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Everything posted by HazakTheMad

  1. I just said Tetris cause I legitimately think it is the best, its fun and doesn't get stale.
  2. Its mostly just making esps with recipes for those ammo types.
  3. What are some gun/ammo mods you use? I'd like to know mostly to make some patches for a mod I'm working on, its ammo crafting related.
  4. Perhaps listing allowed ports in additional permissions would provide the simplest solution? At least simplest for Nexus Mods to do.
  5. Its a complicated issue that I have no idea what to do about. There are the matters of mods being uploaded with no permission and there are the matters of this being even more of a hassle. Perhaps there is not a perfect solution but instead a compromise that can increase protections of mods from being uploaded without permission but with not too high hassle. Maybe require ports to list a way to contact the original author?
  6. For that you would need to change a setting. And remember that no SKSE dependent mod will work on it.
  7. I want someone who annoys me constantly in spaaaaaaaaaaace!
  8. I get it when I mess around with saturation and darkness too much with imaginator.
  9. Then just make it not update yourself, or do only I see those pinned threads?
  10. Just make what ever you want, but keep it simple enough you don't get overwhelmed, Like I started out with ports and mods that changed armor ratings to my liking, and here I am making the same types of mods :laugh:
  11. I have heard of the error, but I can't recall what to do about it, something about Vortex or was it the fomod?....
  12. Daggerfall Unity is free and could last a long time. Didn't realize how old these posts were, :pinch:
  13. Interesting thing, human eye sight has a FOV of 40.
  14. Reason why you use NMM? Vortex and MO2 are both newer and are updated more often.
  15. This texture overhaul is darker, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51354
  16. That is really more of a list of popular Open World games rather than Skyrim-like games.
  17. "Get Out of My Way" works well, for 1.6 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61095
  18. I have done so in the past, you don't need to change the manifest, for all Steam knows you already updated.
  19. Oh, is that all? So they yet again broke all the mods just so they could sell some more horse armor. Good grief. Horse armor is free actually, you can find it in the CC store labeled as free.
  20. That makes no sense, how would the game even run when SSE has all the DLC bundled together?
  21. I am fairly sure you can sleep with your spouse, you get an exp boost called lovers comfort or something like that.
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