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Everything posted by HazakTheMad

  1. I have had that with Faendal a few times, he went to Tel Mithryn, I still don't know why. to be clear, I had the exact same bug with a non-modded follower.
  2. I have i7-7700 and a IntelĀ® HD Graphics 630 while using 300+ mods.
  3. Racemenu doesn't use Address Library, so it needs to be updated after every game update. And maybe you haven't updated Address Library. At least that is what I can come up with.
  4. Not unless you want a mod that needs one of the CC.
  5. Hunterborn has that, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7900
  6. They would need to make their own browser for Vortex for that to work. I too would love it if we could rename ourselves instead of wasting admins' time. There is a Vortex extension to allow you to import Steam workshop mods https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/114
  7. May be a bit late but this may work https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3139
  8. Do you still have the problem with no other mods than Racemenu?
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