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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. Okay, so I can't seem to create a new GECK file with Windows 7 for some reason. Is this just something special needs to be done or is there a problem w/ Windows 7 and the GECK? If you know what's wrong please respond!

    It's a problem with the Win 7 UAC. The UAC doesn't allow changes to anything in the Program Files directory. Installing FO3 to an alternate directory outside of Program Files (i.e. C:/Games/Fallout3) should fix the issue.

  2. From those pics, it looks like you're missing some of the vanilla meshes & textures. In that first pic, it looks like (at least) one of the Raider armor meshes is missing. In that second pic, it looks like the ammo mesh is using the wrong texture. In that third pic, it looks like you're missing some of the FXLight meshes. I recommend that you uninstall/re-install the game. All of the mod added content will remain in your Data folder, so don't worry about being forced to hunt down and re-install all of those mods again.
  3. Owyn: "I heard a rumor that you're an idiot. Any truth to that?"

    Me: "I just escaped from the Imperial Dungeon and the first thing I did was come here. All I have to fight with is this rusty Iron sword, a rusty bow and a handful of arrows. What do you think?"


    Marauder: "By Ysmir's beard, we have a live one!"

    Me: "By the hindquarters of Akatosh, this Nord is dead!" *kills Nord marauder*


    Bandit: "Who's there?" *pause* "Must have been the wind."

    Me: "Yep, that's what they call me." *kills bandit*


    Marauder: "Who's there?"

    Me: "Nobody here but us mudcrabs."

    Marauder: "Damn rats. Always making me jumpy."

    Me: "NEVER compare us mudcrabs to rats!" *kills insulting marauder* "Wait, why am I angry about that? I'm not a mudcrab."


    Baeralorn: "I'm Baeralorn. Anvil's castle mage. Perhaps you've heard of my work on magical resistances."

    Me: "Magical resistances? I could use a bit of that when going after Necromancers. Tell me more."

    Baeralorn: "Our gracious Countess funds my research. I ward tame rats with resistance spells, then shower them with elemental attacks."

    Me: :blink: "I wouldn't tell Arvena Thelas about that if I were you."


    Arvena Thelas: ”I'm Arvena Thelas. The call me the rat lady on account of all my pet rats.”

    Me: "I can see why they would. Out of curiosity, do you know anything about Baeralorn's work with tame rats?"

    Arvena Thelas: ”You can't imagine the fuss some people make. My rats are no problem for anyone.”

    Me: "They certainly wouldn't be if Baeralorn got his hands on them." :whistling:


    Khajiit NPC: "You are stupid, so I'll make myself clear... you are stupid. Go away. I don't want your blood and puke all over me."

    Me: "Just because I have ADHD doesn't mean I'm- Oh, look! A mudcrab!"


    Blade Trainer in Leyawiin: "If you need a blade, go see Tun-Zeeus at the Dividing Line. Does repairs, too. He does go on and on, sometimes. But he's the Genuine Orc in Leyawiin."

    Me: "What do you mean 'the Genuine Orc'? He's an Argonian."


    Guard: "Stop! You've violated the law!"

    Me: "Does your mother know that you call her The Law?"


    Guard: "You have my ear, citizen."

    Me: "Yep, and I'm gonna trade it for some caps...wait...Oops, wrong realm."


    Ocheeva: "Once Phillida is dead, take the very finger from his corpse, the one that bears an Imperial Legion signet ring! Deposit this finger in the desk of Phillida's successor, in his office in the Prison Barracks, in the Imperial City! Do this, and the bonus is yours."

    Me: "Wait, I get a bonus for giving the law 'the finger'? Sweet!"


    NPC: "It...It's you! The Hero of Kvatch!"

    Me: "Yes, it's me. Hero of Kvatch, Master of Daedric Pwnage, Scourge of Oblivion, Bane of Dagon & all around anti-Deadric Badass. Now stop telling me who I am and tell me who you are, oh puny one."

