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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. Yeah, but that can be modified in the CS easily enough. Set the enchantment charge to 1600 and set the enchantment cost to 16, then set the gun's enchantment to 1600 and you get 100 shots per charge.
  2. This. It will be at least eight more months before I can afford a PC that will run Skyrim, so I may get it for PS3 until then. Given that length of time, I may actually hold off buying it for PC until the GotY edition is released (and you know they'll have one).
  3. Not a musket, but this might still interest you: Thundergun-Blunderbus
  4. The most current version is 1.0.3. DarkRider has a lot going on right now, but should be releasing 1.0.4 within the next week or two. Until then, you may have to resort to typing setstage aaRCMQ03 16 in the console to advance the quest. Some other users have had to do the same.
  5. Greetings. I think it's good. It greatly extends the life of the game. I downloaded a few, then decided I wanted to start making them. I can't answer that. There are so many amazing mods out in so many different categories that I can't choose just one. To "fix" what some deem to be flawed, to create strange new worlds to explore, to add great quests, to expand existing quests, just for fun...the list could go on for several pages. Some people just like to tinker with things. I certainly do. To fix what I deem to be flawed, to explore strange new worlds, to play entirely new quests and extensions to existing quest lines, to learn how something was done so I can do it myself...I could keep listing things, but it all comes down to personalizing my game. Mods allow a levels of personalization that most games simply don't have. What makes this so appealing for games like Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3 & Fallout: New Vegas is that they are role playing games and mods add a much greater ability to actually role play.
  6. Yep, it's still going on. On the plus side, GMod no longer actually hosts mods without the author's consent. They just put mod descriptions up (free advertising for us modders). On the downside, they (try) to link those descriptions directly to the Nexus servers. Unacceptable. So far, I've found eleven of my mods there. I've tried repeatedly to "claim" my account, but have yet to hear back from them. Clearly, they want to get content without the inconvenience of dealing with those who create it. GMod = Fail.
  7. Maharg67, your doom shal come in the form of...my (not so little) friend! http://www.logon2pets.co.uk/library/images/Neville%20&%20reticulated%20python%202.jpg Fluffy, the reticulated python! Edit: Typo
  8. Granted, but you are never consulted and never get anything done. I wish the Boogyman would stop chasing me and just leave me alone.
  9. Wyrd, your doom has com in the form of...a video game! http://gameramblings.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/doom.jpg
  10. Yes I do: Walther P-99 Glock-19 Taurus PT-92 Mossberg 500 Citori 625 Feather All of the above.
  11. I ran into that problem, too. The solution was to turn on general subtitles (in-game option). As it turned out, Bruin did speak with the horse seller. but I couldn't tell because the dialogue was silent. If I interrupted the conversation by talking to the horse seller myself, the conversation wouldn't resume and the quest wouldn't update.
  12. As far as I know, OBSE can't detect files that are still in a BSA archive. Try setting up a custom icon directory (such as Textures/Menus/Icons/MyStuff), put the icons you want to use in it and see if you can get OBSE to redirect there.
  13. See my reply in your other topic. :thumbsup:
  14. That is due to a missing NormalMap. NormalMaps basically tell textures how to fit on a mesh and they have the same name as the related texture, but with _n at the end. Example: Robe.dds <---- The main texture for a robe Robe_n.dds <---- The NormalMap for the texture There are two ways to use the original NormalMap for your new robe texture: 1. Copy the original normalmap ot a temporary location, rename it to match your new robe texture (remember to put _n at the end) and move it to the same folder as your new texture. Example: NewRobeTexture.dds NewRobeTexture_n.dds 2. Put your new robe texture in the same folder as the original and change your texture's name to match, but with a description after a _. Example: Robe.dds <---- The original robe texture Robe_MyRetex.dds <---- Your custom texture made from the original The advantage of method 2 is that your new texture will use the same NormalMap as the original. It will also use the original texture's GlowMap (if it has one).
  15. You're welcome! :D Awesome screenshot! :thumbsup:
  16. Drain Speed 100 points for 1 second has been known to make enemies "forget" they were just attacked. Not sure if it'll work on a guard, but you can give it a try.
  17. If their disposition is maxed, you can't persuade them because there's no longer a reason to. It's that way even without mods.
  18. I finally got a chance to look it over in the CS. In addition to using PMS EffectGhost, you need to use SAA (SetActorAlpha). To use that properly, you need to alter these two lines of the script: Player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectDreadArmorOOOalt and Player.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDreadArmorOOOalt Change them to: Player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectGhost Player.SAA 0.01 and Player.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectGhost Player.SAA 1 You may need to play around with the SAA value a bit, but that should get you the transparency effect you want.
  19. No, definitely not. That would make the DreadScriptOOO stop working. No, I was proposing a slight alteration to DreadScriptOOO that would add an object with DreadArmorTokenGhostEffectScript to the player's inventory (although the Begin OnUnEquip block needs to be removed. What was I thinking when I put that in there?).
  20. You might be interested in the Gundam Armor Pack.
  21. If I understand your post correctly, you want a mod that adds lots of new armors and weapons. If so, try Armamentarium Complete by TrollF.
  22. This is actually pretty easy to do. You could slightly modify DreadScriptOOO to add a token to the Player's inventory (if the GetItemCount for that token is 0) and script the token to check and see if the other armor pieces are equipped, then play the GhostEffect if they are. An example script for the token would be: scn DreadArmorTokenGhostEffectScript Short GhostPlay Begin GameMode If Player.GetEquipped DreadBootsOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadCuirassOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGauntletsOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGreavesOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadHelmetOOO == 1 && GhostPlay == 0 Player.pms GhostEffect Set Ghostplay to 1 ElseIf GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadBootsOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadCuirassOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGauntletsOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGreavesOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadHelmetOOO == 0 Player.sms GhostEffect Set GhostPlay to 0 Endif End Begin OnUnEquip Player If GhostPlay == 1 Player.sms GhostEffect EndIf End Try that and see if it works.
  23. So this is happening with the Player character and NPCs? I see two possibilities here: 1. The skeleton.nif and skeletonbeast.nif were replaced by something that's not compatible with existing clothing/armor. Try replacing them with Coronerra's Maximum Compatibility Skeleton and see if that helps. 2. There are missing NormalMap textures for some (or all) of the outfits. NormalMaps basically tell textures how to fit on a mesh and they have the same name as the related texture, but with _n at the end. Example: Robe.dds <---- The main texture for a robe Robe_n.dds <---- The NormalMap for the texture
  24. The game would not recognize them if you did that. The names for the BSAs are supposed to be: ReclaimSancreTor - Meshes.bsa ReclaimSancreTor - Sounds.bsa ReclaimSancreTor - Textures.bsa
  25. There's no need to install it with OBMM. Just put the .esp and the three .bsa archives (meshes, textures & sound) in your Oblivion\Data file and you're ready to go. I've had no problems with it that way. If that doesn't fix your issue, try asking in the Reclaiming Sancre Tor: Support on TES Alliance. DarkRider and his team a testers are pretty quick with their answers.
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