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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. For the most part my game functions great, especially since I added the Stutter Remover mod. I used to get CTD every four hours of gameplay, but I think without the stutter remover, that is just the way it is. I have a couple of the mods below installed incorrectly, meaning not in the right folder (e.g. pipboy skins and girl with the dragon tattoo), but once I get unlazy and move them, I have no doubts they will work fine too. Same thing with Umpa's. Load order is often the key. I learned a very basic principle when I first came here, from Bben and a previous member- remember that the last mod loaded will take precedence over everything that comes before it. So if a certain item, location or action is affected by a mod I want to include, I look at the overall load order to see what the "big picture" effects might be. Thus things like companions and Fellout go last, so other mods don't overwrite and change the intended actions. I just hit a glitch with the Bye Bye Love quest, but I'm really thinking this is not mod related, but game bug related, since I've researched and found many bugs associated with this particular quest. I also have FOMM and NVSE installed. No problems for the most part. I'm a mod junkie, so I'll keep adding until I hit my limit. I have 240-245 in my Oblivion game and it works almost perfectly. :biggrin: [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] Tribal Pack.esm [X]RRCompanionVault.esm [X] Active Wasteland.esm [X] ColdDeck Giftshop.esm [X] Advanced Recon Tech.esm [X] MikotoBeauty.esm [X] 7DanceFnV.esp [X] FewPosesMore NVedition.esp [X] Animation Tool.esp [X] Animated Prostitution.esp [X] Cactai of the Wastes [plugin].esp [X] Pimpboy3Billionfemale.esp [X] LFox Bottle That Water.esp [X] jerky.esp [X] GSPH.esp [X] GoodspringsPlayerHome.esp [X] sjs_housemod_vgreen.esp [X] PortableCampsite.esp [X] iL-Teddy Bears.esp [X] CombineSniperRifle.esp [X] AEVegas.esp [X] WearGloves.esp [X] K2_NVClothes01.esp [X] Red Bandana.esp [X] dressme.esp [X] Primary Needs HUD.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor-Location Doc Mitchell.esp [X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp [X] Advanced Recon Tech.esp [X] Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp [X] bzBodySuits.esp [X] bzArmour.esp [X] MoraelinsProfessionalsSuitMod.esp [X] Neckchains.esp [X] Wanted SA Matchmaster.esp [X] N-V Binoculars.esp [X] Mr Moneybags.esp [X] ArmoredGlassEyewear.esp [X] BodyJewelry.esp [X] sjs_bellydancedress.esp [X] Black Business Power Suit.esp [X] change appearance 2.esp [X] Lucky8Ball.esp [X] FoodSanitizerModv1.5.esp [X] Glow Sticks.esp [X] BottleBrahminMilkNV12.esp [X] Pancake...esp [X] Essentialplustweaks.esp [X] duct_tape _fixes_everything.esp [X] 100Repair.esp [X] RadiationKit.esp [X] Companions Relax.esp [X] vatsbuff.esp [X] WorkingCrimsonCaravanTraders.esp [X] PrimmReputation.esp [X] friendofnightforfellout.esp [X] BIS - Brumbek's Inventory Sorting.esp [X] BIS - More Cactus Water Recipes.esp [X] BIS- Food Used In Recipes.esp [X] GamblingNoBan.esp [X]CasinoExchange.esp [X] Active Wasteland - Vanilla Replacements.esp [X] Followers Ready To Fight - Unlimited Companions.esp [X] WPR.esp [X] Conelrad640-1240.esp (radio station) [X] Docs Sexy Nurse.esp [X] NCR Doggy Buddies - Alsatian.esp [X] Jade.esp [ ] change appearance 1.esp [ ] change appearance 3.esp [X] Bella.esp [X] Nano - Natural Veronica (Essential).esp [ ] Nano - Natural Veronica.esp [X] VeronicasFist.esp [X] CompanionsDeEquip.esp [X] MikotoBeauty.esp [X] FNNsysNV.esp [X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esp [X] ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esp [X] Fellout.esp NO .ESP *Dimons Type 3 Body-Cali *Breezeā€™s Males Body *Armor Fix *27 Pipboy Skins *Get those glo sticks *Girl w/Dragon Tattoo *Beware of Girl- Hi Res Body Replacer for Type 3
  2. Try posting this request in the thread at the very top of this page- New Vegas Mod Detectives. That's what they do and someone may very well be able to help you out pretty quickly. :thumbsup: Good luck!
