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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. That might work, but it's not the best setup in this instance. This dungeon has a light world/dark world sort of theme involving the Ayleid ruins tileset and King Dutka's Drow ruins set. There's a gate in Cell01a (Ayleid tileset) and the switch for it is in Cell01b (Drow tileset). Likewise, there is another gate in Cell01b that has a corresponding switch in Cell01a. You have to teleport between both cells to fully advance through either one. All subsequent cells are intended to have this setup, so a single global would be insufficient; I'd need a global for each switch/gate combo, and an individual script for each one as well. At present, that would mead at least 16 globals and scripts. I'd like to avoid that, if possible.
  2. Got a bit of a problem; I have an Ayleid switch (ARSwitch01) in one cell that's supposed to open a linked gate (ARGate01) in another cell, but it's not doing it. I've set up numerous switches and gates before, but this is the first time I've put a switch in a separate cell from the gate it's supposed to open. Can it simply not be done across cells?
  3. Vyper dresses completely in black, waits until nightfall, then surveys the hill with telescopic IR goggles from another hill half a mile away. After spotting Maharg67, Vyper takes careful aim and fires a rocket-propelled boxing glove. Maharg67 is struck squarely on the jaw and launched halfway across the continent. Vyper laughs maniacally as he once more assumes Kingship of the hill.
  4. Those look great, Mhahn! :) Downloaded.
  5. This is a neat idea. As far as the current script goes, I can see a couple of problems there: 1. You've got the < and > signs reversed, so the creature would spawn between the hours of 6:00 AM and 8:00 PM (during the day). 2. Even if you reverse the signs, the script still won't run right. The game would interpret the script to mean "If it's after 8PM and before 6AM, spawn this critter". The problem is that these conditions can never be met; the time can't be after 8PM and before 6AM at the same time. You'll need to use the "or" ( || ) script command to make this work. 3. Using a GameMode block is counterproductive here. You only need this script to run if/when the cell gets loaded, but GameMode blocks run no matter where you are. This means that every single spawn point using this script will get loaded into memory whether the Player is near them or not. Try this instead: Begin OnLoad ;this block will only run when the cell loads If GameHour >= 20 || GameHour <= 6 ;if it is after 8PM or before 6AM If GetDisabled == 1 ;if the spawn point is currently disabled Enable Endif ElseIf GameHour < 20 || GameHour > 6 ;if it is before 8PM or after 6AM If GetDisabled == 0 ;if the spawn point is NOT currently disabled Disable Endif Endif End
  6. Banned for disappearing in Russian.
  7. Granted. All forms of advertising cease, nothing ever gets sold, the world economy collapses, the technological infrastructure collapses, everything stops working, and society reverts to pure savagery. I wish I owned the Blarney Stone.
  8. WarRatsG's suggestion of using abilities is a good one, but has a catch: Ability spells are permanent unless removed. This means that the DamageEffectSpell will cause 25 damage per second to Health, Fatigue, and Magicka until the afflicted NPC is dead. Likewise, the Player will end up with an ability that permanently restores 25 Health, Fatigue, and Magicka per second. The fix for this is to attach a script to each ability that will remove the spell after one second. The script would look like this: scn GenericSpellRemovalScript float timer ref me begin GameMode set me to GetSelf set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed if timer >= 1 me.removespell SpellEditorID sme SpellVisualID sms MagicShaderID endif end Just replace SpellEditorID, SpellVisualID, & MagicShaderID with the appropriate editor IDs. Edit: There's another catch to this setup as well; if the target has 25 health or less when the damage ability is added, the target will die but the Player will not get credit for the kill.
  9. Granted, but it's so powerful your computer explodes. I wish politicians were honest.
  10. You're welcome! :D I'm glad I was able to help. No fall damage is one of the drawback of PushActorAway; for some reason, the system just won't include it in the calculations. Fun note: if you use a negative force value with PushActorAway, it results in a 'pull' effect. Imagine shooting something with an arrow only to have it launch towards you. :tongue: That might raise a few eyebrows.
  11. That's the only site I have an account with. If you want to PM me your email address, I can send those to you as an attachment.
  12. The script would look something like this: scn EnemyLaunchScript Ref Target Begin ScriptEffectStart Set Target to GetSelf ;this will label your target as a reference RatRef.MoveTo Target 0, 0, -100 ;this will move your rat directly underneath your target RatRef.PushActorAway Target xx ;replace xx with the amount of launch force you want to use End
  13. One way to set that up would be: 1. Make a new creature entry (a rat would be fine). 2. Place the creature in a cell somewhere. 3. Set it as a persistent reference, give it a unique RefID, and set it to be initially disabled. 4. Make a script that will transport the creature directly below the target and use PushActorAway to launch the target into the air.
