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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. This game fairly simple.


    Take the color of your top (shirt, jacket, whatever) & the first thing you see on your right or left and make that your superhero name. Come up with powers based on your name. I'll start.


    I am...The Black Staircase! I go up and down at the same time!

  2. Delikatessen, your doom shall come in the form of...a Minbari War Cruiser!




    Vyper, your doom has come in the form of Thor, to defeat your serpent!

    According to Norse legend, Thor and Jörmungandr will kill each other during Ragnarök.

  3. i cant believe i cannot find any similar request anywhere. is there any reason for that? apart from the request being quite... huge?

    The shear amount of work required is what is keeping this from happening. For legal reasons, meshes/textures from Morrowind couldn't be used, so everything would have to be made from scratch. Everything: armor, weapons, flora, fauna, architecture, dungeon tilesets, etc. This would take a long time even with a big team. And keeping such a team together for the duration of the project would be extremely difficult. Plus, modders with the skills necessary to pull it off would get constantly caught up in their own projects, anyway. As spectacular as something like this would surely be, I just don't see it happening. I wish it would, though.

  4. Hey Guys.


    Been having a problem loading CM Partners Into Oblivion.

    I use OBSE to start up oblivion (With OldBlivion)

    And if I have CM Partners checked, I'll get to the loading screen, and ctd.


    I was wondering if it's because it's conflicting with Oldblivion, or what.

    If it is, are there any patches/fixes?

    Do you have both the CMPartners.esm and CMPartners.esp activated?

  5. I tried the Thundergun-Blunderbus. It's really cheap for the Cheating version and it takes up waaaay to much ammunition for the normal one. 3 shots and you're done.

    Yeah, but that can be modified in the CS easily enough. Set the enchantment charge to 1600 and set the enchantment cost to 16, then set the gun's enchantment to 1600 and you get 100 shots per charge.

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