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Posts posted by Yamcakes

  1. Something I liked about the third Fallout, was the random encounters you had with people trying to kill you for your Karma level. Karma doesn't seem to have much of a purpose in New Vegas, so I was wondering if someone could take the concept of the Regulators and the mercenaries of the Talon Company, and experience bounty hunters coming after you. It would be great for roleplaying, and for exp. They don't have to be those particular groups, but I'd love for my Karma to have more of an effect on my gameplay. I'm sure being an evil bastard would warrant some kind of bounty on my head, and helping anyone and everyone I meet might make people jealous that I'm more favoured than them, or superseding the wasteland's standards, and making them look obsolete.


    We could go even further than that and let faction reputation come into play. I'm sure a mighty man like Caesar won't just let you wander free if you cross him. If you're shunned or vilified by them, perhaps he'd care to send assassins here and there. Might be more interesting than just getting attacked when walking into their territory.

  2. Are you creating your own .esp, or modifying the existing ones to include your changes? If you're making your own, you need to know that you cannot have another .esp as a master file, only .esm.

    So for the outfit you're going to want to modify Boone by editting him within the outfit's .esp. Same goes for the hairstyle. Use the esp provided, or only be dependant on the .esm, and not the .esp.

  3. I am using the latest version of the steam game, and just updated to the latest steam. I kept getting a message saying to update to the latest NVSE, and it is from the Readius mod. other mods I use that require NVSE don't give me a problem at all, and I can play with them fine. I played with the readius mod perfectly fine before I updated. Are you going to release previous versions or new ones any time soon?
  4. I don't see Fallout 3 music in the folders.


    But yeah, I hope a huge music mod comes out that uses music from the same time period. I had this problem in Fallout 3 too, just the same stuff over and over. It's annoying.

    I've downloaded several mods that add radio stations, and swapped a lot of the songs, and vanilla songs with fitting music that I like better. Here are a few examples. I'd post more, but there seems to be a limit.






    It's really not that hard to do it yourself as it seems.

  5. Yamcakes:

    where'd u get the little guy?xD

    I'm still not all that familiar with Fallout scripting, so I used someone's 'Rat Companion' mod, and swapped out the rat for a molerat, and changed it's name.

    I've wanted a pet molerat ever since FO3, and that cute tame molerat locked in a cage named 'Pumpkin'. I was sad that I couldn't set it free. D:

  6. I just changed the settings of the hats in game. They no longer take up the hair and hat slots, I left only the headband slot, so their hairstyles remain. I prefer slight clipping to baldness when using custom styles.
  7. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs463.ash2/73682_1444122955520_1606516206_31072597_2131760_n.jpg

    My 11 year old character Yammy and her asthmatic pet molerat "Wheezie". I was going to call him "Whiskers", but he's always wheezing behind as he tries to keep up with me.

    I like making friends. I'm a kind friendly character,who likes to influence people with words, rather than violence. I'm charismatic and highly intelligent, and I always try to find the diplomatic and win-win solutions. But when diplomacy or smarts don't get me anywhere, I can count on Wheezie and my trusty SMG's!

  8. I finally got around to uploading some video footage of it. It's an effect that can't be captured in screenshots.

    If you do not have this already, I recommend getting it now. It's genius, and more than deserving of endorsements. It's little things like this that make Oblivion so lovely.

    It's completely compatible with any lava retexture mod. Just be sure to add the desired textures after installing this mod.


    You find the mod here:




  9. I would love an Iksar Shaman! That would be so bad-ass. I'm actually working on learning to rip things from games (Just sounds atm).

    I want a lot of the ambient tracks from Champions: Return to Arms. Particularly the Plane of Torment for Oblivion Realms.

  10. Well, ''Best' is a really subjective term. Your idea of Best, might not go along with mine, so it may be difficult to find what you're looking for. :'P

    At any rate, you can download some of what in my opinion is the best textures for the Dark Seducers from my mods. The eye meshes and textures have their own directory, so it should not conflict with other race texture mods.

    I have my own compilation of craptons of races and mods all combined into one, and tweaked to be compatible with one another. Anything's possible if you learn your way around the construction set.

  11. Many mods aren't for everyone. It's always great to pick&choose what you want from them, though. As I agree some mods are over the top. I mod the crap out of everything I have. :3

    I retextured most of what I got from that mod, and/or swapped models when necessary.

    Female Frost Atronach:


  12. I'm currently testing a male companion who will romance male or female characters. Once he's been checked over, he should be ready for release. Testing is going very well so far and the mod is very smooth.

    DO WANT. <3


    @OP: There's always The Romancing of Eyja, and Housewives. A quick search will bring them up.

  13. What do I mean? What do YOU mean? >_>

    Would some one be kind enough to add a few combat scars to the hairstyles in Ren's Beauty? I thought it would have some already but it didnt... but still looks cool!


    I can't help you if I don't know what you're talking about. :'P

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