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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. Man I hope you get it right! Being without the computer is now like doing without crack! lol I always say, hit up microcenter.com, they have the best deals if you need a new one. Very reasonably priced. But hopefully it won't come to that. I'm pullin for ya! :o)
  2. Hey Girl! Here too! It was so nice, I couldn't believe it. So breezy, reminds me of fall- my favorite time of year. Enjoy the weather. If I could mend my vampiric ways, I might get to enjoy the daylight too sometimes, lol
  3. C'MON SON!! You betta pick up a dictionary & get hip to the lingo us psych folks use, lol I've been fine, a bit stressed getting ready for classes to start. Why they gotta keep springing classes on a sista? Guess it's a compliment tho, so I'll just shut up & teach :o) I keep telling U to go to microcenter.com I just got my mom a new tower for like $300. Nice one too! Good to hear from ya :o)
  4. You're right, I think that is right. I'm all trying to spell cities in India and stuff, lol But do look for some place that has a good batter and cooks them well. They are not rubbery then. Here we have a wonderful Italian buffet called Cinzetti's. I don't even like Italian food, but I ate so much the other day I was stuffed! I bet Olive Garden's are probably good too.
  5. BF is a roofer?? Oh my gosh, he must have been miserable! I especially hope it cools down for his sake. My dad was a bricklayer for many years, he used to come home exhausted from the heat. Well Weather Girl, let's hope it cools down on both our ends. We sure could use a break. I always worry about the homeless in extreme conditions like this :o(
  6. Hola compadre! Just sayin hi :o)
  7. You're just sitting over there nuttin up aren't cha? Just going crazy as a bed bug! lmao C'mon SON what's up with the hebephrenic schizophrenic dialogue up above?? :o)
  8. At least there's an upside, lol My nephew loves sushi. I can do some of it, other things not so much. I did get him to try Calamarji (sp?) too. If it has a good batter, that is excellent! My daughter has it like that for her lab class. She commutes like 45 min. each way, so that's a bite, but as you say, gotta do it or risk a bad grade. I'm pretty strict on attendance myself tho :o)
  9. Real friends worry cause they care, so it's not really a bother. You remember that. If you need anything I can help with, just holla. I don't mind. What did you buy? Just the name of where you got them sounds so kool!
  10. Ha! Girl it's been so hot even me who doesn't mind the heat, has wanted to stay inside. I saw like 107 on my vehicle's thermometer today! Supposed to be going back down to the 80s next week tho. All I can say is Hallelujah! lol You have a beautiful weekend in the valley. Sounds like a great romance novel doesn't it? :o)
  11. Thanks Mondstein! I'm glad to have you on my list :o) And don't worry, Ms. Mondstein will definitely be in the next video. That last one took me so long and was so complicated, I have to take a vacation from it for now, lol You have a good weekend! And that is a very lovely, and intriguing pic!
  12. I just got hit with a new class I wasn't expecting. Only 3 days to prepare. Arrrrrgh! I'll live, but it will be a pain and of course eat into my precious Oblivion time, lol Not much playing or fun for me this weekend. I hope all is peachy on your end. I like your "isms" lol!
