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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. Your "cleanup mods" may very well be getting rid of the body. One way to test this is to make your NPC a "Quest" item (there's a box you can select for this when editing the NPC). Quest items are not "cleaned up" when a cell resets.

  2. Using Windows 7 and I'm receiving the same "can't find oblivion.exe" even though ive uninstalled and reinstalled it in the oblivion.exe file, what's more I tried the solution the_vyper gave but i was given 5 tabs not three, and none of them were labelled shortcut nor did any of them have anything that said target.. my oblivion is a steam purchased game

    It sounds like you installed Oblivion to the default Program Files directory. The Windows 7 UAC tends to cause lots of problems if you do that. Re-install Oblivion outside of the Program Files directory and see if that helps.

  3. Hmm, odd sword names, eh? Let's see what I can come up with.


    Fishy Stick (Well, you could use it for fishing. If you really wanted to.)


    Vampyr (Hey, it draws blood, right?)


    Fluffy (Because why not?)


    The Blade of Mess You Up (And it'll mess you up really bad.)


    Attitude Adjuster (See if anyone cops a 'tude once you pull this baby out.)


    Face Cleanser (It has an edge so keen, it'll cleanse your face right off of your head.)


    Semantic Slayer (It won't 'kill' you, but it'll 'un-alive' you real quick.)


    Intestinal Explorer (Now we'll find out what you had for lunch yesterday.)


    Thunder Cake (Hint: the 'cake' is a lie.)


    Expedient Barber (Why take a little off the top when you can take the whole top in one swipe?)


    Polka Mace (Can't read my, can't read my, no you can't read-a-my Polka Mace.)


    Bad Axe (Because swords don't do well when used as axes.)

  4. Another possibility is to create a wearable object out of a book mesh, then set it up in the CS to occupy every single slot on an NPC (Head, Hair, UpperBody, LowerBoddy, etc). Such an item would prevent all selected body parts from being rendered, thus giving the illusion that you are speaking to a book. You could then create a new NPC that will wear the "Book". If you go that route, you may want to give the NPC a scripted ability spell that will prevent the "Detect Life" shader from displaying. The script for that would look something like this:




    Begin ScriptEffectStart
    SMS LifeDetected
    SMS EffectDetectLife
    Begin ScriptEffectUpdate ;needed in case the Player unequips/re-equips a Detect Life item, or casts/re-casts a Detect Life spell
    SMS LifeDetected
    SMS EffectDetectLife




    This would greatly simplify your setup. If you do go this way, make sure the wearable book is the only wearable item (clothing or armor) in your NPC's inventory.

  5. Actually, I think TylerJayton2 has a point. In the ending scene where Martin has his final words, one of them is "The Third Age has ended, and a new age dawns." Link

    So clearly Bethesda was aware that Oblivion ended the 3rd Era.


    But it also makes sense that it would take time for the official Imperial calendar to reflect the change of Era. It isn't reasonable to say "Azzan went to bed on Morndas in the 3rd Era and woke up on Tirdas to find it was now the 4th Era. Why? Because some dude turned into a dragon and fought Goro's red-skinned cousin (he's called 'Doggone' or something), then turned into a statue of a dragon. So it's totally the 4th Era now."


    It would take time (probably years) for the 4th Era to be formally declared, then retroactively dated to the day of Mehrunes Dagon's failed assault on the Imperial City. This delay would only be exacerbated by the many problems an Emperor-less empire runs into (seceding provinces, infighting among Council member & nobles, various factions vying for the throne, assassinations, natural & mystical disaster, mysterious islands appearing out of nowhere and vomiting insane people, etc.). For all we know, the 4th Era might not have been officially declared until Titus Mede captured the Imperial City and assumed the throne. That happened in 17 years after Dagon's defeat, which would put it at 3E 450 by the old calendar, and 4E 17 by the new calendar.

  6. Granted, but they're zombies and they're after you. You're so mesmerized by their musical skills (which they've retained in full) that you don't even try to fight or flee. When they catch they...OMG! It's just too horrible! They...they...they turn you into a Twilight vampire! AAaagghh!


    I wish I'd been able to spend more time at Lake Ouachita this year.

  7. Set your child NPC's Aggression to at least 5. If an NPC's aggression is set to 0, they will refuse combat even if attacked or a fellow faction member is attacked. What an NPC does in combat is determined by their Confidence; if it's set to 0, they will always flee. Also, make sure your child NPC belongs to a non-evil faction.


    What's his "alarm" stat set to? In the CS, it's in the block of stats with responsibility and aggression. My recollection is "alarm" is counted differently from the other three stats in that block. My recollection is also that "alarm" is tied to damage sustained. So if the "alarm" stat is high (low?) you'll have to hurt him badly, before he seeks aid.

    There is no "alarm" stat for Oblivion NPCs.


    Double check that "confidence" isn't reverse-scored. Could be that "zero" confidence really means fight until health is 0% of starting health.

    The Confidence setting determines how willing a particular NPC is to fght; 100 means they will alway fight & never flee, while 0 means they will never fight & always flee.


    Can the NPC physically reach a guard, or another NPC who can get to a guard? You may have an undiagnosed pathfinding problem.

    NPCs don't need to be able to "reach" a guard to report an assault. Guards don't even need to be in the same cell as an assaulted NPC to come running to his/her aid.


    Is the NPC marked as "evil"? If so, the guards will never help him.

    You cannot "mark" NPCs as evil. Whether they are good or evil is determined by their faction affiliation; if they're part of an evil faction, they're evil and will not receive help from guards. If they're not part of an evil faction, guards will come running if they're assaulted/killed.

