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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. i registered an account. i can log in on the forums but i cant log in the the tesnexus site ....

    Try changing your password and see if that helps. I've had to do that on other site before.


    Edit: Forgot to mention that special characters (such as @#$%^&*) are not allowed in passwords for the file sites. You can use them to get into the forums, just not the file sites.

  2. When making enchantments in the CS, remember these tidbits:


    Charge Amount = Total charge of the enchantment.

    Enchantment Cost = How much of the total charge is used in each strike/shot.

    Charge Amount/Enchantment Cost = Number of uses you get before you have to recharge.


    This means that you will get 100 uses before you have to recharge if you set up an enchantment like this:

    Charge Amount: 1600

    Enchantment Cost: 16

    If you set both the Charge Amount and Enchantment Cost to 1600, you will only get one use before you need to recharge.


    On the weapon itself, always make sure that Enchantment is equal to or greater than the enchantment's Charge Amount.

  3. All i pretty much need to know is how to make it into a link to put on tesnexus, because when i try to compact it, it makes it into a shortcut

    From the looks of it, your mod relies on meshes and textures from something else. If you didn't make those yourself, make sure you have permission from the original authors before uploading a file using their stuff. Once you have their permission, you can use TES4Files to gather all related meshes and textures into one folder. Then you can use 7-Zip to compact the folder into an archive that you can upload to TESNexus.

  4. Ayleid Royals looks like an armor set you'd like. Reclaiming Sancre Tor is a good quest mod, although it's diametrically opposed to Servant of the Dawn. As bben46 suggested, the top 100 list is a good place to look.



    Sorry if I ramble. My thought process seems to go from one thing, to another, and back, then somewhere else and stuff.

    Lol, my thought process does the same thing. I've been told I have ADHD, but I don't- Oh, Look! A chicken!

  5. Thank you mate, it works like a charm! :dance:

    You're welcome. :D I'm glad I was able to help.


    Hehe, it is time to be creative now! Cheers!

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Judging by the images you've posted so far, it'll be spectacular.

  6. - I haven't figured out how to save a .DDS page illustration so that it is transparent over the vanilla book paper texture

    In order to do that, follow these steps:


    1. Put your image on a background that has no color in common with your image.

    2. Add an Alpha Channel to the image. (How you do this depends on what program you're using to edit .DDS files. Use Google to find a plugin, if necessary.)

    3. Delete the background color, then save your image.


    Once you've done that, your image should display as desired on the book page.

  7. You can open the CS and find the item number, then use the console command "Player.additem (item number) (quantity)

    Finding the FormID in the CS isn't enough to use it in game. FormIDs from mods generally begin with 01 (02 if the mod relies on another .esm) when displayed in the CS. However, the first two digits actually depend on load order and increase in hex format.


    For instance, say you want a sword from mod X. You load mod X in the CS and it gives a FormID of 01015979. Now let's say your load order looks something like:



    Some Mod Here.esp

    Some Other Mod Here.esp

    Yet Another Mod Here.esp

    Mod X.esp


    The actual FormID for the desired sword would be 04015979 because Mod X is the fourth file to load after the Oblivion.esm.


    An easy way to find out what the correct first two digits are is to load your entire load order TES4Edit. The first two digits that each .esp/.esm uses for new objects are listed just to the left the .esp/.esm name, as shown in the highlighted section of the image below:




    You can also get the full FormID of the desired object from TES4Edit by expanding the + next to the .esp/.esm and expanding the necessary sub-heading(s).


    The FormIDs for the Dread Armor are as follows:


    Boots xx002650

    Cuirass xx002651

    Gauntlets xx002652

    Greaves xx002653


    Use TES4Edit or Wrye Bash to find out what the first two digits should be (look for Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp in your load order).

  8. @ Vyper, I managed to set the glow rods up as a creature. It is pretty awesome, I will show you a video of it later.

    Awesome! I look forward to seeing that. :thumbsup:



    Maybe you could make a mod where you can summon these creatures? Maybe as a conjuration alternative to the "light" spell.

    Ooh, that would be interesting, especially if I can figure out how to add multiple hues to the default "Light" spells.

  9. This happens to me, and this is what I do, when under the files tab, hover over the file you want to download, right click it and open in new window.

    A slightly faster method is to press down on the mouse wheel (like a button). This will automatically open the link you're pointing at in a new browser tab.

  10. If you have Oblivion installed in the default directory (i.e.,C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\), then your problem is the Windows 7 UAC. Installing Oblivion to a directory outside of Program Files (i.e., something like C:\Games\) should resolve the issue. Read this for more information.
  11. Oh I like that a lot, if you don't mind I will use your idea of mixing a cage 'n varla stone. You'll be credited of course :).

    I'm planning to use it for a key mechanism, but I'll need to create another end :laugh:.

    I actually got the idea from Trollf's Armamentarium, so credit him instead. Thanks, though. :D


    Wouldnt it be an idea to add a picture of it here, not just the readme? We'd see that information if we were interested in dowloading it.

    A very good idea. It shall be done! :thumbsup:


    There are images on the filepage, but if you insist:




    Thanks for the nice screenie. It looks much better than my in game shots. I think I'll make a few of those myself.


