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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. Does Nifskope actually help to put pictures in-game in the form of paintings/class pics? :confused:

    NifSkope is needed to do that, but you have to do several other things first.


    Things you will need:


    1. A BSA unpacking tool. You'll need to unpack several files. BSA Commander works (although I've never used it). Oblivion Mod Manager also has a BSA unpacking tool.


    2. A program that can edit .dds (texture) files. NVidia makes a free .dds plugin that works with PhotoShop. GIMP is a free program that has it's own .dds plugin, but you will also need a Normal Map plugin. Paint.NET can edit .dds natively, but you will also need to get it's NormalMap plugin.


    3.NifSkope. You will need this to apply your texture(s) to the desired painting frame(s).


    Once you have all of this (and have unpacked at least one painting mesh and it's associated textures), you can proceed. Open an image you want to convert and scale it down to 256 x 128 pixels (256 wide, 128 tall). Save the image as a .dds file in DTX3 compression as MyPic01.dds. Now use the NormalMap function to create a NormalMap for it and save the NormalMap as MyPic01_n.dds. Open one of the painting meshes in NifSkope and click on the image in the painting. Doing so will highlight one of the NiTriStips in the Block List (Usually NiTriStrips # 19, but if not, it will be the last one listed). Click on the + to the left of it to expand the block list for it. Now click on the + next to NiTexturingProperty. You can change the source texture to your newly created one by clicking on the small purple flower-like icon. Then save the mesh as a new one and you've got your own custom picture you can hang...wherever once you've added it into the CS.

  2. CS crashes everytime i try to generate a path grid if anyone has fixed this before plz replay. but better would be a list of crash fixes so if i crash on something else i can just look at the list ;}

    You can only generate pathgrids in exterior worldspaces. You have to manually create them in interiors. Pathgrids

  3. I have detailed images of the hammer in the Thor movie being released tomorrow (via Official Movie Special magazine) and I plan on creating the model and textures tonight and tomorrow.


    Very nice! I'd make a new character just to use that!

  4. Thanks for the help. Clearing and relaoding has cured the levelled item problem. However, locks on chest still aren't working, and no door sounds still for some of the teleport doors (I get sounds for locked doors, but not for the unlocked ones).


    Any ideas anyone?

    What method are you using to lock the chests? As for the doors, did you manually select the desired sounds for them?

  5. I believe the problem is the Begin OnEquip block. Begin OnEquip runs once when the object is equipped. You'll need to use a GameMode block with a timer if you want the script to continually update. It will also need to check if the Player has the cursed armor equipped.
  6. Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney sang under the alias Apollo C. Vermouth.


    The monarch butterfly can discern tastes 12,000 times more subtle than those perceivable by human taste buds.


    The typical kangaroo is 40 percent brighter than the smartest dog or cat.


    Dolphins have killed sharks by ramming them with their snouts.


    The smallest monkey is the pygmy marmoset, which weighs around 5 ounces (150 grams).


    A two-day-old gazelle can outrun a full-grown horse.


    In the US, you can cover any possible amount of change for one transaction if you have: 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel and 4 pennies.

  7. I'm excited for Series 6 on April 23. I hope that Matt Smith stays on for more than only 2 series... :unsure:

    He signed on for three with the option to renew, so there will be at least one more with him after this one.


    For my favorite Doctor, I'd have to say that Tom Baker and David Tennant are tied.


    As for my favorite creature, well that's a bit tough. I really can't say.

  8. If I'm understanding you right, you want a weapon to add aaaSunDamage on strike, but only if the target is a vampire? If so, you might want to try this script:


    ScriptName aaaSunDamageScript
    ref Target
    Begin ScriptEffectStart
    Set Target to GetSelf
    if Target.GetVampire > 0 && Target.IsSpellTarget aaaSunDamage == 0
      Target.AddSpell aaaSunDamage


    That should add the sun damage spell if the target is a vampire and isn't already being affected by aaaSundamage.


    Note: If (as I suspect) aaaSundamage is an ability type spell, you need to add a script to it so that it removes itself after a time. Otherwise it will continue to affect the target until it dies, meaning that one strike will (eventually) prove fatal to vampires.


    A script that would romove aaaSunDamage after five seconds would look like:


    scn aaaSunDamageRemovalScript
    float timer
    ref me
    begin GameMode
    set me to GetSelf
    set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed
    if timer >= 5
    me.RemoveSpell aaaSunDamage


    You'll need to attach this script to the spell itself (by that, I mean aaaSunDamage) in order for it to work.

  9. I've run into this problem before. You need to place a leveled list in the cell instead of the skeleton itself. For some reason, creatures/NPCs don't spawn correctly in interior cells unless they're generated by leveled lists. Keep in mind that not all leveled lists spawn 100% of the time. If you want all six skeletons to spawn every time the cell resets, I recommend using LL1SkeletonMelee100 (for sword wielders) and LL1SkeletonMissile100 (for archers).
  10. I also have Windows 7, it is the Steam version.

    Windows 7 in likely the culprit. The UAC does not like it when you try to modify something installed in C:\Program Files. Installing Oblivion to another directory (Such as C:\Games) should resolve the issue.

  11. There are several possible causes for this, so we'll need more information in order to help. Some info we'll need is:


    Do you have the latest official patch installed?

    Do you have Shivering Isles installed? (required for All Spells Available)

    Are you using Windows Vista or 7? If so, is Oblivion installed to the default directory?

    Did you activate the mods with Wrye Bash, OBMM or in Data Files?

  12. I have problems with CS. If I make a mod, save it, turn off the computer and then turn back on to edit the mod further, when I go to save again, it doesn't let me overwrite the previous Esp made before I turned off the computer the first time. So then if I want to upload the mod, I have to add 2 Esp's causing trouble. Help?



    Are you setting your .esp as the "active" file when you reload it in the CS?

  13. I made a spell using that once. The script I used was:


    scn VypTitansPushScript
    ref target
    begin scripteffectstart
    set target to getself
    player.pushactoraway target 10000


    That sent targets flying.

  14. I can't find it on the CS, anyone know where exactly it is listed? Thank you.

    If you're talking about targets, they're listed under Statics as TargetHay01 and TargetHeavy01. If you're talking about something else, you'll have to be more specific.

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