  14. That sounds like a mod. The only vanilla cell you gain ownership of when you become Arch-Mage is ICArcaneUniversityArchMagesQuarters, and that's just a small round room with some furniture and a magic container that duplicates most ingredients. I've found nothing even remotely resembling an "Arch-Mage's Vault" in the CS.
  15. The problem there is that the skeleton's body is designed to crumble upon death...or "second death" as the case may be for living skeletons. The armor pieces are connected directly to the skeleton's bones, but also to each other. So the skeleton tries to crumble while the armor tries to hold together, creating the stretchy weirdness you see. The fix is to replace the Skeleton.nif with a non-crumbling version. In order to use the linked .nif, you'll have to do the following: 1. Put the SkeletonNoCrumble.nif in the Oblivion/Data/Meshes/Creatures/Skeleton folder. If you don't have such a folder, make one. 2. Replace the JG Elven.esp with this one (it has the appropriate redirections already done).
  16. Vyper stumbles onto an arctic base used by Cobra, joins the organization for training (in order to keep from being blown to bits by them). After going through all six minutes of basic training, Vyper elects to go through H.E.A.T. (High Explosive Anti Tank) training. After completing said training and being properly outfitted, Vyper returns to the hill and annihilates Maharg67's tank. This time, the explosion launches Maharg67 to Africa to land in a nest of puff adders. Vyper is King of the hill once more...in the name of Cobra, of course.
  17. Vyper recovers from Maharg67's surprise poke and notices the inflated fake hill. Following Mahag67's example, Vyper pokes the inflated hill causing it to "pop". The force of the "pop" launches Saadus at a speed approaching Mach 8. The supersonic missile known as Saadus slams into Maharg67, sending both of them very far away. Vyper once more assumes kingship of the much contested hill. :ninja:
  18. Banned for breaking energy.
  19. There's no need to make one. Just use the TG11SwordScript. If you try to pick up a weapon that uses that script, you'll get a messagebox saying "The weapon crumbles to dust in your hands" and the weapon will disappear.
  20. Vyper slithers up the hill undetected, then rears up to hiss in Maharg67's face. Maharg67 is startled and jumps back...right into the ruddy big hole. My hill once more.
  21. Vyper escapes aliens and makes it back to Earth. Vyper then sneaks into the propane shop, opens all propane canisters to allow gas to fill the shop, puts hairspray can in shop's microwave (why is a microwave even there?), sets timer to 30 minutes, then runs like hell. The resulting explosion launches AVDutch all the way to Holland. My hill now.
  22. Vyper comes up the hill. Vyper tells Saadus that aliens intend to destroy the world if Saadus doesn't publish another James Hollin story within twelve hours. Saadus runs off to save the world from fictional aliens by writing a short story. My hill now.
  23. Above use believes that to doubt one's self is to be an enigma to one's self.
  24. Hmm...I'm at a loss. Are you able to import meshes the long way? (i.e. right click in the appropriate list, select "New", navigate through Oblivion/Data/Meshes and select the mesh)
  25. There are some tools to make book creation easier: Critterman's Oblivion Book Creator Hawk's Book Creator As far as finding the Jewelry Box, there are several of them. Here are the names of the three generic ones (and those are the ones you'll want to use): ChestJewelryMiddle01 ChestJewelryNoble01 ChestJewelryUpper01 There are several way of finding things in the CS if you don't know the Editor ID of the object you're looking for. One of the easiest is as follows: Note: I'm using Jewelry Box in this example, but it can easily be applied to other things. 1. Determine which category the desired item is in and select it in the Object Window. For Jewelry Box, select Containers. 2. Look in the object list (the part to the right that displays all the items from the selected category). At the top of the list, you'll see the names of the columns (Editor ID, Count, Users, Name, etc.). Click on the word Name to arrange all items in alphabetical order by name. Click on it again to arrange them in reverse alphabetical order. 3. Scroll down until you find an object with the desired name. In the case of "Jewelry Box", you'll see that there are at least six containers by that name. This technique can be used in almost any category (exceptions being Grass, Statics, and Tree) to quickly find what you're looking for, assuming you're looking in the right place.
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