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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. I haven't used my computer for a fortnight. Now everything is like "UPDATE OR I'LL KILL YOU." But Gee Wiz Cripes, Son of Gosh's birthday was more important, and pretending I love my paternal grandparents took all of my energy. I ehat iTunes.
  2. What, do you work at a box company or something?
  3. Idk for the lolz. Puppy http://25.media.tumblr.com/15bec4151dba306d353113a90c0fa728/tumblr_mf34ss311E1s0a9x5o1_500.jpg
  4. Yeah....... That "twist" was pretty obvious.......................... Unless it's a double twist, I am not impressed. But I like playing as Connor even though it feels like I just went through another lengthy tutorial. BTW Samuel Adams is apparently a badass. Through some weird glitch he clipped through a redcoat and killed him by running through him. It was cool for a second and then all the redcoats got revengency all at the same time and caused him to rag doll into space. My game froze shortly after. Buggy ass game - clippy ass game.
  5. WHY AM I STILL PLAYING AS CONNOR'S DAD? >:( His mom is hot and everything :wink: but I'm at the point that it's like do it or die or something. I mean I was promised more than this old dude........ where's the piracy? Where's the hunting and crafting and junk? How long, how long must I sing this song. It's funny how if you put "when do you get to play as" into google it suggests 'Connor'(1), 'conor'(4), and 'the indian'(7).... so apparently everybody no likey how long you play as papa assassin. Also, I'm getting a puppy tomorrow
  6. :unsure: Oh crap I have to deal with U-Play now....... gorram Ubisoft.
  7. Hobbit was pretty good. It takes a loooooooooooong time for your eyes to adjust to the 48fps though so the beginning of the movie goes by really quickly and you can't really savor most of the details. I'm guessing it strays from the book drastically from time to time but I didn't care much for the pacing and structure of the Hobbit novel so it doesn't bother me..... until Caradhras and Celebdil started punching eachother, that was fricked up.
  8. :laugh: I'm gonna go on An Unexpected Journey into 48fps 3D film viewing.
  9. I LITERALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD. http://www.gifsforum.com/images/gif/lol/grand/998542177.gif I laughed a Santa Clause laugh. Now my arm hurts. :laugh: Imma get dat ACIII because maybe I'll see the story without playing the last two games and go "OH MAN this is genius, everybody! I know the meaning of life now." Or I'll grumble about it being road apples from Paul Revere's horse.
  10. I can essentially get a free game from GameStop. What game should I get? I'm thinking maybe Dishonored, or Assassin's Creed III(while I may find the story disappoint, I hear it's still really fun to play), .................. Holy crap on a cracker..... I just realized that there aren't any games I want to play enough to buy. Now I am depressed. :sad:
  11. So few. So few have come. We are in a posting recession here over the past two days.
  12. I'm going to see The Hobbit tomorrow, if only to get my Evangeline Lily fix.(I know she's playing a minor character that wasn't even in the book but I gots to have me some Kate) So they better get to Mirkwood or I'm going to be sad. I know The Hobbit can't be as good as the LotR trilogy and in hindsight that isn't even as good as it was before I re-read the books sooooo....... Unrelated to hobbitsses and wizards with prostate cancer, I have a weird problem. I don't know that you'd believe me if I told you the long and short of it, but I can tell you this with certainty..... I now know the phrase, "What has been seen cannot be unseen" doesn't just mean something is 'gross' or 'ruins your childhood' now... and I'd like to add the phrase, "What has been thought/imagined cannot be un-thought/un-imagined" to the vernacular of the nomadic internet peoples. DOES ALCOHOL MAKE YOU FORGET THINGS FROM BEFORE YOU WERE DRUNK? Because if so, I need like a F**KING KILLER WHALE ENCLOSURE-FULL of grain alcohol to forget what I need to before they get here on Christmas eve-eve. OR I can hope the Mayan Calender polar shift thing is more than just hysteria. That would be spectacular. Like F**king LAVOS erupting out of the volcano under Yellowstone or something. http://shigi.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/lavos.jpg?w=550 I would prefer the second option.
  13. -"I will succeed where the Grinch has failed" :laugh: Made me lol
  14. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21x60t1H6xL._SY300_.jpg Time for the feat of strength and the airing of grievances.
  15. :ohdear: So many uninteresting relatives, so many long-winded stories.
  16. And we can dress real neat from our hats to our feet And surprise 'em with the victory cry Say, we can act if want to If we don't nobody will And you can act real rude and totally removed And I can act like an imbecile
  17. Nissan makes good cars. You don't hear about as many recalls for their vehicles as the other Japanese or Detroit based companies.
  18. SO, I have to get my depressing Uncle something for Christmas because I drew his name out of a hat. He's well over fifty, divorced and lives in a cabana at my grandparent's house. We assigned a $60 spending limit to our not-so-secret Santa shopping, and my Grandfather just suggested I build him a new computer from scratch, because he wants a new computer. But we can't spend that much more than sixty dollars, so I was like: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mar6gwMxYj1rd4u4xo1_500.jpg I hope he doesn't mind getting an Apple II. http://www.mac-history.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/apple2.jpg Hah, my dad only got $400 for my brother's 1996 Nissan Sentra. :laugh:
  19. It's funny how they don't have 4g speeds for home internet now, I guess that takes up too much space- see waht I done thur.
  20. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/funny-gifs-lighting-of-the-human-centipede-menorah.gif In case no one's said it yet, Happy Chanukah.
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