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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. Granted, but the invention is sucked backwards through time and applied to all life. This wondrous painkiller's name? Death. No pain, no side effects. I wish that blasted thunderstorm hadn't kept me up all night.
  2. The Vyper strikes various keys on his keyboard, thus leaving a moderately coherent post.
  3. The yellow diamond is a missing mesh, not a missing texture. I could be something added by a mod that you removed the resources to, or had an incorrect file path. Post your load order so we can better assist you.
  4. Are you setting your mod as the Active file before loading it in the CS?
  5. I don't know of a way to remove the door icon without turning off cross-hairs entirely. It would be a neat feature, though.
  6. I ran into exactly the same problem. My solution was to re-unpack the files to a temporary folder, then move the missing meshes and textures into the appropriate locations in my Oblivion/Data folder.
  7. You have to find that specific door in the CS, open it and delete what is in the Name field. Not the EditorID, but the name of the door.
  8. You might also want to try Opera. The YouTube AddsFree extension doesn't produce the problems you describe.
  9. My browser is no longer trying to access d.chango.com (thankfully). Not sure if that's due to deleting my cookies, or the fixes being done to the site. Anyone else encountered the d.chango.com thing here?
  10. Keep in mind that some dialogue is dependent on race, so you could get dialogue glitches if you do that. But, that can easily be fixed, as Septfox and Rennn have already pointed out.
  11. For the helmets: Try putting the retextured meshes in the same folder as the original so they can use the same .egm file, or copy the original .egm into the new folder. For the hoods: Make sure the hoods are only set to cover the "Hair" slot, rather than the "Head" slot. This should also be done with the helmets.
  12. That usually happens when the icons are created for a specific graphic resolution preset that you aren't using (i.e the icons were made for the "High" graphics setting only and you're using "Medium" or "Low"). You can usually fix that by re-saving each offending icon while generating mipmaps for them. The icons won't display in the CS afterwards (and you'll get an error message that's safe to ignore), but they will display in game.
  13. Granted, time now occasionally freezes, but so do you, so you don't notice a change in temporal speed. I wish video game developers would stop releasing unfinished games.
  14. is thinking about leaving the modding community.
    1. vvk78


      Why so?


      The Skyrim CK is out now.


      And take a look at the new possibilities:


    2. The_Vyper


      Because of Steam. I refuse to support a company that treats it's customers like thieves by requiring them to install spyware just to play (or mod) their games.
    3. Deleted54170User


      Wow! I had to come all the way back to this comment made during 2012 Feb, in Feb. 2017 to find out about STEAM's (new cybernetic samurai chipmonk's) practices. ;- )
  15. Granted, you are an integral part of a nuclear reactor. I wish I had a motorized vehicle that didn't need maintenance.
  16. Granted, but it explodes when you touch it. Three days after exploding, it re-assembles it self, only to explodes again when you touch it once more. The cycle repeats... I wish I could sleep for more than two hours at a time. Seriously, I can't do that.
  17. Who says a Thunder God needs to make sense?
  18. How can anyone (even a Thunder God) be addicted to a province?
  19. Granted, but it doesn't work and can't ever be fixed. I wish I could fly. Lol, you need to re-read what I typed. The second Tuesday of next week. There hasn't been a week in all of history with two Tuesdays in it. :P
  20. Maharg67, your doom has come in the form of...Liberty Prime! http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/264/4/c/liberty_prime_by_amana07-d2z7sh7.jpg
  21. Granted, but you're such a bad ninja that you only win because Delikatessen lets you (out of ninja-sympathy). I wish there wasn't a staff meeting scheduled on the second Tuesday of next week.
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