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About Netwit2008

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    7 Days 2 Die, DayZRP, FO4, Minecraft, Path of Exile
  • Favourite Game
    Diablo II LOD, Morrowind GOTY, Oblivion GOTY, Minecraft, POE, DayZRP

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  1. Oh Lordy! I must be going mad with the heat! I've started a blog. Nothing special, but you're welcome to visit & say hi :o) http://www.windinthewillowsofthemind.blogspot.com/
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Blog em' I will then and then the connection to it may make sense to someone one day. :- )
    3. Deleted54170User


      Only 2 week's, "2 WEEK'S, 2 WEEK'S. y...agh?!" Leader, "It's him! Get him!" Goon, "Where?!" Leader, "The Fat woman! Over there!" Don't you have Total Recall? Skyrim will be here in 2 weeks... *O^O* I have a plan to go for a drive to a part of the country I haven't seen by taking the long way around to get some stuff I need on my way to the place I have to go, so I can see the new place before I end up packi...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ...ng it in and going back to the gaming house where I live. Winter is making it clear I better go and see it before I get snowed in or out. It could lead to "out"! Another adventure?
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