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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?
  2. Granted, but now weeks are 9 days long and you have to work 24 hours per day 7 days a week and you can't have two days off in a row. You get three days paid vacation once every four years (oh, and years are now 468 days long, spread across 14 months). I wish that I didn't have to wish for something every time I corrupted a wish.
  3. Would you listen to radio if all they played was commercials and crap that people like to pretend is music?
  4. Why doesn't "radioactive" refer to an active radio?
  5. Why isn't "hard water" simply called "ice"?
  6. If you're using Windows Vista or Windows 7, read this. Also, we need more information in order to help you. What is the exact text of the error massage you're getting? What specific mods have you experienced this with? What program are you using to extract the mod files from whatever archive type they're in?
  7. Does answer your question?
  8. Is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis truly the longest word in the English language?
  9. Why is the fear of long words called "Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia"?
  10. Why do I have to write my name down if I'm signing up?
  11. Granted. Your headset is now so awesome that it can be heard from the moon. Unfortunately, you (and everything for four miles in every direction) are obliterated by the awesomeness. I wish the Boogeyman would stop chasing me.
  12. Raining spells, huh? That would be perfect for Grapes of Wrath, especially if the grapes were the size of watermelons. Ouch. You could also make a cornstalk blunt weapon to go with the cucumber.
  13. Kudos on the workaround. Thanks for posting it. :thumbsup:
  14. I once asked this very question over at TES Alliance. Unfortunately, there is no known way to accomplish this.
  15. :laugh: That's hilarious! (unless you're the target) Cucumber Crash - massive Drain Fatigue effect, causing the target to collapse. Killer Tomato Attack - In Soviet Cyrodiil, tomato eats you. Beet Brutality - Damage Health on target. Beet Brawl - Damage Health area effect. Popeye's Recipe - Fortify Strength on self. Mustard Gas - Area poison effect. Antipersonnel Artichoke - Area poison, fire damage & damage health. Mango Mine - Proximity explosive fruit bomb. Garlic Belch - Area effect poison (not as powerful as Cabbage Fart). Onion Peel Assault - Demoralize target. Grapes of Wrath - Severe damage health effect, chance of insta-kill.
  16. Granted, but the cookies are now laced with...something that turns everyone who eats them into blood-sucking ninja vampires or sword-wielding samurai werewolves. Naturally, this results in a samurai werewolf/ninja vampire war that destroys the world. Twice. I wish politics wasn't a game where the only ones who really want to play are the very ones who should never be allowed to win.
  17. Once there was a golden cheese lying atop the army's daisy cutters because he was recently kicked by every duck in the southern islands because of the lasagne becoming increasingly stinky and mean towards them. This time they would enjoy transforming into lasagna eating monsters... ...that would obliterate...
  18. Granted, but the method used puts you into a 40 year coma. During that time, the world is conquered by aliens twice, ends twelve to twenty-seven times, goes through three more world wars and is reduced to a radioactive wasteland. You learn all of this upon awakening and die of a heart attack brought on by shock. I wish... hmm, what do I wish? Oh, I know!
  19. Granted, but it comes into contact with an antimatter rat spewing negative dark matter from its rear. The resulting explosion destroys half of whatever planet you're on. I wish this blasted headache would go away, without requiring a decapitation.
  20. Re-check the alpha channels in your new icons and make sure they're okay. If they are, send me some copies of the misbehaving icons and I'll punish them take a look.
  21. From the OP's description, I don't think that's the case. If it was the main textures that were missing, the outfits would show up bright purple instead of making the body invisible. I could be wrong, though. It's happened before (but don't tell anybody :P ). Drake also raises a good point.
  22. Did you make sure to add the Alpha Channel as an additional layer to your icon?
  23. It sounds like you're either missing the NormalMap textures, or you're using an incompatible body type. What specific mod(s) did you install that have this issue?
  24. Granted but the money is stolen, the cops burst in seconds after your roommate and take you both into custody. Your system(s) and games are taken as evidence and "accidentally" destroyed. I wish the air around here was cleaner.
  25. How can I focus when I have ADHD?
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