  4. The "red triangles" are warnings of a missing mesh. The game knows it's supposed to render something, but the model it's supposed to use isn't where the game engine is looking for it. That means the mod in question didn't get installed correctly. The "invisible body while wearing armor" issue is caused by a missing texture, specifically an NormalMap. Either the texture did not get installed at all, or it never got "attached" to the mesh.
  5. If you created your NavMesh from a top-down perspective (i.e. looking down from above), you may have inadvertently placed nav points outside of the tileset pieces. This could cause the creatures to spawn outside of any area normally viewable by the Player.
  6. I can't help with 1 or 3, but I can help you with 2:

    What you need to do is:

    1. Make a new door (change the EditorID of the one you'd like to use and select 'yes' when asked if you want to create a new form).

    2. Write an Object Script that tells the door to open for the Player only if the item is in their inventory.

    3. Attach the script to your new door and place the door in game.


    The script should look like:


    scn ScriptNameHere
    Begin OnActivate Player
     If Player.GetItemCount ItemID >0


    This script will run only when the Player tries to use the door and will ensure that the door only opens if the Player has one or more of the required item.


    I don't see anyone by that name in the members list though.

    It was misspelled: Cipscis.

  7. Bosmer NPC: "It...It's you! The Hero of Kvatch!"

    Me: "You'd better not offer me a back rub." *draws deadliest weapon in inventory**


    Highwayman: "This is a holdup. Your money or your life."

    Me: "How about I take your money and your life?"

    Highwayman: "Actually, this one prefers it that way."

    Me: :blink: "Ooookaaay." *kills highwayman, takes money*


    Bandit: "Jump on my sword while you still can!"

    Me: "Well okay, but you'll have to stop swinging it around so I can."

    Bandit: *stops swinging sword, waits for me to jump on it*

    Me: *shoots conveniently stationary bandit in the eye with massively poisoned arrow, bandit dies screaming in agony*

  8. Thanks for the response.


    I typed Begin ScriptEffectStart wrong in my post, but it is right in my script. Sorry about that.


    But yes, I figured there was something weird about teleporting to worldspaces. So I should be teleporting to an interior? Is it possible to teleport to the worldspace and be in the exterior, say right outside the house?


    I'm not new to using the Construction Kit, but this is the first time I've attempted a new worldspace.

    It's best to teleport into an interior. If you want to move to your worldspace without the dialogue problems, you must use a door. You can use a door via script. What you'll need to do is:

    1. Place a door somewhere in the Tamriel worldspace and give it a unique RefID (I'll use TamDoorRef for now).

    2. Place another door in your worldspace.

    3. Link the two doors.

    4. Move the Tamriel door below the ground so you can't just walk up and activate it.

    5. Move the door in your worldspace below ground (if desired).

    6. Place the door teleport markers where you would like for the Player to materialize.

    7. Make a spell with the following script:


    scn aaByzBeachTeleportSpell
       Begin ScriptEffectStart
       Message "Teleporting to safety."
       player.activate TamDoorRef


    You can modify this to teleport both ways if desired.

  9. I have created a custom world space, raised the land, blah blah... I created a spell to teleport me to this world space, placed a Xmarker in the world space to teleport to. But when I use the spell in-game, I get a loading screen with a working loading bar, then a black screen, then a loading screen again with a full loading bar that just sits here. What am I doing wrong? Any ideas/suggestions are appreciated.


    My spell script is as follows:

    scn aaByzBeachTeleportSpell


    Begin ScriptEffectSpell

    Message "Teleporting to safety."



    Begin GameMode

    player.MoveTo aaBBXmarker






    The first problem is in the very first line. There is no BeginScriptEffectSpell command. It should be BeginScriptEffectStart.


    The second problem is the GameMode block. Once started, a GameMode block runs once every frame until told to stop via script. In this case, the Player will be moved to your XMarker once per frame non-stop.


    The third problem is that you should never use the MoveTo command to move the Player to a new worldspace. It causes all kinds of problems with NPC dialogue (i.e. most, if not all, NPCs will display the "I Have No Greeting" message when spoken to). Create an interior cell and use that for the safe zone instead.


