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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. http://religion.lilithezine.com/images/Festivus-01.jpg
  2. Because it's the French. I'm guessing Ucrap is Uplay. I don't think I've gotten my registry confirmation for Assassin's Creed 2 yet and I did that when it came out.
  3. The future's uncertain and the END is always near.
  4. Then you are everything! AND NOTHING! http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma9vo56zuv1r3qwdqo1_500.gif Which reminds me, I also like:
  5. :woot: HAHAHAHAHAHHASHAHA - we're all gonna die!
  6. Also this Yup I'm classy assy, I say Ibiθa. Classy assy. Pinky out when I chug that tea.
  7. I can't really see using Steam in that way... I mean if I'm not playing a game then I'm fiddling with files and junk - either way it doesn't seem like anyone who makes or uses mods would use that mode. Poop.
  8. I think that's the idea! So you can Lego while you Minecraft while you Minecraft...
  9. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_KB9PTagEnzs/Saw-EFDFCNI/AAAAAAAAADY/7p7PNoAhvmo/s400/ABETIP.jpg
  10. I filled mine with concrete and buried it to prevent radiation poisoning. If you're home alone and you order food, like a pizza or something, do you ever yell out, "Pizza's here!" or "Food's hot, come and get it!" or something like that as you walk back into your house? (y'know, so the pizza guy doesn't think you're a loser eating an extra large pizza by yourself (over the sink so you don't have to do dishes :thumbsup: )) I do that almost every time.....
  11. A hole is a hole... in my heart..... http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdwc9sVAM01qehv22o1_500.jpg
  12. A heavy drinker's breath doesn't smell any better..... But they congregate and share how difficult their addiction is and then they have sexual congress in the break room like they don't even notice you're in there and steal your ham and cheese sandwich - I KNOW IT WAS YOU KEVIN!
  13. Same here. Even if I couldn't pay rent I'd probably still find a way to get a game I want :biggrin: The people with cigarettes and alcohol are losers......... :geek: but they have girlfriends/boyfriends..............
  14. I had to turn the hot water on so.... YOU ARE A WITCH!
  15. I didn't like Gothic 2. But as has been established I'm a H8ER and dislike most things that aren't in my cone of LIKE. For four dollars my suggestion is to try it - although there should be a demo somewhere out there. Also: WOW so many posts! Is this real life? Or are we just sitting here emotionally psychically masturbating? something to not think about while I go take a shower.
  16. Yeah, even that's better. But it doesn't really make sense for a mouse and keyboard setup, I mean why not take full advantage of the medium since the hotkeys required to build already preclude controller use. Whatever. I can see Thor. really like this shtuff so whatever floats your boat.
  17. HAH this guy is too much. :laugh: Why is a grounded shooter first person perspective even considered for building games like this and Minecraft? That's my big big gripe with Minecra(p)ft. It's possibly the worst idea you could have as far as user friendlyness, you at the very least need a free cam if not an isometric perspective to not throw up every hour. :sick:
  18. Yeah, REAL INFINITE SPACE! and UN-COLONIZED PLANETS! ARE. BORING. And when they say can create anything, that's a lie. You can create what they have already created, even if it is a vast number of possibilities it's still finite and controlled. At best this StarForge is an impressive tech demo or thought experiment or a toy, the survival mode and base capture barely constitute a game. Sure, you could endlessly wander and kill aliens - but procedurally generated landscapes don't usually offer a lot of variation. So what happens when you've circumnavigated the planet you started on and you're tired of the whole process? Don't get me wrong, It's nice that a small team can put something together with this much imagination and it's fair to say they've made a decent looking game for how small the group is. However there's a certain point where, "well, you have to take this into account" doesn't cut it. Besides, it looks like something my computer would look at and go, "oh hell no - I can't do that, Dave." Then my computer would light up a cigarette, start shaking, sobbing and randomly downloading various virus ridden gaysian porn PDFs. In summary: 2/10 would not pay to play. Painfully "Realistic" :geek: ≠ FUN :dance:
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