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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. Who in the seven kingdoms would want to see genitals out of context? :yucky: To not have notice and find yourself staring at some sort of wrinkly cave :blink: , gods no. I hope you made a counter offer to test the waters by finding the weirdest most nightmarish phallus on google and sending it as reply. Well, that's what I would do were I the kind to get involved with gals that have photogenic vulvae.(settle down it's scientific) BAZINGA!
  3. :sick: That's how adorable that is.
  4. That's going to the moon. :teehee: John Fitzgerald Kennedy said the above quote. It seems fitting as an answer to "it would be so much easier."
  5. We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon, we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
  6. It does? YOU LIE! Unrelatedly, I saw somfing cool, http://www.fingerfunk.se/ARCB/ caution: chestbursting.
  7. And Alexander wept, for there were no lands left to conquer. Cat gifs more cute than that one.
  9. First of all, BAZINGA! M48A5 should be played by Keanu Reeves because :mellow: is pretty much the only expression Keanu uses in his acting. http://images.allposters.com/images/54/039_20708.jpg And if Bobcat Goldthwait is unavailable for the role of Pagafyr, I might suggest John Malkovich, 1970/80's Christopher Walken or a hologram of Dennis Hopper from Apocalypse Now. Because those are the voices in my head when I read his posts. :laugh: http://www.hellonearth.com/movies/conair/plot11.jpghttp://www.wearysloth.com/Gallery/ActorsH/8193-812.gif
  10. Quite frankly I'd rather watch the Para Olympics than most of the regular Olympic games but NBC, who shows the Olympics over here, relegates them to some far flung cable number in the 300's. :mellow: CBS cares.
  11. You want someone to kidnap Emma Stone for you? That seems more like a craigslist request. No-no, that would be silly. I want the character from the movie made real and delivered to me, not the actress, although that will do if the first choice can't be arranged :thumbsup: I want the character of Bill Murray myself, lets see if that can happen.
  12. My cats only bite me and scratch me with their claws.
  13. So cats have sharkskin on their tongues?
  14. UH SIRS! In the Star Wars universe you can only shoot straight if your name rhymes with Padme Amidala or Han Solo - ergo no matter the munitions the (earth)soldier wouldn't get a kill on anyone let alone poor old lightening fingers. :geek:
  15. http://poemsforkush.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/sad-cat.jpg
  16. Why don't they have a smiley that looks like this: http://goofybeast.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/jackface_2.jpg ? Why?
  17. :blush: I don't think I've ever seen anyone use this one.
  18. http://i.minus.com/iRc5cUvLRQEuF.gif
  19. We would be warm, below the storm, in our little hideaway beneath the waves. Resting our head on the sea bed in an octopus' garden near a cave. BAZINGO for Ringo.
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