    A more appropriate script would be:


    scn aaByzBeachTeleportSpell
       Begin ScriptEffectStart
       Message "Teleporting to safety."
       player.MoveTo aaBBXmarker

  10. The problem with using Player.additem commands via console to add custom items is that you need the correct FormID, but the first two digits actually depend on load order. If you load your mod in the CS, the FormIDs of your custom items will begin with 01. If your plugin is the first to load after Oblivion.esm, then that is correct. If your mod loads second after Oblivion.esm, the first two digits of all FormIDs unique to your mod will be 02. One of the easiest ways to determine the correct digits is to load all of your mods in TES4Edit and look at the numbers in front of the mod name (as shown here).


    I'm not sure what you mean by "changes to the map". Could you provide more details, like: What changes are you making? Are you using your mod to try and change a cell added by another mod? Interior or exterior cell? That sort of stuff.


    Where should I put the extracted files for Oblivion and the TESCS to find them? Do I need to put them back into a .bsa file for the game to use them or can I simply unpack all the .bsa files into their original folders and leave them like that? [is that even recommended/safe from a performance standpoint?]

    You can unpack them into your Oblivion\Data folder. Depending on your system, it may or may not have an effect on performance. When I did it, my load times increased drastically and my game lagged every time I went into a city. Other players have reported no such problems. I currently have my BSAs unpacked to a custom directory and only move the specific files I need to my Oblivion\Data directory. If you go that route, make sure you maintain the file structure (i.e. for a glass dagger, the structure would be Meshes\Weapons\Glass, with the dagger.nif naturally placed in the Glass folder.)

  11. Guard: "You have my ear, citizen."

    Me: "And after you retire, I'll have your finger, too."


    Bandit: "Where are you?"

    Me: "Here!" *fatally sneak-shoots bandit in the ear with poisoned arrow*


    Merchant: "I have the finest goods and lowest prices in all of Cyrodiil."

    Me: "Oh yeah? Then why have I seen finer goods at lower prices?"


    NPC: "What is it?"

    Me: "I give up. What?"


    Lazare Milvan: "You are talking again. You will stop."

    Me: "You are breathing again. You will stop." *puts poisoned arrow through Lazare's eye*


    NPC: "It...It's you! The Hero of Kvatch!"

    Me: "I know. I can't believe it's me either."


    Guard: "What are you looking for?"

    Me: "That one guy. Have you seen him?"


    NPC: "What do you want?"

    Me: "A shrubbery!"


    NPC: "What can I do for you?"

    Me: "Travel the length and breadth of Cyrodiil, close every Oblivion gate you come across and bring me all of the Sigil Stones you acquire. Oh, and get it done by Turdas. I'm in a hurry."


    Bandit: "This is the part where you fall down and bleed to death!"

    Me: "I think you have our roles reversed." *puts arrow through bandit's throat, bandit falls down and bleeds to death*


    Mythic Dawn Agent: "Dawn is breaking."

    Me: "Don't look at me. I didn't break it and I'm not going to fix it."

  12. hello i remember there was a command in morrowind i think it was some thing like skip animation it allowed you to turn a corpse into a mannequin was wondering about it and once i learn about that again i will need to make oblivion construction set to run the npc maker with out crashing i am on win 7 and cant work with faces gotta hate win 7 i much pref xp it listens when i give it commands win 7 says no i gonna be a pain in your rear

    Your post is really hard to read. Punctuation would help a lot. :laugh: In any case, if you want to make a mannequin, look through Reznod Mannequins and see how he did it. If you want to use the NPC Face Editor on Win 7, do a full body preview of the NPC first and then go into the face editor. I'm not sure why that works, but it does (for most people, anyway).

  13. Hey guy's i just downloaded the New animation mod with the ninja run. And i put the files in the Meshes folder and placed the .esp file on and activated it yet i still have the default Animation can anyone help me with this?

    I believe character animations need to be placed in the Meshes\Characters\_Male folder, not just in Meshes.

  14. I know there are console commands that can be used to tweak my player character after the game is underway, but if I ever want to copy and paste a new face or make changes that are easier to do from the CS, can I somehow locate my saved players? I did some research but came up empty. Plenty of info on how to find NPC's but nothing I could find about locating my saved players. Any help would be great.

    The CS cannot access information from saved games.

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