  3. :ermm: Just an FYI...Make sure doing this would not be breaking any copyright rules or laws. If so, I'd remove this pronto! Generally you can't move or port official content from one game to another, even games from the same company. The admin will weigh in, but if you're violating the TOS in any way, you may get banned with the quickness!
  4. Still no reason to get all riled up cause you said that! The story is SO important. Honestly, I'm glad a new one is coming, but why oh why did they choose Skyrim?? I hate the cold and that's all that area reminds me of. I was disappointed. *Looks around nervously..* Hope nobody slashes my tires cause I said that, lol
  5. The vampire is off to bed, but you be sure and check your e-mail. Test 2's samples are better than 1's IMHO. Lemme know what you think :o)
  6. Hey you! I have some voice samples I can send if you're still interested. They are for a friend modding FONV, but still may give you an idea of how I sound. Lemme know if you want them. Say hello to the missus! :o)
  7. Hello Silver my friend! Long time no talk to. Still enjoying those wonderful recipes :o)
  8. What have you been up to Sly? It's been ages since we talked! I hope all is peachy in your world :o)
  9. Hey Beautiful Gypsy! Belated Happy Birthday :o)
  10. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced a glitch with the Bye Bye Love Quest? Seems after I talk to Carlitos the second time, when I return to Gommorah to let Joana know the plan is a go, I walk in and that's it. I'm stuck. I can't move forward or backward. I can't open my inventory and the Omerta Thug doesn't ask for my weapons. In fact, my screen looks as though I've typed in "tm" only I haven't. I'm just rooted to the spot with everyone looking at me! :wallbash: I've tried to research this and found that there are several glitches with this quest, or at least there were. I didn't see any referring to this one specifically. At this point, I'm afraid that if I don't figure out what is causing it, or find a work around, I don't dare even start the quest, because I won't be able to go into Gommorah again. Any suggestions or advice anyone has will be greatly appreciated!
  11. Open the console with the tilde ~ key. Type in "tcl" without quotes and hit enter. Hit the ~ again to close the console. Before you do, it should say "collision off." Then you'll be able to go anywhere, in the sky or in the ground, through walls, etc. Be careful where you choose to toggle it back on-by hitting the ~ again and type "tcl" again, without quotes. It should say "collision on." Close the console. If you're not level with the ground, it will lower you, but I try to get as close as possible. If you were to toggle it back on while you're in the middle of the rock, you'll be stuck there, until you toggle it back off again. I've used this to put decorations on shelves high up, and to get out of places I got stuck. If you're getting CTD, I'd check my load order and/or other mods that might have changed the same area, thus causing problems. I have like 245 or more mods running and I didn't have any problems with crashes due to this mod. It did conflict at first with a mod I had to beautify Skingrad, but once I deactivated that one, it was all good. Again, hope that helps!
  12. I've often wondered the same. I didn't start playing the series until Morrowind. But my assumption was that they did focus on Redguards. It's disappointing to find out Hammerfall didn't. For Evertaile and Fatal- I tried to find the article on Game Informers website. The closest I came was to the discussion section for the article. Naturally no one has commented :confused: Maybe you'll be luckier and can find the article itself. The site seemed a bit convoluted to navigate around. I think that article was in January's issue, but it could have been the Feb. issue, the one the big Skyrim article was in. Here's the link to the article's blogspot: http://www.gameinformer.com/blogs/members/b/yardragon_blog/archive/2010/04/15/video-game-production-and-or-development.aspx
  13. Well I don't know if it was REALLY 60 today. My vampire arse was asleep. Snow is melting though, along with the concrete on my front steps! Dang salt :o( I never could get into sewing. I tried, really I did, lol My mom got my daughter a sewing machine when she was younger. She made me a pair of *ahem* culottes (I think they were, lol) and that was the end of that, lol!
