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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. That's due to required meshes not being installed, or not being accessible by the game. Juging from the mods you're using, I'd say Better Dungeons is conflicting with Better Cities. From the readme:

    Better Dungeons' BSA is known to conflict with MMM and Better Cities' BSAs, so if you're using those, you're better off getting the non-BSA version.


    Try the non-BSA version of Better Dungeons and see if that works.

  2. I recommend ranged attacks. If that goes against your character's fighting style, I recommend the brewing and use of poisons, especially those with Silence and/or Paralyze effects. A five second Silence poison can be made with Rice and Vampire Dust. For a little extra punch, try combining Rice, Harrada, Spiddal Stick, and Vampire Dust. The result is Silence (5 seconds), Damage Magicka (5 points for 18 seconds), and Damage Health (2 points for 9 seconds). You need an Alchemy skill of about 50 to start using Paralyze effects. Once you can, try this one out:


    Ingredient 1: Clannfear Claws

    Ingredient 2: Daedra Venin (from merchants or Spider Daedra)

    Ingredient 3: Harrada

    Ingredient 4: Frost Salts, Motherwort Sprig, or White Seed Pod (you can also use Rot Scale if you have Shivering Isles installed)


    The result is Silence for 9 seconds, Paralyze for 1 second, & Damage Health 3 points for 12 seconds.


    The poison method would be particularly effective in conjunction with a dagger. Once you can start applying Paralyze effects to poisons, daggers become devastating. Even if you only paralyze an opponent for one second, you can still get multiple uninterrupted hits in while they're getting back to their feet.

  3. Granted, you get spontaneous explosive diarrhea instead. It ruins your pants, whatever is behind you, whatever you're sitting on (if anything), and your social life.


    I wish I could visit a universe where there are six dimensions of space and four dimensions of time.

  4. The "invisible hands" issue could be caused by and incorrect setup of the robes in question. Clothing items have certain slots that are selectable in the CS. These are: Head, Hair, Upper Body, Lower Body, Hand, Foot, Right Ring, Left Ring, Amulet, Weapon, Back Weapon, Side weapon, Quiver, Shield, Torch, & Tail (in that order). If you have a robe that only covers the upper & lower body areas, then only the Upper Body & Lower Body slots should be checked in the CS. If Player/NPC hands are invisible when wearing a robe that doesn't cover them, it may be that the Hand slot has also been selected on the robe.

  5. If I wanna do this, do I have to load all my mods when I open the C

    Nope. The only mod you need to load is the one you want to make changes to. In fact, that's the only one you should load.


    As for using the CS, here's a useful site. There are pages for lots of different things, including how to link doors between cells.


    But the best place to go for instruction is TES Alliance. They have the only modding school that I know of, as well as plenty of tutorials. The environment is also extremely friendly and encouraging, especially to new modders. I learned a whole lot of things there.

  6. Granted, but you can't spend them because they're all so obviously fake that even a blind, mentally deficient monkey knows better than to take them.


    I wish I knew why the letter S was included in the word Lisp.

  7. Granted, you thought of FBI, CIA, DOD, DOT, MADD, AA, DXS, FSB, PETA, SS, NFL, NBA, NHL, WWE, PS4, EU, & OEOHFPPE, but you didn't use them.


    I wish I knew what sadistic linguist decided that the fear of large words should be called 'hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia'.

  8. Are you sure?

    Unfortunately, yes. I use Exnem's Runeskulls as well as Tekn0mega's Sigil Stones Expanded. I also use a personal mod that has several merchants who have every single buy/sell flag checked, and none of them will buy/sell sigil stones or runeskulls. If I knew a way around this, my characters would be able to kill enemies just by dumping huge amounts of gold on them. Alas, I know of no workaround, so my characters cannot afford to use the...umm..."Golden Shower of Death" on their enemies.

  9. The only problem is that this woman will sell me anything but the freaking runeskulls. Just another way to piss me off. :dry:


    When I kill her I can grab all the runeskulls from her corpse, but she won't sell me any. What now? :confused:


    Unfortunately, that's not a glitch; NPCs can't sell Sigil stones, no matter what buy/sell options are checked in the CS. Runeskulls are basically Sigil Stones, so NPCs can't sell those either. It sucks, but what can you do?

  10. Granted, all people now disapprove of everyone, resulting in a conflict where everybody is against everybody and there are no survivors. At all. Anywhere. Period. [insert additional redundant phrase here]


    I wish [redacted by the WBC].

  11. Granted, you are completely out of cough drops, the nearest place that has them is a four hour drive away, they only have one box left, the customers are already starting a bidding war on it, and you don't have any way to get there.


    I wish more people knew that fireflies are beetles.

  12. Probably the first "oddity" most people become aware of with the physics in Oblivion is - why on Tamriel do Iron Arrows FLOAT?!?!?

    This may not be an "oddity". You asked the question "why on Tamriel do Iron Arrows FLOAT?!?!?". Well, why does anything float? An object's buoyancy depends on the fluid it's immersed in. If the fluid has a greater density than the object, then the object will float.


    An Iron Arrow is composed of multiple parts: 1. Arrowhead 2. Shaft 3. Fletching 4. Nock (rearmost part of an arrow that keeps the arrow on the bowstring)


    If the density of the arrowhead is less than the buoyancy of the shaft in a given liquid, the arrow will float. The arrow will also float if the water has a greater density than the arrow as a whole.


    Evidence suggests that the water in Tamriel is very dense; NPCs do sink when they initially hit the water, but their bodies then float back to the surface. This happens even if they're wearing a full suit of armor. This suggests that either the water is very dense, or that people & creatures of Tamriel (and the Shivering Isles) have some innate factor that makes their buoyancy greater than the density of what they carry. How else could a knight in full armor go for a swim without drowning?


    Unless we know the full physical properties of everything involved (water, weapon/armor materials, bio-matter of NPCs/creatures, etc.), we can't actually determine if this is an "oddity".


    All that being said, I don't know if this can be changed with mods. The basic "physics" are part of the game engine, which players & modders don't have direct access to. There might be some OBSE functions that can affect these things, but I'm not well versed in that arena.

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