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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. I don't see anything in your load order that might be causing it. It may just be a glitch. The OP is talking about these guys. Once you become the Listener, you can get one of the resident Murderers to follow you. It's not DLC or mod related.
  2. Umm...Thor, are you okay? I mean, seriously, didn't you learn what a pen was (and how to use it) in school Asgard? Why don't you ask Heimdall to explain it?
  3. Good catch. It's been too long since I used that function.
  4. Granted, but it causes an overload that rips a hole in the space-time continuum, which deposits you on a deserted, barely habitable planet 400,000 light years away and 900,000 years in the future. I wish that blue-furred, two-tailed, four-armed, seven-eyed boogle monkey sitting outside my window would just shut up.
  5. Well, I see two problems with that script. Problem 1: There is nothing to tell it to stop running, so it will run in every frame and the messagebox will continuously appear. Solution: Designate a "Short" variable before the GameMode block. Run a check to see if it's set to 1 and, if not, display the Messagebox and set it to 1. Example script: Scriptname Tutorial01 Short Displayed Begin Gamemode If Displayed /= 1 Messagebox "Welcome to this Alternate Beginning Mod" Set Displayed to 1 Endif end Problem 2. You call the "activate" command, but don't activate anything. Solution: Remove the "activate" command as shown above. For better tutorials on scripting, check out the related classes at TES Alliance.
  6. Isn't that called a receipt?
  7. Would you be confused if the answer to both questions was "yes"?
  8. Granted, but now your good memories cause negative feelings. I wish I didn't have to keep corrupting wishes in order to keep this thread going.
  9. Why would you want to sleep?
  10. Argonians and Khajiit require the sekeltonbeast.nif, rather than the normal skeleton.nif used by the other races. Which of the two are you selecting when trying to create Argonian or Khajiit NPCs?
  11. Maybe add a scripted spell that lets you summon a Divine Steed (essentially, a good version of Shadowmere). I like this idea. A Crusader's Bow would be pretty cool. What would make it even cooler is if the bow would replenish its own arrows as long as the entire armor set is equipped. I'm not so keen on this. The Divine Crusader needs to remain humble, and the walking the Pilgrim's Way is a good way to measure that. A humble Crusader would walk the path out of obedience to the Nine, while one who is not humble would resent being sent on what they would view as "a pointless journey". Don't forget, the order's end was brought about largely by a lack of humility on the parts of the Knights.
  12. The last 'update' on this project was over 5 years ago. This project is dead. It is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. This is an ex-project. Too bad. It would have been interesting.
  13. Hmmm...what can I get from "slayerpaul"? aye ayes slay slayer lay lays layer layers lyre lyres slap lap laps play plays player players pay pays payer payers pray prays prey pull pulls pall palls peal peals yap yaps ape apes yell yells sale seal ale ales spay say sea sly spy pea peas leap leaps pale pales plea pleas say sayer spell ply pearl pearls rely slurp lure lures plus pull pulls us rye ryes lye lyes yelp yelps pure sully spur syrup up ups rue rues ruse rule rules yule yules spry I'm sure I can find more, but that's all I have time for. Edit - found some more: sue yes yep all slur sally ally ray rays Is that enough, or should I keep looking?
  14. Damn, I'm a zombie meal. The only things to my left are: A trash can (with aluminum cans in it), a desk fan, and a wall. But to my right is a nice, razor sharp katana. Oh, if only I could get to it before that zombie eats m- Urgh! Aaaaagggghhh!
  15. In order for GIMP to read .dds files (textures), you need a plugin for it. Otherwise, you'll get the "unknown file type" message. Out of curiosity, which tutorial were you following?
  16. Can't be bothered to post right now. My house is being invaded by ninjas and if I stop fighting long enough to post, I'll take a shuriken or kunai to the knee back, then be cut to pieces (which would make a huge mess and ruin my carpet).
  17. Imperistan likes ancient, cave dwelling hermits in medieval dress. :biggrin:
  18. Granted, you only have to say "I wish" at the start of every other sentence in this thread. I wish people would stop trying to tell me why I do things when they don't have the faintest idea of what they're talking about.
  19. So, it's an anagram game. Hmm...what can I get from Maharg67? ham harm hag gram gam (yes, that's a word :P ) mag rag How's that? :biggrin:
  20. The only culprit I can think of is Sounds of Cyrodiil. Try moving that to the end of your load order and see if that helps. If not, try disabling it. Also try both with a clean save or new character, just to ensure it's not an issue with gamesave data.
  21. You'll need to post your load order for us to have any chance of diagnosing this issue. :thumbsup:
  22. You'll need to post your load order for us to have any chance of diagnosing this issue. :thumbsup:
  23. There is no way to script that. In order for an image to appear in a book, it has to do so as a texture. When images are taken in game, they are saved as either .BMPs, .JPGs, .PNGs or .GIFs depending on how they were taken. There's no way to script the system to take a screenshot (let alone a specific head shot), resize it so it will fit in a book, add an alpha channel, save the image as a .DDS and then apply it to a book. It's a cool idea, though.
  24. If you have an account somewhere like 4shared, you can upload it there and post a link to it.
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