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Everything posted by Dracula420

  1. @Ekayne: TY for the response. but i consider 2-5 to be more bugs to be fixed rather then features to be modded in. my requests are meant for survival mode with a minimum of game changing mods. survival modes balance is a precarious thing. i probably should have mentioned that lol. also i love the crafting workbenches mod but getting it to work in survival is kind annoying since survival is still a beta and not everything is updated for it.
  2. so i have been playing FO4 since it was released and though i love the game dearly i find myself missing a few things. if other want these things please sound off below. EDIT: other then the brahmin tipping the other request are looked at by me as potential bugs in the game. just my opinion. i know there are mod that take care of some of this but they add a lot of other stuff too and not everybody wants to or can install a ton of mods to fix a few specific things. once the C.K. is released i may be able to do a few of these myself. :) but this post is here just to put the ideas out in the open. 1. BRAHMIN TIPPING! i miss this from fallout 3. i know its stupid but the immature gamer in me (and the rest of us) loved spitefully shoving brahmin off somewhere high. 2. SETTLEMENT ITEM OWNERSHIP! i would like to be able to use the settlement workbench to mark something like beds and containers as "Mine" and therefor "OFF LIMITS". A.K.A. "DAMN IT JUN STOP STEALING MY FAT MAN!" 3."REAL" BLACKSMITHING. the reality of blacksmithing is that smiths spend more time making nails and gears and such. why cant i as the player take my steel and shape it into things like gears and springs and stuff? this may require a new workbench but hand smithing has change very little over the last few centuries. just watch the man at arms videos on you tube (the deadric axe video is epic) 4. WILD PLANTS MORE USEFUL! i personally think if you find wild corn or mutfruit you should be able to use it in your settlements to plant regular versions. i am not the most agriculturally knowledgeable but i assume thats what people do when they settle? find something that is edible and grows in that enviroment then nurture it to its fullest potential? 5.EVEN CAVEMEN HAD FIRE! Why does building a simple cooking fire take 2 perks to build? humankind has been building fires and slapping meat on them for thousands of years. nope, sorry bethesda. the basic cooking fire should have absolutly no requirements other then some wood and metal. well thats all i got for now. thanks to anybody who agrees, and to any modders who may take up one of these as a goal. have fun! :smile:
  3. EDIT: nevermind it didnt work Moderator plz Delete this topic
  4. actualy there WAS and empty pod in the same cryo room you where in. maybe somebody else got out BEFORE you did? it would be an interesting story
  5. it really does. at first i didn't like it but trying it both ways i can see why beth decided on this. they said they wanted people to slow down and explore every nook and cranny. and as soon as i installed the save scripts i lost all fear and caution and headed straight to diamond city with my level 7 character. and i was right back in the "bored with this game" phase. i do think saving could be better then just sleeping. i personally think only being able to save in settlements and faction bases makes the most sense. and then only if they have enough food, water, and beds to accommodate everyone, including the player. sanctuary hills and the red rocket station should be exempt and able to save in no matter what though. I do have to add that having saving enabled for survival is not necessarily a bad thing. it resembles hardcore mode from FONV. it really is a personal choice. if you want the survival elements but dont want to got full dark souls in fallout mode then that script will be a great thing for some. to each there own. :smile:
  6. is this why i see cars in the distance randomly launch them selves skyward like chuck norris just punted it?
  7. wow i just installed a script that allows saving anytime for survival and it immediately took away that "death awaits around every corner" feel. if you like survival dont install that save script. or if you do limit your self to only saving in settlements or faction bases or something. :smile:
  8. 1.5 update disables the console entirely, at least in survival mode. and the game forcibly "ignores" anthing but its default content. mods the take a .esp dont work althought simple texture and model replacers work if they follow the default paths.
  9. TL:DR survival mode is what fallout 4 was missing. if like me you sunk 200+ hours into FO4 then you know something just felt like it was missing. this was it. this makes every day in the wasteland a harrowing experience. its like an entirely different game. there is no care free romp across the wasteland. you move slow, you listen, and you always keep some water with you. as of this post i am 16 hours in on my first survival mode character. i have seen the reload screen more times then i care to admit. And I SMILED every time. because every death makes you feel like a newbie now. 16 hours in and i am just now somewhat confident that i might be able to clear corvega. i can almost guarantee that if you come back and play it now you will be hooked like its a new game entirely. @PoliteRaider: i Agree. the save mechanic need to be redone. saving should only be accessible in sanctuary hills and the red rocket station by default, and other then those only in settlements with enough food, water, beds, and defense to support every one in it, including the player.
  10. S 3 P 6 E 3 C 2 I 5 A 6 L 2 i think that was how i started. i may be a point or 2 off but thats the gist of it. its an early game stealth build. great for sneaking around feral if your patient. which reminds me. i have a 12th rule to add.