    Epic work Vyper :) Truly awesome.

    Thanks! :happy:


    Mind if I make a creature out of this? Nam really wants floating lights!

    I'd like to see that. Go right ahead. Just make sure you get Meo's permission to use the textures. If you want to use vanilla textures instead, use the following:


    Handle: ARWelkydItem01.dds

    Cage at the base of the varla stone: ARIronWork01.dds

    Metal frame for varla stone: ARIronWork01.dds

    For the varla stone itself: ARWelkydStone01.dds


    That will get you a nice blue version.

  12. Download: TESNexus TES Alliance



    Name: Ayleid Glow Rods

    Version: 1.0

    Date: 10/23/2011

    Category: Miscellaneous

    Author: The Vyper






    Oblivion 1.2.416






    The Ayleids used these magical glowing rods to light their way in dark places. They are formed by the magic contained within the pedestals in which they rest. When removed, their pedestals will begin the three day process of creating another glow rod.






    Update 10-24-11: Added a plugin with darker versions of the glow rods. If you want darker versions and you've already downloaded the original file, you can download the optional .esp only file. Otherwise, download the main file and choose which plugin you want. The plugins will conflict with each other, so choose only one. The darker torches are dimmer and have a smaller light radius than the originals.


    Ayleid glow rods come in seven colors: Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, White and Yellow. There are 32 glow rods of each color placed among the various Ayleid ruins. When you take one from a pedestal, another will take its place in three days. The glow rods never "burn out", so you don't have to worry about them going dark on you in the middle of a dungeon crawl. :thumbsup:


    Big screenie of all seven in game:






    Screenies showing the comparison between the light and dark versions:



































    1. Extract this archive to any folder and then copy the contents to Oblivion's Data


    2. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the .esp file(s).






    1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).

    2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.






    None known.



    Known Issues:



    None known.






    10/23/2011 - Initial release.






    The Vyper at the BGS Forums or TES Alliance.

    The_Vyper at TESNexus.






    Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.

    Thanks to Meo for allowing me to use the textures from Ayleid Clutter V3, available here & here.

    Thanks to InsanitySorrow for his ReadMe Generator this file is based on.



    Tools Used:



    Insanity's ReadMe Generator

    Elderscrolls Construction Set









    The textures for the glow rods come from Ayleid Clutter V3. You will need Meo's permission to use them. The textures for the particle effects were made by me. Feel free to use them as long as you give me credit for them.

  13. Hi :)


    Little bit of background first - I have created a dungeon where a lot of different things jump out at you, walls appear/disappear, etc. At one part, a (relatively) dead zombie is supposed to fall through a hole in the roof right in front of the player.

    The zombie is already placed, disabled, in what is essentially a funnel to ensure he falls through. When the player moves through a trigzone the zombie is enabled and should fall.


    The only problem is, he doesn't.


    Instead, the zombie behaves like a static. He just floats there, nothing affecting him. He is even subject to the "MoveTo bug" where his graphics don't update - just like a static.

    Havok suddenly kicks in if I press "z" on the zombie (grab). The moment I hit grab he flies just like planned into the hole.

    My plan to get around this was that if the zombie started alive and was killed by script, then havok would work just like normal. For some reason though, if the zombie is alive when enabled, he disappears (or possibly never appears). I have no clue why this is. :huh:


    So, is there a function that activates Havok on a reference? Or perhaps another workaround?

    Thanks for your help :)

    I don't know of a command that activate Havoc on a reference. (Doesn't mean there isn't one, I junst don't know one). As for a workaround, try this:


    1. Put a collision box under the zombie, make it a persistent reference and give it a RefID.

    2. De-select the "Initially Disabled" flag on your zombie and drop it so that it "stands" on the collision box.

    3. Click the 'HavocSim" button in the CS while your zombie is selected in the Render Window. The zombie will collapse on the collision box.

    4. Re-script your trigger zone to disable the collision box. Your zombie should fall as desired once the collision box is disabled.


    So a 0-health zombie isn't working :confused:. If you haven't yet, put down some pathgrid, that's probably why it disappears. Another end might be the packages it is using.

    Good idea for a living reference, but pathgrids have no effect on dead creatures or NPCs, nor do AI packages use them.

  14. The vanilla textures are in the BSA archives in your Oblivion/Data folder. There's no need to reinstall Oblivion, or even unpack the textures. Just remove the textures from Enhanced Hotkeys and your game should revert to using the Vanilla textures.


    Edit: Typo.

  15. I am no scripter, unfortunately and I making a mod where I could really use a "Auto Lock" script for a door controlled by a lever. Basically whenever I close the door via the lever, I want it to lock back to its previous state. Right now, without a script, the door opens and closes via the lever, but it doesn't lock back when i activate the lever to close the door. My only option right now is to console lock it every time i shut it. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Try something like this:


    scn DoorAutoLockScript
    Short Open
    Begin OnActivate
     If open != 1
       Set Open to 1
     Elseif Open == 1
       DoorRef.Lock LockLevel
       set open to 0

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