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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. You might be interested in my Stealth Armors mod: The armors give you 15-75% chameleon depending on your Sneak skill. There's also this one that gives 100% chameleon when sneaking.
  2. There are some great tutorials and modding courses available at TES Alliance. Here's their section on AI.
  3. Enchantments are "on touch" only. As far as I know, there are no mods that can/do change this. You'll have to use the CS to make your custom staff enchantments.
  4. This is the method I use: Open your sword in NifSkope and expand the 0 NiNode in the Block List. Highlight the number 2 NiStringExtraData node. Change the value from SideWeapon to BackWeapon (make sure you don't put a space between "Back" and "Weapon) and save it as a new mesh. Now yu can make a new weapon in the CS using the new mesh (just make sure you set it to BladeTwoHand).
  5. It's okay to make similar textures from scratch and use those, but porting them straight from another game is illegal.
  6. Try this: SCN SASZoneTriggerSSACellJJBScript Short DoOnce begin onTrigger If GetIsReference Player == 1 && DoOnce == 0 Setstage SavingSammiandAshani 151 DisablePlayerControls SASShaeleighRefA.RemoveScriptPackage SASShaeleighRefA.EvaluatePackage SASShaeleighRefA.StartConversation PlayerRef "SSaSHDDA" Set DoOnce to 1 Endif end
  7. That would seem to indicate your NPC has Low Level Processing enabled, which is not supposed to be done for actors placed in leveled lists. Open your NPC in the CS and select the No Low Level Processing option. Also make sure there are no AI packages telling your NPC to be somewhere other than your dungeon. As a side note, you may want to check out TES Alliance. They have the only modding classes available. The classes are very thorough (and a bit more detailed than the Wiki) and there are experts there that can help you if/when you get stuck.
  8. Confidence is a measure of how likely the actor is to attack or flee in combat. It is a threshold for a hidden complicated, deterministic calculation. A setting of 100 guarantees the actor will never flee, while 0 means it will always flee. Energy Level is a measure for the agility of an actor. It determines the frequency and speed of moves to new locations when executing Wander packages, and may or may not modify the distance it will allow to accumulate between itself and the actor it is following.
  9. Did you use the Remove command or Remove Branch? I'm not sure how to script throwing weapons, since the game engine wasn't designed for it. I also don't know how to make reverse-grip weapons. But I don't really see the point to those either, since they would require new animations to work correctly. You're welcome. :thumbsup: So do we all sometimes, especially when we're just starting. The modding courses available at TES Alliance are a really good place to learn. There are great tutorials to go through and experts on hand that can answer your questions if/when you get stuck. It's a place dedicated to helping and encouraging new modders. I've learned a lot there.
  10. This. You can get the 1.2 version here. If you're using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you may run into additional problems later on depending on where you installed Oblivion. Read this for more.
  11. Put them in the PlayerFaction or create a new one with a +100 disposition to the PlayerFaction add put them in that. They would attack everything that got anywhere near you, which would cause a bit of difficulty in towns. 18 aggression is high enough to get them to attack anything that attacks you. Set the dogs' responsibility to 0 and they will even (try to) protect you from guards.
  12. As fas as I can determine, the five usable fonts are hard-coded. The only way to bypass this would be to create a book of 'pictures' where each 'picture' was a page of text featuring your desired font. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that. That's pretty simple, actually. Here's a sample script that you can work with: scn MySpellTomeScript short button short used begin OnEquip player ; if the player is reading the book from their inventory if used == 0 MessageBox "Do you want to add 'Spell Name' to your spell list?", "Yes", "No" endif end begin OnActivate player ; if the player is reading the book from outside their inventory Activate if used == 0 MessageBox "Do you want to add 'Spell Name' to your spell list?", "Yes", "No" endif end begin menumode set button to getbuttonpressed if button > -1 if button == 0 ; add the spell to the player's spellbook player.addspell SpellEditorID set used to 1 endif endif end just change the script name to whatever you want, change 'Spell Name' to the spell's in game name and change SpellEditorID to the editor ID of the spell. How did you try to make it?
  13. It sounds like the CS is not loading the resources properly. What is the precise text of the error message you receive when you load the Oblivion.esm? What version of the CS do you have? Do you have the latest Oblivion patch?
  14. You can also remove them with the console. Type in Player.RemoveSpell 00047ADE to remove Star of the West and type Player.RemoveSpell 00047ADD to remove Voice of the Emperor.
  15. Do you mean Quest Award Leveler?
  16. Assuming the dogs are in a faction that likes the Player, try increasing their aggression to around 18. That should be enough to get them to attack anything that is attacking you.
  17. Man, that sucks. I know how you feel. I worked on a mod for a little over a year and got to within a week of release, then BANG! Hard drive crash wiped out everything. I haven't had the heart to start from scratch. Now I put backups on an external hard drive and on 4shared.
  18. Some of the changes made by mods can get saved in your game save files. Try loading a save from a point before using the mod, or try starting a new game.
  19. I've never used Niftexture, but I have used NifSkope. In order to view/edit .nifs (in NifSkope and all other programs that I know of), you need to unpack them from the BSAs first. OBMM has a BSA unpacking tool. BSA Commander works, too.
  20. I think the OP is talking about making the character visible to the Player while remaining invisible to NPCs (similar to the way Fallout 3 renders the stealth field). I'd like to know how to do that, too.
  21. There's a download link for the main files in the 'Mirrors' section on TES Nexus. The file size is 405.7 MB and will take about 20 minutes to download. If you're unable to see the TES Nexus page, you can get the main files here and the optional files here.
  22. This. You should never start a Ref ID, Editor ID or Script Name with a number. Doing so makes the game think it's supposed to refer to a Form ID, which can cause all kinds of problems.
  23. Good to see another voice actor on the scene. You might also be interested in joining the Voice Actors Guild over at TES Alliance
  24. You might want to check out the modding classes available at TES Alliance. They're very informative. There's a section on Construction Set Basics. Always good to know. :thumbsup: There's also one on Scripting. It's a very helpful and friendly environment intended to help modders get better. I've learned a lot there.
  25. Oooh, that's lookin' mighty good so far! I'm gonna start a Nord character (named Thor Odinson :P) to use this (and continue testing the plugin).
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