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Change of Ad Provider


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Thanks for working on this. Even though I do have adblock on, there were a few times I had auto-playing ads, which were very disruptive. I'd be in a Skype session (for school/training! ), or playing a game, or otherwise -not- actively engaged on the Nexus browsing tab, and suddenly hear an ad, and had to track down where it was coming from, and close this tab. I had not been aware of a an ad-reporting place, so dismissed those instances as just unfortunate effects of the Nexus.

I don't mind ads silently playing off to the side. It's when the auto-play blares in my headphones, interrupting my voice work, or my game, etc. that I get really pissed. So thanks.

Edited by Anduniel
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I remember i reported still the same publicity before i went supporter, one with a noisy looping-sound. Nice to see that Nexus care so nicely for all users, also those coming just from time to time.

Thanks !

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Thank you for caring about us Dark0ne. :) Whitelisting Nexus here again then. It's a good thing that misbehaving Ad providers gets a kick in the but, at least one time. Don't they understand that they kill their future work? I don't mind common Ads usually, but when they hijack me or plays stupid sounds, I hit the block button for my own sanity and safety. Thanks again for your great site. :)
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It's nice that you guys are taking this seriously now. I've gotten malware, worms, redirects, blaring audio that nearly caused heat palpitations and porn on a constant basis. This is the reason that I installed adblock. It's the only thing that kept that kind of s#*! off my drive. So, sorry, but I won't be disabling it. It's too much of a risk. Maybe when a trusted suppler of advertisements is secured, I will.


Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have web-devs that care about the people that use their site but constant redirects, screaming audio and the just plain nonsense that I had to go though made this place a very unattractive one. It seems that you do care, though. So, I'll disable it every now and again to see how this place is doing. Maybe, I'll add it to my whitelist and you'll get a touch more revenue.

Edited by tadbowie
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A site (Echone?) or something like that just hijacked your page and tried to fool me into downloading 'flash' from them.


Sorry. Adblock is going back on for this site. I'm quite shocked to see this occur on the Nexus and had unblocked you to support the site. This has changed my mind, guys.


Edit: You know what, I'll make the donation you suggest. That seems win/win

Edited by beladan
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In response to post #37618590. #37618710 is also a reply to the same post.

underskyzx wrote: well thanks to this notice I recovered some trust in NexusMods again, i will disable adblock again and see how fair things are...but if I ever click a empty space and a new tab opens with some relationship website then my friend its going to be blocked forever
Dark0ne wrote: Wait until Saturday to do it.

Same here, I don't mind adds when they are silent and don't try to hijack my browser. I will give it another chance but at the first sign of trouble adblock will be back on in full force.

I would love to support the site financially but it's difficult to justify putting a Nexus mod membership higher up on the budget priority list.
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In response to post #37679240.

Enheduanna wrote: Thanks so much for caring! I've had to turn Adblock on here because the ads were locking up my browser after a couple of minutes, but when Saturday rolls around I'll whitelist this site and see if things improve.

This is about the problem I had. The ads caused the site to slow down to a crawl. Trying to scroll and then waiting multiple seconds for anything to move at all.
Didn't want to use adblock but it was just not usable without
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