  8. I don't think it's necessary to make black textures. You can modify the NiMaterialPropery of a mesh so that it doesn't emit or reflect color, thus making it appear solid black. Some meshes appear to support this better than others.


    As for the obstacle course, I'm going to check that out right now.

  9. Granted, you ordered a pizza so large it had to be delivered by a chinook. Unfortunately, the pilot hit the release button prematurely. As a result, your pizza falls a great distance before slamming into the ground and ending up all over your neighborhood.


    I wish I would stop getting mauled by bears. It's...uncomfortable.

  10. Granted. You know for precisely 2.468 seconds, but then you forget. You then decide to study every possible thing that could be on them, but you overdo it and have a psychotic break. You spend exam day randomly hurling yourself into the padded walls of a windowless room.


    I wish I could fold space and travel instantly to any destination I chose, without any ill effects.

  11. Nothing fancy is needed for a pitch black cell. When a new cell is initially created, the lighting for it is set up for pitch blackness by default. As long as you don't change the light settings or add lighting to it, the cell will remain in complete darkness. That won't prevent players from casting 'Light' spells or equipping torches, though. I'm not sure how to go about doing that.


    It is possible to modify meshes so they reflect little or no light, although I'm not sure what settings need to be changed to accomplish that. If you'd like to check out some examples, the Burnt Ayleid Tileset is set up like that.

  12. I really like the idea of a 3D sound. Rather than play at the same loudness from everywhere, it grows faint the further you are from the sound source. Why with something like this I can imagine the player walking through a pitch black house guided only by 3D sounds. That's something I might want to play around with.

    That sounds like it's be a lot of fun. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.


    If I haven't said it yet, thanks for all the help.

    You're welcome! :D I'm glad to help in any way I can.

  13. Granted, but the buns are made of granite and the fillings are sea shells, coral, pyrite, & saw dust, and the condiments are motor oil, mercury, & bromine.


    I wish getting brakes replaced wasn't so bloody expensive.

  14. So basically the sound just has to be listed in "Sound Pick" in the CS for it to work. But how do you add sounds to "Sound Pick"? All of the WAV sounds listed in the GTAegard BSA archive also appear to be listed in the GTAesgard ESP so there must be a way.


    Secondly, how do you create a BSA archive?

    In order for Oblivion to read information from a non-vanilla BSA, an .esp has to accompany it. If you have Shivering Isles installed but only open the Oblivion.esm in the CS, you'll still find all of the resources for Shivering Isles. The Shivering Isles.esp is only there so the game itself can access the files in the SI BSAs. It's not necessary for a .wav file to be in a BSA for it to be used, much like it's not necessary for meshes or textures to be in BSAs in order for the game to use them.


    As for adding a new sound, you do it the same way you'd add a mesh to the relevant subheading in the CS. The Sound subheading is located under the Miscellaneous heading. It's not even necessary to add a new .wav file if you want to use an existing one; just duplicate the existing entry, modify it as needed, & change the name. In my case, I wanted to use AyleidDisplay02AnimB from Stroti's resource I linked to earlier. I wanted to use a non-looping version of TrpScrapeStoneLP for the opening/closing sound of the mesh. I duplicated the entry in the CS, changed its EditorID to TrpScrapeStoneMH, modified the .Nif to point to that specific sound, saved it as a new mesh, then added it to the CS. No muss, no fuss.


    If you have a custom .wav file you want to use, place it in the Sounds folder in you Oblivion/Data directory, then create a new Sound entry in the CS and select that particular .wav file. You can name the CS entry anything you want. Once you've given it a name in the CS, give that same name to the appropriate Text keys in the .NIF that will use it, then save that .NIF as a new mesh and add it to the CS. Note: every .NIF I've worked with in this way has had more than one Text Key that needed to be modified. There will be one Text Key per animation that needs to be changed. If two different animations are intended to use different sounds, then the different sounds must be entered in the appropriate Text Keys in the .NIF.


    If you want to create a BSA archive of your own, BSA Commander is a good tool. Oblivion Mod Manager also has that capability, and I believe Wry Bash does too.

  15. Granted, an entire tree fell instead. On its way down, it destroyed the power lines that go to your home. When it hit the street, it ruptured the water mains that service your home. You will be without power or water until all of these issues can be resolved, which will take at least three weeks.


    I wish movie theaters around here would open before 10:00 AM.

  16. Some of Stroti's resources have those (such as this one), but the sounds they point to aren't included in the plugins for some reason.


    The reason that sound names lose the underscores in the .NIF is that the CS doesn't support underscores for object names. For a sound to work, the name of the sound in the .NIF has to be the same as the name of the sound in the CS, regardless of what the .wav file's name is. You can use a custom sound if you want to, but the sound has to be in the same plugin as the object you want to use it on. And you have to use the CS name for the sound, rather than the name of the .wav it points to.


    This is because of the settings the CS specifies for a sound. A given .wav file might be two or three seconds long, but the game may require it to play on a loop (such as the sound effect for campfires). This would be setup in the CS. For an example, open the CS and look at any sound object that ends in LP (these are all set up as looping sounds). You can change the object name and remove the 'Loop' flag, but still utilize the same .wav file.


    For instance, the CS sound object TrpScrapeStoneLP points to trp_IronScrapeStone_LP.wav. If you change the name in the CS to TrpIronScrapeStoneNoLoop (or anything else), you'll have to do the same in the .NIF to get it to play even though they both point to the same .wav file. And the .NIF that uses that sound name needs to be in the same plugin. If the .NIF is used in another plugin, the sound may not play (I'm not completely sure about that, as I haven't played around with it much).

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