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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. I don't know how many mods you have installed but I just left this for another poster having trouble with dialogue. He is running 158 active mods. I don't know if this is either of your problems, but never hurts to check out all angles when a solution is not readily evident. My response to the other poster is below. I hope it helps you as well. I don't know if this has any relevance to your problem, but I've seen several threads/comments indicating that others started seeing/experiencing odd bugs and glitches once they hit the 150th mod mark. I guess that could be the problem. From what I've read, although presumably NV would function well with up to 250 mods like Oblivion, not many people had been able to pull that off with NV. Again, around 150 seemed to be the magic number where problems would begin to show up. Hope that helps!
  2. I don't know if this has any relevance to your problem, but I've seen several threads/comments indicating that others started seeing/experiencing odd bugs and glitches once they hit the 150th mod mark. I guess that could be the problem. From what I've read, although presumably NV would function well with up to 250 mods like Oblivion, not many people had been able to pull that off with NV. Again, around 150 seemed to be the magic number where problems would begin to show up. Hope that helps!
  3. Hmmm...that only happened to me when I installed a couple of mods. The mods may not have had icons for the pipboy, so that error came up. Your issue sounds different though if it's happening with vanilla items. Sorry I can't be of more help. But I can say this, not having the icons or getting the error didn't interfere with the game or game play at all. I just didn't have any icons in the pipboy for those items.
  4. Very good video and congrats on your second one! :thumbsup: I remember how amped I was the first ones I made :happy: You wondered where you might post them. On my profile page under "About Me" are the links (video boxes if that has been fixed) of two of my best ones. I linked from youtube using the code provided here. They started out small and morphed into full scale productions. The last two were very time and labor intensive. But as long as they comply with youtube's file limits you can post them there and then link them to here. Also, by uploading them in the files section, you get a variety of folks viewing and hopefully endorsing and leaving comments. It's nice to see how people received the work you've done. The very last one I did, was an epic production, lol The credits were a video in and of themselves. I ended up posting it as a mod upload to the file section. To see what I mean you can check it out here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33244 I got such enjoyment out of planning the moves, compiling the clothes and locations my companions and I would use, along with synchronizing the music to the different locales and changes in tempo within the video itself. I learned an awful lot. I've wanted to do one for NV, but I haven't been able to get Umpa's working in it yet. I've already got my next song picked out, so eventually I know it will come to fruition. You keep experimenting with it and expanding on your skills. You'll get better, and learn something new with each one you do. Feel free to check mine out. I know I was so proud with each one. :tongue: That last one was so big and complicated that I did have to take a break though, lol If I can ever help you also, don't be afraid to hit me up. :smile:
  5. Hugs! to Silver for his chivalry :kiss: BAN! to VK for using 1....2....3...4...5....6....7....8.....9, yes NINE emoticons in a row! ;D
  6. You joined Nexus on my birthday! Just saying hi as if I don't write enough on the NosCo thread, lol :o)
  7. Hi Push! Just saying hi, I hope all is well. Haven't talked to you in awhile, but you seem to be your as always lovable self :o)
  8. *sneaking in with a plate of homemade fried chicken and a big cool glass of cola* ~taking a bite out of your chicken and running off giggling~ :o)
  9. Took a break from FONV to check on Oblivion. Of course I HAD to have the 1.6 ver of the Goddesses store. Man those new wigs are SO cute! The new clothes are too. All I did after not playing for 7 months was go to the shop and buy new stuff, lol Hope all is well :o)
  10. Oh you and me both! I wasn't too hyped up until I saw that trailer. Man how geeky is it that I got goosebumps from it, lol I got sidetracked from Oblivion when I got FONV for Christmas. I can't believe it, but I made my first companion mods using the NosCo system. Not half bad if I do say so myself. Now I just have to learn to package them so they'll be upload ready. It was fun, that's for sure.
  11. Rofl! No it's still true, but I must admit, your Beethoven clothes did throw me, lol Now you look handsome and sagacious :o)
  12. Oh! and in case I forget by Thursday-

    *****HAPPY BIRTHDAY Weather Girl!!!*****

    Keep us posted on what you get from b-friend hehe! :o)

  13. Oh man! We went on a vaca once to Orlando. The house we rented had an alarm similar to a smoke det on the door to the pool. Somehow we caused it to go off & then couldn't get it shut down all nite! lol It was awful! Yep, 60 one day with rain, then 40s again. But it was sunny today. I hope spring is around the corner, but I'm not sold yet, lol You have a good one too. A quiet one hopefully :o)
  14. Aleve is good. It's in the same class as ibuprofen. I'm just glad you're feeling better. I was not feeling so well on Tuesday, but it passed quickly, thank God. Well blah on the weather front! It was 60 today, but rain and dropped temps coming. Yuck!
  15. BAN! to Krimzin for wanting a shrubbery and not a kitty in a paper sack hat, much cooler, lol So agreeing with Pagan's ban :yes: However, also BAN! to Krimzin for using God's foot on unofficial mortal business! He might be limping right now :tongue:
  16. This weather is so finicky & unpredictable. It was in the 40s yesterday & today. All the snow has melted & now it's just a slushy muddy mess! My girl was a trooper cleaning house tonite & getting up all those stupid dog prints, lol! Put your head under a steam bath in the sink or shower. Take 2 tylenol or 2 ibuprofen (400 mg.) every 4-6 hours. Get well soon! Can't have my weather girl down & out!
  17. roflol! BAN! to CC for being so predictable!! :P BAN! to Krimzin for saying Ni and then banning someone else for it! ;D
  18. Man, the hangover sounds much worse than all that snow, lmao! I hope you feel better today. I swear, it would be so crazy to live where that much snow falls so close together. It's gonna take until next August to dig out and all melt, lol! You be well and be safe :o)
  19. You are very welcome! :o)
  20. Aww, thanks for the compliment on my mod. Since then, I've made a male companion and another female. They are really turning out good. As soon as I get really good at it, then I'd like to release them with backstories and perhaps a quest or player home. It's fun and easy using NosCo. I'm glad you liked it :o)
  21. Awwww, I can't ban BE!! She's my friend :happy:
  22. Hey welcome back Hells! ^^ Likes colors and all the admin/moderators! :tongue:
  23. I'm very competitive, get green with envy if I don't get my way AND I'm pissed cuz I used up all my pic posting space on the Nexus, so dangit!!!! I WIN!!!
  24. Well how are you faring Weather Girl? Still snowy? We got...of all things- a thunderstorm!! This was today, rained buckets and thunder and lighting. I always find that so wild in winter. I hope you're warm and toasty :o)
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