  14. I don't know why they're acting all crazy about it. There's nothing wrong with a new story line. I like the idea of having elements perhaps of the old story, but each new installment really needs to be a story of its own so that folks new to it can enjoy it too. So naw, that's not to much to ask at all, IMHO of course :o)
  15. Interestingly enough, there was a big article on this very subject in a recent edition of Game Informer. They discussed not one game, but how many games, with the exception of GTO, seem to have a glaring lack of minority representation. It came down to exactly what I thought it would- what will the gaming community accept and how will it affect the game's profit potential. So the short answer is, it is not always profitable to put minorities in games, just like in movies. Sad but true. I'm glad we at least can make our own characters black, asian or hispanic if so desired. Actually I thought that NV had more minorities than usual. Be nice to see that as the rule, not the exception, that's for sure. Good topic and good, respectful discussion of it as well! :thumbsup:
  16. I can't offer a lot of help, but I can give you a word of advice. Have your escape plan laid out BEFORE you ever attempt to ignite that gas. It will kill everything nearby, including you! There is a way I found, one I used long fused dynamite, but you still have to get close enough to affect the gas. Second, I found a good "hidey hole" to run into (and I mean haul arse!) once I threw dynamite. As I recall there weren't any quest markers for Dr. Keely regarding the explosion. She requested and I took out. I'm always strapped to the teeth, so I already had the firepower to ignite the gas, getting out alive became the issue. I do believe I got the update to return to the doc in McCarren once all Keely's requests had been carried out. I haven't gotten the quest for Veronica involving 22 so I'm not sure about that. Not much info, but I hope it helps a bit. Good luck!
  17. I'm with you, I loved the mod. She did such a good job on the shop and items. However, also like you, the items were problematic when taken from the shop. If I tried to place one of the large gold flowers (forget the name, been playing NV the last couple of months), they would ricochet all over the place like an errant bullet!! They'd knock things off shelves, just in general tear up anywhere I tried to place them. I gave up. When I used the buckets and some vases, they would sink into whatever I placed them on. So if I put them on a table or column, they would be half submerged in it once I returned to that area. Some would disappear altogether, but I could get them back by toggling collision off and going under the dwelling or place I'd put them. I wish I knew how to fix, but I never could figure any out. The glasses and plates seemed to work just fine, but the bigger items just never did. Good luck! Let me know if you find a fix :smile:
  18. You are just a woman of many talents! You have to post pics now, I wanna see that purse :o) Who knows, it might turn into a lucrative side hustle. I crocheted years ago. Taught my daughter to crochet and knit. Bad thing is, I STILL have the projects I started and I know that was 20 years ago at least, lol! Guess what?? 60 degrees being predicted :o( ) what kind of crazy is that??
  19. Don't feel like the lone ranger, girl- neither have I and we get snow almost every winter, lol Just like the lamb eating, it will be a new adventure! :o)
  20. You crochet too? What colors? You should upload a picture :o)
  21. You want it sister, you got it, lol All we'll need are pieces of coal, a carrot, some twigs, a funky hat and a halo for you of course :o)
  22. Well thank you so much, lol Somebody needs to tell the weather controllers you gave us the sun. Yesterday it snowed AGAIN! And today, so cold it's ridiculous! Hey, I meant to say I hope you are nowhere near the massive flooding. I hope you & your family are safe!
  23. I had to laugh my butt off! I thought I was the only one to have the heat go out in the dead of winter, and then use the oven until I got it fixed! Hey it works, lol Still cold here *sigh* then it snowed just enough yesterday to cause wrecks. I'm ready to go on vaca BIG time, lol Hope you get the heat back on soon! At least you have someone besides a dog, cats and daughter to snuggle with :o)
  24. LOL! I hope it was tasty :o)
  25. 17 below?! And here I was griping about zero! I didn't realize it got that cold in your neck of the woods. But you're right, the snow is pretty, I just don't want anymore of it right now, lol
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