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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. How do you create a secret door that opens when you pull a switch or something? I've tried but I can't figure out how to link the two together so said switch triggers the door open. Every time I've tried, I go in the game and test it but the switch doesn't open the door.

    The switch and the door must be set as Persistent References.

  2. When I had to disappear for a while because my old computer couldn't handle oblivion anymore, I must have missed out on the mod WarCry. Anybody want to tell me what it was exactly, because i can't find anything for or about anymore, even though it's mentioned quite a bit.


    WarCry adds new items, enemies and things like that. It removes level scaling, re-balances vanilla opponents and generally makes the game more challenging. You can download it here or here. It's also integrated into FCOM.

  3. To get a merchant to sell spells, you need to add them to a merchant's spell list. There are two methods of doing this and which one you should use depends on whether or not your merchant is a custom NPC. If you're creating a new merchant, just open his/her Spell List tab and add the spells there. If you're using an existing vanilla merchant, you need to add them via script to avoid conflicts with other mods.


    Note: Merchants do not sell Lesser Powers or Greater Powers.

  4. Hi guys, I'm a newbie modder and would just like to know if there was a way to change a static object into a container?

    There probably is some way but for the life of me I can't figure it out, any suggestions will be appreciated!

    It depends on whether or not the static object in question has Havok physics attached to it. If it's already something you can touch/stand on or otherwise physically interact with, then yes. Assuming that's the case, follow these steps:


    1. Go to the Statics heading and find the object you want to convert into a container. (For this example, I'm using ARBlock01)


    2. Scroll to the side and look under the Model tab to see the file path to the .nif used by the object. (In this case, the model path is Dungeons\AyleidRuins\Exterior\Block01.NIF)


    3. Go to the Containers heading, right click in the container list and select "New".


    4. In the window that opens, click on the raised button that says Add NIF File and select the same .NIF used by the static object. (In this example, Dungeons\AyleidRuins\Exterior\Block01.NIF)


    Important note: In order to do this at all, the necessary mesh needs to be unpacked from the .BSA archive.

  5. Hey guys,


    Ok so i finished Oblivion quite a while ago and i wanted to get some cool mods just for fun so i dont get bored since my char is already at a maxed level...




    I downloaded 2 mods and i installed them but when i get to use them in my char they are invisible, like im wearing a cloak i can see that the cloak is on him but i cant see it :confused:

    oh and i have windows vista.


    thats all thanks for reading.

    Windows Vista could be the culprit, if you have Oblivion installed in the default directory.

    If not, then it's probably a texture problem. When you say "invisible", do you mean:

    A.) You can see your character but not the cloak he/she is wearing?


    B.) The cloak and every body part it covers is invisible?

  6. Sounds like you should create a new race with the Construction Set. To make it a little easier you can just copy one of the existng races and then tweak it from there.

    This is the best option, but there is a catch to it: Once you duplicate and rename the race, you have to exit the CS race menu and then reopen it in order to change the stats/appearance. If you duplicate the race, change the stats/appearance and then exit, your stat/appearance changes will be lost.

  7. Kinda new to the whole omod stuff ,but i figured out how to make them. Except when i try to use a mod thats alrdy in omod format when i download it an ERROR pops up saying limited useres cannot install mods please log in as administrator. I alrdy right clicked OBMM shortcut and went to options , then to advanced, and checked the administrator box. Even then when i click on OBMM the user account control message still comes up. Soooo what do i do?


    Thanks for any help :)

    The UAX on Windows Vista and Windows 7 doesn't like it when something tries to modify anything in the "Program Files" directory. Install Oblivion somewhere else and this problem should disappear. Further reading.

  8. Download: TES Nexus or TES Alliance


    Name: Clean Drow Ruins

    Version: 1

    Date: 10/23/2010

    Category: Resources

    Author: Ceano, AxlRocks & The Vyper






    Oblivion 1.2.416






    Modders Resource.This is a clean version of King Dutka's Drow Ruins set based on Ceano's Clean Ayleid Ruins, with additional textures made by AxlRocks. At the moment, only the meshes and textures are included, but I am working on an .esm.












    1. Extract this archive to any folder and then copy the contents to Oblivion's Data


    2. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the .esp file(s).






    1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).

    2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.






    None. Modders resource



    Known Issues:









    10/23/2010 - Initial release.






    The Vyper at TES Alliance and the Official Forums.

    The_Vyper at TES Nexus.