  11. SPOILERS Most of this is basic gameplay but if you play on lower difficulties the change will be a little extreme. so take these tips to heart if you plan to go hard core. 1. WATER! Build Water Purifyers like crazy! Purified water is better then stimpacks for restoring your health in survival mode(using meds and chems makes you thirsty and fatigued). and use the pump well to quench your thirst if you need to save the purified water. 2. STORAGE WARS! Find as many settelment as possible and set up simple crack shacks. you only have so much time in a day and so much loot you can carry the less you have to walk to store it the better. Also, most interior location that are not player homes reset after a while. so that place you found 50 aluminum trays in will restock eventually. 3. FARMING SIMULATOR! Extra farmed food and water goes into your settlement comunity storage (workbench "cloud" storage) this can make survival a lot easier. with some work you can make your settlements produce a limitless supply of mut fruit, corn, tatos, and purified water which can all be combined for as much adhesive as you need. 4. YOU HAVE AIDS! Stockpile your aid items. Obvious but needs to be stressed. Make sure every crack shack you make is stocked with a few days worth of food and water and maybe a good weapon with some ammo. 5. STEALTH IS LIFE! Just because you didn't take any of the steath perks doesn't mean you can't crouch and take a gander at your target(s) before you attack. at the very least you will know how many enemies your facing. or running from as the case may be. 6. PIPE WEAPONS ARE CHEAP! ammo for pipe weapons is so common that at least one upgraded pipe weapon should be on you at all times. i prefer a semi auto pipe rifle with a reflex scope for medium range. 7. PICK YOUR LOADOUT! Space is at a premium. Pick a primary, secondary, and melee. try to stick with that unless a specific task calls for more. after all you need room for scavenging right? 8. ST0P! LOOK! LISTEN! Fallout 4's music may be pretty good but turn it off and scavenge thru the wastes for awhile without it. IMMERSION!!! no really you can hear people and things from further away with the music off. and taking a moment to stop and look around is always a good idea (unless being chased by a deathclaw). It may save your (characters) life. 9. COMPANIONS MAKE GOOD COVER! And loot holders. plus when they get shot it means you dont get shot as much so Win-Win. 10. EARLY GAME PROVISIONERS! Supply lines are good and all but early game you can just load up a settler and use the workbenches move command to move large loads of junk between settlements. 11. NO NAPS! it seems like takeing a one hour nap just to save may be a good idea but trying to sleep for short periods of time will actually ADD to your fatigue far as i can tell. take the game one day at a time. literally. 12. DON'T TOUCH ME! Several creatures in the commonwealth have had "killmoves" for a while. Well guess what? When a feral jumps you and chews your esophagus off you die. you don't just bleed a little and everything is fine. stimpacks will NOT regrow your esophagus once a feral has had it for dinner. tho if you plant a bladed tire iron in their head the should stop bothering you. maybe. well i am 13 hours into my first survival mode character and that is all i got so far. if anybody want to add to this please do but try to keep the tips as general as possible. we dont want to give too much away do we :smile:
  12. if you have a siren set up when a settler assigned to a guard post sees an enemy he will set off the siren before attacking (most of the time). if you want to do this without mods thats the way the game provides for you.
  13. it doens't say it on the mod page. it says it in wrye bash. if you look at apollodown's epic music overhaul in wryebash its master list has DB first then DG. several other mods do to. thunderchild - epic shout package.esp for example. http://s30.postimg.org/iovcrjyup/WTF.jpg see for your self.
  14. i have noticed that several mods seem to expect that dragonborn will be loaded before dawnguard. a good example would be the Epic Music Overhaul by Apollodown. my question is will this affect anything? or can i safely ignore that wrye bash complains about it? and if it is a problem, can i use wrye bash to fix it and how?
  15. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32237/ Imbued Weapons this mod will let you use the bloodskall blade effect with any weapon for anime style sword projectiles when you use power attacks. it has a MCM to change its color and damage. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33607/ Warded Blocking this mod will add the ability to raise a ward when blocking with any weapon or shield to simulate the ability every anime has of blocking everything with a sword. effect cost magicka while in use, is based on the regular wards stat wise, and levels restoration like normal. these 2 mods add a lot of that anime feel without really changing the normal flow of the game too much.
  16. SPOILER ALERT anyway thats my 2 cents worth.
  17. Perkus Maximus has many upgrades and perks that make dual wielding a lot more fun and a lot more focused on good timing and agility. its almost an entirely different game with these perks. if you enjoy being a light, fast character with quick reflexes and a highly mobile play style i can not recommend Perkus Maximus enough. just mak sure you get the defluffer so you know what the perks actually do. have fun! :D
  18. simple i think. if the game has appropriate laugh track for your race you get a lesser power that lets you laugh out loud. no animation necessary its is meant to be a taunt in combat or a funny moment for the player after combat.
  19. heres a link to to mod http://www.nexusmod.com/skyrim/mods/21689/? and in legacy of kain defiance Kain would teleport from location to location in a similar manner to what the mod does. The Legacy of Kain Series is a great franchise, i hope to se more from it. and its good to see another kain fan on the nexus. Vea Victus!
  20. this mod is not quite as in depth as your request but a good starting point. maybe it will do for now? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61028/? - The Drunken Dragon - a player owned shop.
  21. you dont need a patch as far as i can tell. just get on the mount and convenient horses will update accordingly. i use the sabrecat from that mod and they work just fine together.
  22. my sig has a heavy elven armor mod. but you have to craft it yourself. :)
  23. i tried my hand at makeing vampire lord encounters once. i actually had them flying like dragons too but i did not have the animations to make them look cool. but if a modder can add "real" flight animations to the vampire lords as well as landing, perching and lift off animations this would be pretty cool. basicly you set a dragon race up using vampire lord resources. it works but it needs animations.
  24. Hello there modding community! i recently found this weather control center mod. nexus wont let me copy and paste the link but w/e. Anyway i was hoping someone with better scripting skills then me could make a toggle-able lesser power for vampires that would allow you to force the weather (via message box) into something different at the cost of reserving a small amount of magicka and stamina to maintain it; magicka for the effect and stamina for the concentration required to maintain it. this weather spell would not be an instant transition either, it would trigger a "natural", slower change and stay that way until you release control. and it needs to be compatible with Better Vampires. thanks for reading this, and thanks to anyone who can make this happen for me. :)
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