to reactivate such content, but this didn't go well with the 'civil war' stuff removed from Skyrim. And combat in FO4 in so insanely WEAK compared to a game like Borderlands 2 (which had excellent combat arenas), that what would be the point? To high-light just how poor the melee system is? Believe me, that is precisely the reason Beth cut this content. FO4 made ONE BILLION dollars with some of the WORST coding and design ever seen in a AAA title. We love it only because we crave true open-world explorable environments, and only Beth is currently even bothering to make such games- but that fact doesn't excuse Beth's lazy, cheap and incompetent work. Making FO4 better via mods is essentially redesigning the 'game' of FO4 from the bottom up. Problem is, that requires co-ordination between modders, and that never really can happen. With 'Combat Zone', a few will try to hack around with the content- but i bet they all give up. After all, FO4 places you as the perpetual ENEMY of all the aggresive criminal factions, cos RPG elements have gone, and you play a 'good person' only.
  22. FO4 is a game released in a truly terrible condition, and yet because almost no-one else is challenging Beth with this type of experience, most fans have 'enjoyed' playing it. However, I think most people recognise just how many avoidable mistakes Beth made with FO4, and how these mistakes undercut the ability of mods to prolong the longevity of the title. FO4. of course, also 'steals' from almost all the most popular mods made for FO3, NV and Skyrim, meaning that a lot of the 'low hanging' mod fruit is un-needed. The biggest problem is that the world of FO4 is so dysfunctional, yet baked in, that anything short of unprecendet co-operation between the best mod authors would be unlikely to fix the 'dead' RPG-free nature of FO4. In FO4, every faction seems to exist everywhere- with the world having no 'zoning' (the great strength of Skyrim, with its cities under the control of different jarls). Then FO4 lacks the classic inns/pubs of FO4 that can be used as stable points of initiation. Yet the curious thing about FO4 is how much of the map is avalaible for modders to 'subvert' for higher purposes. Loads of buildings are 'boarded up' and could be repurposed. Settlement locations could be 'stolen' and used to create whole new towns that could operate as TRUE hubs. But both these forms of mods need the co-operation of the player and other modders- so FO4 can be transformed and 'rewritten' for the benefit of further mods. What I am suggestion is that the 'VANILLA' game be converted, with the active agreement of the modding community, into a VANILLA 2 version, a heavily BASE modded version of the original game where new towns and locations are added all across the map. Obviously the original use of settlements would have to be completely modded into something else, so the settlement locations can become the new base hubs. But this wouldn't be the same as a so-called 'total conversion'. No- this would literally create a new 'Vanilla' starting point that was a combination of the original game, and mods designed explicitly to make the original game more like Skyrim in modding potential. Yes, I know this is a pipe-dream. People want 'compatible' mods, and yet mod authors mostly want the freedom to work independently. Problem is, the vanilla game is just rubbish for story mods (like the new companions or iNPC that transformed Skyrim). What did the other Fallout games get as their 'best' mods? More dungeons and 'bounties' and costumes. Would more dungeons keep most people playing FO4- I very much doubt this. FO4 badly needs 'world-building'- ANOTHER 'story' placed on the map.
  23. Tesselation (pushed by Nvidia) is JUNK. No existing GPU architecture benefits from the idea of automatic geometry amplification. Current GPU solutions (inc consoles) are triangle and VRAM rich. Ancient tess ideas were meant for GPU solutions lacking in bandwidth and VRAM. Today, the PROPER solution is LOD meshes using enough triangles when at max quality, and TILED assets for things like the ground and roof with built-in mesh geometry. With TRUE mesh assets rather than tess, proper lighting can be achieved. Parallax mapping is just a SHADER program simulating a 3D surface, and today it is BETTER replaced with mesh data. As I said, we are VRAM and triangle rich, so methods designed to save on load are no longer needed.
  24. There's a lesson to be learnt here. Don't bad mouth the performance of the game when using mods. Early mods are 'bad' hacks of a BAD PS3 class engine, which = disaster! HA is a settlement in the WORST location (where the engine is over-loaded to breaking point by the geometry), and mods hacking the geometry will magnify the problem exponentially. Current mod users should be grown-up enough to accept all the DOWNSIDES of hacking a BETA version of the game before the GECK is released. Only when FO4 has had a year+ of patching by Beth may it be in a half-decent state. And only when this PS3 based engine hits a final stable version can mods attempt to avoid performance issues.
  25. I thought it was implied they came from that vault that ran an 'Ender's game' experiment on its young inmates? Admittedly it's hard to pay proper attention to the very sad and under-written plot of FO4.
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