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Everything posted by Dracula420

  1. maybe Player.TCL will work? i dont know if targeting yourself like that with that command will work but its worth a try.
  2. lol nevermind i just found this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4198/? lcok and delete plz my bad for not searching better.
  3. i would like to request a pointy wizard hat like gandalfs from lord of the rings. i would like it to look sort of worn and not perfect. like this: http://img.costumecraze.com/images/vendors/rubies/49490a-large.jpg
  4. Alternatively you can add this line to you skyrimprefs.ini under the [General] section bFlyingMountFastTravelCruiseEnabled=1 it was going to be a default feature but the ps3 couldn't handle it cuz it sucks. the commands and everything is even fully voice acted i hear the latest patch might have broken it but i dont know for sure. as with all game and ini changes use at your own risk. worst case scenario? you have to erase it cuz it didn't work.
  5. is it ok if its placed abit high to avoid screwing with the lights in the hall of elements? if so i have a file ready to go. EDIT:http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55084/ mine doesn't do anything but look pretty sorry
  6. Dragon Combat Overhaul by Apollodown (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32597/) does that and more, making dragons WAAAAY more fun. if you want a stand alone module you could ask him how he did it. have fun and watch those DCO dragon limit breaks, they will get you.
  7. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32237/ - Imbued Weapons - custom Bloodskal Effect works with any weapon as its a toggled ability on the player. color can be changed via MCM. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33607/ Warded Blocks - Spellbreaker magic warding effect when you block with a weapon or shield, toggle-able, may somewhat enhance the anime experience. happy slaying. :smile:
  8. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/221/7/a/supernatural___angel_blade_by_navex_sniper-d6hf2v1.png http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131213200238/supernatural-tv-series/images/b/b7/7x21_AngelBladeMain.jpg http://www.yourprops.com/movieprops/original/yp5276bd5af06be9.96317696/Supernatural-Angel-Blade-2.jpg
  9. glad to know others support this idea. thank you!
  10. just what the title says: if i put on a drgon priest would it be possible using some disguise script to make the draugr in the burrows non hostile as long as you put it on and keep it on the whole time. and if possible make it not work with skeletons or other undead, including other dragon priests.
  11. so i was starting a new character and i noticed that the executioner in the helgen scene is holding his axe exactly the way i want my character to hold her staff when she is just standing idle. i will include a screenie at the bottom of the post for reference. if is is possible to take his idle and apply it to staffs when you are standing still that would be awesome. i dont expect it to be perfect or to flow well with other animation for the staff. but the idle would look really good for screne shots and role players. http://images.uesp.net/b/bc/SR-npc-Headsman.jpg
  12. hello and thanks for looking at this request from stargate atlantis simple version? i want a plasma defender with little to no spread that fires high speed red plasma projectiles that have the same hit effects as bullets (no vaporizing) complicated version? same as above but with a new model: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080802223013/stargate/images/7/7e/Ronon's_Gun.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xJ6PO0b8OLw/TakTMZ7kh5I/AAAAAAAAAEo/oD0Z47Bwv2c/s1600/Ronon+Dex+gun.jpg if you want to see it in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llpwKumLSCo
  13. i love the bomb queen comics and my current playthru is an explosives based character named, obviously, Bomb Queen. for anybody who does not know who Bomb Queen is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bomb_Queen she is evil as hell killed house and benny first chance she got and is working on wiping out the NCr and Legion next. good times and lots of bombs. right now i am currently using Ghost Variants (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41657/) with the red and black bikini out fit to match Bomb Queens style best i can. i was hoping somebody might make a few simpler costumes based on her original appearance, whish is basically this in black http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/008/8/5/Bomb_Queen___colour_by_Meshsmoother.jpg or just decorate some skimpy armors witht the Bomb logo. what ever works. :) thanks. and to all the people who are about to experience the epic hilarity that is Bomb Queen you're welcome.
  14. i think either Akatosh or Kynerath are sending them via a devout follower. they would know where they all are and which ones you already know. and they could probably appear in what ever physical form they desire. maybe that mysterious courier is actually a one of the 9 divines in disguise?
  15. just what the title says. i would like to see a mod made that add flying vampire lords as possible encounters. i tried doing this myself once and manage to get a VL to fly around but it had no animation for flight. so it just flew around with its arms straight out doing nothing. unfortunately i know nothing about animations. the existing animations could be cobbled together as a place holder until better animations could be made: the sprint loop could be used as a flight animation. the transition between floating and standing could be used for a landing animation. shout versions of some of the vampire spells could be used while it is in flight. anyway just an idea. i think it would be kind of cool if you where just walking along and suddenly there is a pack of vampire lords chasing you.
  16. i love the desire demons from Dragon age and have always thought that the skeleton and animations of the flame atronach would be perfect for them. if someone is up for a retex and possibly some remodeling to make them come to life in skyrim it would be greatly appreciated and probably not just by me images of the desire demon are a bit too close to being NSFW so i wont post any links but just put desire demon into google images or similar.
  17. have you tried using one of the hearthfires houses? i built a second one and set it up specifically for the guild i started.
  18. i have some experience with dialog from oblivion but i haven't tried it with skyrim. after looking in the creation kit i realized i may be a bit out of my depth. i want to learn the basics so i can make a companion of my own with lines to say and everything. i have the CK wiki open and was hoping someone might join me in a google+ chat and walk me thru making a greeting and some lines. my email is [email protected] i will be on the rest of the day and most of the day tomorrow. thanks in advance if you decide to respond.
  19. I noticed that racemenu has the option to make your warpaints and whatnot glow. would it be possible to make a mod that makes any overlays you have on glow during combat only? like a mage with wards tattooed on their body or something. anyway just an idea.
  20. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23876/ Crossbows Basic Collection http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37588/ Crossbows Basic Collection - SkyRe Patch enjoy!
  21. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9881/ portable enchanting table and portable alchemy table Frostfall has its own version too if you like cold weather survival.
  22. have you seen this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17473/ not exactly what your looking for but close. and i totally support the idea of there being more flying things to fight. like vampire lords...
  23. thank you for the response and i will check out that mod. kudos.
  24. ok i know it seems a little wierd but think about it for a second. your traveling thru the forest without a care in the world and then you hear that buzzing. the buzzing of bugs in spriggans. your turn off the path and follow a short trail thru thick woods and as you immerge into a clearing expecting to see 1 to 3 spriggans doing whatever spriggans do you see 2 regular spriggans and one 15-20 ft tall spriggan with a tree stump over its should like a giants hammer. you stare somewhat dumbfounded as this giant of a spriggan turns and charges at you (using the full set of giant animations). epicness or death ensues. anybody like this idea? i dont know enough about modeling or animations to make this happen myself but if this is possible that would be awesome to fight.
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