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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. You know you are quite welcome, no thanks necessary :o) And yes, I will be taking you up on the offer of help, lol! Since Lareena Cotton, I've made Justice Rhys. He's an amazon of a man, very handsome. I seem to do well creating faces. I'm glad of that!
  2. BAN! Pagan for banning BE for welcoming me back :confused: lol! Thanks girl, good to be back wreaking havoc. :tongue:
  3. :whistling: *Sneaking in with my bestest ninja stealth neither Silver nor Pagan will see me GRAB the win right out of their hands. Especially Silver he's blind in one eye and crying out of the other!* hehe :ninja:
  4. I made a mod! I made a mod! :o) Go look at the screenies:


    Tell the missus I've been checking that darn blog every other day, lol I want my blog fix from la maison! :o)

  5. Hey Fatal! I did it!! I made my first companion using the NosCo mod. I think she turned out pretty good. Not quite done with her, but there are screenies on the mod's image section. Thanks again for giving me the idea. I'm so damned proud, I'm like a fool telling everybody, lol!
  6. Go look here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38059#fileanchor

    I paid homage to you, you'll see how. Now if I can learn to make new ones independent of that mod's system and voice them, I'm gonna be in hog heaven! I'm so proud :o)

  7. Thank you for the compliment :o)

    You know when I got my first better machine several years ago, I bought Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I didn't get very far for some reason. But then again, I remember buying a butt load of games I had been wanting. I got Diablo after that and the cake was all dough, lol I never looked back. I had Hexen and Quake too. I love me some FPS!

  8. Just when you thought it was safe to claim the win.....in swoops NW2008, like a spectre in the night, to snatch victory right out of your silvery hands!!!! Muhahahahaha!!! :laugh: I WIN!!
  9. 10/10 Reminds me of cool jazz on a hot summer night :thumbsup:
  10. BAN! to Krimzin for posting a pic that reminds me of jail time in Oblivion :pinch: BAN! to Somerandom for being....random! :tongue:
  11. ^^ Has random thoughts about roads, especially ones in the desert.
  12. Heeey Weather Girl!! How's it going over there? Had that wintry mix over here yesterday, didn't do much except cover the ground with white again. BUT I guess come Monday, here we go again! Sure you don't wanna go to Hawaii with me and the girl? :o)
  13. I saw you talking about Duke Nukem on Illiad's page. Man I loved Castle Wolfenstein! I always wanted to play God of War. It doesn't come for PC? Man I just assumed it did. That's a shame.

    OOOOooo! Look at all the cutie patootie sheepies on your page! :o)

  14. lol! Just say thank you & revel in the knowledge that it is indeed true :o)
  15. Can it be true??! Is my 2 year anniversary of joining Nexus really coming up on April 30? My how time flies when you're having fun :o)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vvk78


      How about butchering evil sheep? I know of a few.
    3. Netwit2008


      *GASP* How dare you vk78! Of course that is my photo, lol! My girl is tinier and prettier than me :o) I had a pic of the two of us up before Christmas. I'll have to post that one again. Thank you Brigand and Illiad! Cheesy BE hasn't quite converted me over to lamb just yet, lol
    4. vvk78


      LOL, I just meant you look young and pretty too! Post a snap of both of you. And don't worry about the sheep, they are very harmless. They don't bite, and they run scared from me (gotta be firm with kids sometimes, you know :-).
  16. Where da hell you been mane?? C'MON Son! You know it ain't kewl to be MIA for THIS long, lol But seriously, I hope all is well. I'm making my first mod for NV. A companion. I'm dedicated to making minority companions for the wastelands. They're gonna be all the way liiiiive! :o)
  17. *blushing & wiping crumbs off mouth & shirt* ahem! Those cookies & that tea sure did hit the spot! Mighty kind of ya :o) Thanks for the add too. I like new friends & you are my #90! Happy times! My problem with Umpas is that the animation tool works, but the selected NPC will not dance. Even using console commands it's a no go. I just can't figure it out this time. :o( I miss my vid making!
  18. Well don't feel like the lone ranger. They're predicting sleet/snow (for real this time, lol) tomorrow. *sigh* Hawaii is looking more and more appealing to me right about now, lol! And I agree, since I'm usually going to bed when the sun is coming up, not having to get up at that time is wonderful. Altho it wreaks havoc with my system on days I DO need to get up early. Yuck!
  19. I'm so sorry Rage, I've racked my brain trying to remember the brand of computer it was but I can't. If you have a Microcenter near you, try calling and asking one of their computer sales persons. I think the brand name started with an M. Sorry I can't be of more help on that. But do some looking around. Buying refurbished from MC is a good option too. They really do have great machines and I always get a deal. They're online if you don't have that store near you. Just go to www.microcenter.com
  20. That's a weird second shift! I always thought it was the 3p-11p that was second. I always liked that shift when I worked in the hospital. Seven inches huh? Wow! Well none for us. They say sleet for today I think, but so far it's pretty clear. I just hope you all don't turn into ice cream bars before the winter ends, lol
  21. *Sneak Peek back* No need to sneak tho, just come on over and sit a spell :o)
  22. Thanks for the info Camonna! :o)
  23. You might try the NV Stutter Remover mod. It keeps FPS at 30 with no drop in quality, but performance increases really dramatically, at least it did for me. I have a good machine and was still getting CTD at the 4th hour of play mark. This doesn't remove all performance problems, but I was really shocked at how much better the game began to perform once I installed this. And I have like 100 mods installed and running to boot! http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34832 Game booster is free, only $4.99 to become premium. You can find it here: http://www.iobit.com/products.html Look towards the bottom of the page for the free downloads. Good luck!
  24. I have a pretty good rig, but still experienced trouble with CTD in NV, especially after playing for 4 hours straight. It got to the point I could almost tell time by that 4 hour crash. Then I got the NV Stutter Remover mod and instantly had better performance. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34832 In this mod, your FPS is kept around 30 intentionally. It's part of the program. I don't notice any quality drop, but the game is much more stable at a consistent 30 FPS. If you haven't checked it out, it's definitely worth a look. Low FPS is a pain! But now with about 100 mods running, as I said, things run much smoother even past the 4 hour mark. Doesn't fix everything, some quests/areas are just buggy and crash anyway. But who knows, this mod might help you too. My "go to" guy at Microcenter showed me another computer that doesn't look as flashy as Alienware, but he said had better performance and was cheaper. I always wanted an Alienware too, but he said it's all flash, there are better machines out there, that are way cheaper. Welcome back btw ;)
  25. Holy Smokes! It never gives you all a break does it? Even I spoke too soon. Started raining here tonight, supposed to be mixed with snow tomorrow. Thank God it isn't really cold enough to freeze...yet, lol
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