    King Dutka for the original Drow Ruins set.

    Ceano for the clean Ayleid Ruin textures.

    AxlRocks for the additional textures.

    Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.

    Thanks to InsanitySorrow for his ReadMe Generator this file is based on.



    Tools Used:



    Insanity's ReadMe Generator










    You may use this as you wish but you must credit Ceano, AxlRocks and myself for our work. Please do not re-host this file without our explicit permission.

  9. We'll need a bit more information in order to help you. When you say "water plane meshes", what, exactly, are you speaking of? In what way are they not working? Post some links to the ones you've tried so we can take a look at them.
  10. Download: TES Nexus or TES Alliance


    Name: Rings of Mastery

    Version: 0.1

    Date: 10/21/2010

    Category: Miscellaneous

    Author: The Vyper






    Oblivion 1.2.416







    Rings of Mastery adds multiple rings to the game that will grant mastery of the related skill when worn, and return that skill to normal when removed. The rings do not fortify skills, but actually increase them to master level, giving you all the perks that go with it. So, what's the catch? Well, there's actually two.

    1. There is only one of each ring. Period. If you lose one, it's gone.

    2. The rings are scripted, not enchanted. So, if you enchant one of the rings, it stops working.






    You can buy the rings at Jensine's Good As New Merchandise in the IC Market Distrct. Each ring costs 1,000 gold.


    Future plans:

    Add enemy NPCs to the game that you have to get the rings from.

    Add drawbacks when rings are equipped.






    1. Extract this archive to any folder and then copy the contents to Oblivion's Data


    2. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the .esp file(s).






    1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).

    2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.






    None known.



    Known Issues:



    None. If you find any, let me know.






    10/21/2010 - Initial release.






    The Vyper at the Official Forums or TES Alliance

    The_Vyper at TES Nexus






    Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.

    Thanks to InsanitySorrow for his ReadMe Generator this file is based on.



    Tools Used:



    Insanity's ReadMe Generator

    Elder Scrolls Construction Set







    You may use this as you wish but you must credit me for my work. Please do not re-host this file without my explicit permission.

  11. Hello All,


    I have Oblivion: GOTY edition for the PC and was wondering if this version came with the horse armor DLC already included. The reason I'm asking is because I can't seem to find the horse armor online anymore and there is no place on the Bethesda site to purchase it. Thanks in advance.

    You can get it for PC here. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see it.

  12. Then there's the official plugins. They know we like the plugins--why not just put them in the game from the start?

    Two reasons:


    1. Development deadlines. There is sometimes not enough time to add all of this stuff to the vanilla game. Example: There was supposed to be a quest about Lord Vlindril in the vanilla game, but they didn't have time to complete it. So, they put it in KotN.


    2. Money. Let's say 10,000 people buy Oblivion for $50. That's $500,000 right there. Now let's say that 5,000 of those buyers also buy KotN for $10. Now let's say 3,000 buy Mehrunes Razor for $3. That's another $9,000. Now let's say that 1,000 buy Spell Tomes for $1. That's another $1,000 for a total of an additional $60,000 that they wouldn't have made if those had been included in the original release.

  13. Hello all! I am new here and I was wondering if there is a way to convert Sims clothing to Oblivion? I didn't see anything on this subject when I searched only about Sims hair.

    Converting files from one game to use in another is illegal and not discussed here. Sorry. If you want Sims clothing in Oblivion, you'll have to make it from scratch or find someone willing to do it for you.

  14. First, are the wings actually part of the same plugin that your NPC is part of? If not, your NPC will never equip them because you can't use items from one mod in another without going through Mod De-Isolation. Second, what is your script attached to? Third, What kind of item is this set up as? If you set the wings item up as an Amulet and give it an enchantment, your NPC should equip it without scripting being necessary.
  15. Very good on your history, but I regret to inform you that he was quoting Robot Chicken from Cartoon Networks Adult Swim. They had a sketch on there with Conan the Barbarian singing "What's best in life."

    Actually, that was first in Conan the Barbarian. Link to the clip. That line was likely inspired by the quote by Genghis Khan.

  16. Another thing to consider is the EditorID of the spell. Never begin the EditorID with a number, because the game tends to think it's supposed to be looking for a FormID. Since the first two digits of a FormID depend entirely on load order, using them is a very bad idea. Try changing the EditorID of the spell to AAANightEye and changing the script to match. And, like Hickory said, make sure the script is set to MagicEffect and not Object (which is the default)
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