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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. I ban billyro for not posting on the previous page.


    I ban mlee3141 for being a time traveler and not sharing profitable stock market tips.


    I ban Pagafyr for getting into a brief Ban War with mlee3141 on the previous page. It was too brief. :tongue:


    I ban brokenergy for breaking up the brief Ban War on the previous page.

  2. When you link two doors together, you should see a yellow marker with a purple-ish pyramid sticking out of it (it has the same shape as the XMarkerHeading static object). That marker is where the Player will materialize when going through the door. Position the yellow marker where you want the Player to materialize. That should fix the issue. Also, make sure to use a clean save when testing.

  3. An easy way to do it that won't result in conflicts with other mods is to:


    1. Create a new chest and fill it with the extra items you want a particular merchant to sell.


    2. Place the new chest somewhere in the merchant's cell.


    3. Set ownership of the new chest to the merchant.


    The merchant will now sell the items in the new chest as well as the items in his/her original chest.

  4. I ban Ironman5000 for reminding me how good I looked before the accident.


    I ban Billyro for not sharing his Portal gun with me.


    I ban Pagafyr for firing rocket-propelled chainsaws at me.


    I ban me for having to edit my post due to a typo.


    I ban my keyboard for the typo that forced me to ban me.


    I ban society for teaching me not to take responsibility for my actions.


    I ban all of existence for existing.

  5. The most likely scenario is that you have a mod that adds additional versions of the African American and Hispanic races, but retains their original in-game race names. Post your load order so we can see if that's the case.

  6. I ban brokenergy for assuming none of us are scientists. I became the human/snake hybrid I am today because of a bizarre accident involving an irrational particle accelerator, a liquid lunch, and a pair of rubber bands.

  7. I ban brokenergy for banning me for not going on a ship with a man who died 236 years ago.


    I ban Pagafyr for assuming I like piloting a ship that can fly. I'm afraid of heights! Oddly enough, I enjoy skydiving. Does that make me weird?


    I ban Ironman5000 for poilkjmnbuythgfvcxrewfdsqaz 321654987.


    I ban Nexus Forums for being so....bloody...SSSLLLOOOWWW.

  8. I ban Pagafyr for questioning my navigational capabilities. I meant to miss Neverland by two weeks. As for Captain Hook, he's fully aware I took his ship. Or at least, he was until I put cement blocks over his hand & hook, tied an anchor to his ankles, loaded him into a cannon and fired him into the deepest depths of Pirates Cove. The Jolly Roger is mine now. All mine.

  9. There is a Global setting called Timescale. The default setting is 30 (1 minute of real time = 30 minutes in game). It sounds like you have a mod that drastically changes that. You have two options for slowing time down:


    1. Find the mod that speeds it up and change the Timescale global to something else.


    2. While playing the game, open console mode (press the ~ key) and type Set Timescale to xx (where xx is what you want the timescale to be).


    If you go with option 1, you will only have to do this once (unless you download another mod that alters the timescale and overrides the change).


    If you go with option 2, you'll have to do that every time you start a new character.

  10. I ban Pagafyr for forgetting that snakes molt. If you want to use my stripes for your avatar, grab some of my molted skins and use the stripes from those.


    I also ban Ironman5000 for engaging in Ban-ception.


    And so nobody feels left out, I ban brokenergy for...some vague, unexplainable reason.

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