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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. MILADY! R-PATS IS A BLIGHT UNTO MANKIND! And I say this only having seen Harry Potter and the Drinky thingy of Enfuego, Twilight with riff tracks playing over it and the extended theatrical trailer for Water for Elephants. He irritates me to no end with his perpetual 'blue steel' face and dumb hair. (Obviously I prefer shirtless Native American Where? Wolves? Men that are wolves? Miaq has no time for such nonsense.) BUT AT LEAST WE AGREE! Kirsten Stewart needs to be stopped at all costs. A full nuclear response, I think, would be appropriate. Russia, China and Iran stand ready to assist. (Shhh, don't tell Israel. the Ayatollah and Achmu-dinner-job realized the threat that K-Stew poses is more important than millenia old religious hatred) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think all books worth transferring into a visual medium should be made into miniseries on cable, I mean look at Game of Thrones. Each season is about ten to twelve hours and covers roughly one book of A Song of Ice and Fire without many important omissions. With how repetitive the HP Witchcraft movies get with their pacing they might as well have been separated into episodes within the 'years' so that they become familiar rather than irritating. TV, better than books. But ALAS I am to be tired in the morn' with visions of Emma Watson dancing in my head this night (as she is now at twenty-two, not when she was eleven through fifteen. C'mon I'm a creep, but even I'm not that creepy). I fear I may have had stirrings - not all the way to feelings - but stirrings. I hate having stirrings about people I only know through a screen. NYQUIL is a helluva drug. :sick:
  2. For some reason I just watched all four of the Harry Potter movies..... What? There's eight? No way. HAHAHAH! You're pulling my leg. How could those mismanaged mis-directed train wrecks continue? They had to? Why? Because there are seven books? So? I'll admit Daniel Radcliff isn't terrible as Harry, sure and Emma Watson has that kind of appeal as Hermione that makes me uncomfortable with myself and many of the other minor characters are well done such as Hagar the Horrible and that horrible woman, Snake. White Bumblebee however, is terrible after the second one when the first guy died and then this other old guy is all LIKE, "I'm dumbly door. What? I don't need to make any effort to make the character like the previous guy. Screw you muggles!" And then the sparkly vampire guy from that mormon young adult fiction abortion is a character that I remember liking when I was a wee lad and reading the fourth book. I'm starting to think either the movies should have been made as miniseries on HBO to get all the content in or they just shouldn't have been made at all by the guy who wrote Goonies. AND WTF is up with John Williams reusing his scores from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade with the 'Harry Potter Theme' shoved in the middle of all the songs? WHY IS EMMA WATSON SO DAMN SEXY? Is it because I dig smart chicks and her years of playing Hermione have tricked me into thinking she's a genius. Yes, that must be it. In summary I feel sorry for Rupert Grint. If he's still alive in five years, color me surprised. I mean seriously, it's not bad enough that he has red hair, he's lacking that awkward charm that he desperately needs to offset his homely looks and he's a bland, vacant actor to boot.... too boot... two boot.... whatever. I'm using my crystal ball to see sleeping pills in his future if not a horrific car/moped crash before then. I have no hatred for him, I'm just calling it as I see it. At least he's not that poor shmo who played Seamus Finnigan. He'll be a banker or a janitor in five years. I'm tired, if you can't tell. Babysitting a couple of tweenage cousins who only want to watch terribly mediocre movies instead of reading (only mostly) mediocre books will do that to you. They have no respect for film critique or fine literature. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, now that was a good movie/novelization. Is Keanu Reeves still alive? By the way, I really like how if you put any actor's name into google the second or third suggestion is always [actor's name] gay, and every actress has [actress' name] topless or [actress' name] nude as their fifth. sixth, or eighth suggestion. (Never seventh, strangely) Oh I've done it again, I've confused this for a blog. Well, IF YOU've read this entire thing, my sympathies and grief councilors will be made available to you at the local school. Here have a jelly bean. I think I'll have one too, ooh a toffee flavored one...... Alas earwax.
  3. Don't tell him! Crap, now the projections are after me. The Dream is collapsing!
  5. Early one morning the sun was shining. I was laying in bed. Wondering if she'd changed at all, if her hair was still red.
  6. This is where the wins live, get you one! CATCHA WIIIIIN!
  7. I keep seeing phantom lights and shadows in the corner of my glasses. It's driving me in sane. (see what I did there) But seriously, I go to sleep now. :sleep:
  8. Put him on that ox cart catapult thingy!
  9. "You know what's better than having a working shield? Not being a woman!" -Dave EDIT: Also, yes the Facebook sucks. that is all.
  10. Thanks, lv000. Microsoft Security Essentials already found something McAssFee missed for god knows how long. You'd think something you pay for would be better than free stuff but that isn't really the case with this stuff.
  11. So umm people, a few hundred or thousand posts back somebody, (probably Thor.) recommended virus scan software when I was complaining about McAfee. Well, now McAfee has screwed the pooch too many times. I'm going to light my McAfee backup disc on fire and fling it into a bottomless pit, screaming in rage, so I'm going to need new anti-virus/anti-spyware/firewall security junk. Any suggestions?
  12. Why would anyone be a cannibal as long as pizza exists?
  13. Butt Stallion is made of diamonds. CBS Cares.
  14. I've killed soooooo many Bonerfarts. The Bonerfarts are almost extinct.
  15. I finally started getting good guns with Maya. I was beginning to think she was handicapped with singleplayer loot, but it just seemed to be the luck of the draw. :biggrin: Get it? Draw as in draw your weapon. I tred gosleep naew...................... :sleep:
  16. "This eridium stuff is the tits!" - Firehawk
  17. "I'm sorry for saying, WALL SPHINCTERS." - CL4P-TP
  18. Wow, you must be suffocating underneath all of that bull squirt. volsfan8076, I'm an Ass-Assin right now. He's pretty much Mordecai with phasewalk and a sword.
  19. Seconded. Author's personal mental note: I need to find a "Go soak your head, Butch" or "You do look hungry. What, your mom drank up all the ration coupons again?" T-shirt. Also Borderlands 2 is awesome. Now, all I need is a friend. http://glasgowuniversityabroad1112.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/dawson-crying.jpg
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