  13. Yep, moving from one place to another can absolutely cause it, especially if you're moving from a place that is say...very verdant, to one that has no plants, or different type of flora. Here in the land of Oz I have much allergy trouble seasonally. When we were in Florida, they barely bothered me at all. But again, different flora. I will and you do the same :o)
  14. I've never done it the way it is outlined in that article. Like Dark0ne, I've always used FRAPS. It is easy to install and use. There is a free version which will only take .bmp images. I loved taking pics so much and then making videos, I paid to get the registered version which as he says, takes .jpgs automatically. That is important because the board here only accepts .jpg or .png images. The .bmps will upload but show up black. If clicked on, then the picture will become visible. With the other two formats, they just show up from the jump. At any rate, try FRAPS, I think that will help you get started with screenies quickly and easily. http://www.fraps.com/download.php
  15. I was SO paranoid about installing OBSE before I actually read up on it. Really all you have to do is copy three files into your Oblivion directory folder. The page link below should answer all your questions and get you on your way with it. It really does open up a whole new world of mods for you. I couldn't live without it now! It's always best I think, to download the latest stable version. Just remember, you'll need to redirect your desktop icon to the new obse command to start the game. If you start from the game disk's original icon without changing it, OBSE enabled mods won't work. To do that you'll right click on your current Oblivion desktop icon, go all the way down the menu list to Properties and then change the Target to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" Assuming you've got Oblivion installed in the default folder, your Start should have: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion" in that line. My machine is a Vista 64 bit, which is why it shows the (x86). If you don't have this kind of system (e.g. 32 bit), I'm not sure what it will say. I'm assuming it will be the same, only without the (x86). Others will probably pop in to give you even better instructions than these, so just be patient. :smile: Here's the instruction page you need: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:Oblivion_Script_Extender Good luck! :thumbsup:
  16. I seem to answer this question alot for some reason, lol So I've created this list. I hope you find it helpful :) Each one is a separate mod, but are all compatible together. I have several companions that do not require CM or CSR. I usually make them over as soon as I get them with new clothes, armors, weapons, wigs, jewelry, etc. They are all pretty good, and all except Sierra are set to essential, meaning they can't be killed. I have quite a bit of fun, seeing how different I can make them look. I recommend these below. For each one, except Red Sonia, I have screenies posted so you can take a look at the changes I've been able to make. Sonia's screenies are posted on my video's download page and there is one of her in purple in the image share section. Neeshka by Rsdnt-Evle http://www.tesnexus....ile.php?id=8256 Companion Keric by MrUniq http://www.tesnexus....ile.php?id=5793 Stoker Wolff-Male Companion Only (there is also a larger quest version) by SultericDrums http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=17743 Astrianna-Montana's Sexy Companion II by MontanaBlueSkies (she does naughty things, lol) http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=21476 Companion Shard and Skar (a warrior woman and her pet wolf, I gave lots of feedback on her thread, she's antisocial, lol) by Mr. Uniq http://www.tesnexus....ile.php?id=5479 Rhianna Redux (although after awhile she will not follow commands to go with you) by Jumonji http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=15841 Companion Thelias by MrUniq (can get him to change clothes by giving him another outfit and telling him to repair what he has on. http://www.tesnexus....ile.php?id=5648 Red Sonia-Special Edition by ThePriest909 http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=13017 Companion Alandria by MrUniq http://www.tesnexus....ile.php?id=5722 Companion Vilja-(voice acted by her author with over 1500 lines of new dialogue!) by Emma http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=28977 Vance Companion by Mr Uniq (can probably change his clothes using the method I use with Keric) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6734 Companion Shafaye by Mojodajojo (lives on Halcyon Island Mod) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27985 Mondstein Female Companion by Mondstein http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31034 Sierra from SamLake's Oblivion Collectible Cards Mod can become a companion, although she is not set to essential. Still does well and can take care of herself. The only thing with her, is when you "share loot" meaning give her things, she strips down naked. It takes going thru several doors for her to re-equip her stuff. Still a great companion. Plus you get great cards to collect and some quests with this mod. http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=19140 I have each of them living in different houses, mostly house or castle mods. These are versatile companions that are good fighters and it is fun, as I say, to dress them up. I recommend Apachii Goddess and Apachii Heroes stores for clothes, along with Tona Clothing mod and Wilgarth’s Latex Mods. I use a mod called Ring of Companionship by Logintodownload (http://www.tesnexus....e.php?id=18461) to make sure they are all kept as companions in my circle. I think you'd be more than happy with any of these. I hope that helps! :biggrin:
  17. LOL! Whoa Nelly! You need to make that request in the Request/Mod Suggestion section. Hey, why not? You can have a big old statue of you. Rebel O'Conner made a huge Statue of Liberty over by Leyawiin. You could maybe use that if you know how to use the CS, or request him to do one for you. He's really good with those models. All hail the evil king! :devil: @ Dragunover- yeah after awhile it wouldn't be any fun with no one to hassle but yourself and the animals :P
  18. Hey Calliton! Long time no see :smile: In addition to what they listed above, I also use a free program called Game Booster. Easy to install and seems to help. I have about 200 mods running now, with very little drop in fps or stuttering. Of course I don't believe that even with a high end machine and using these resources one can get rid of every single blip. But these things do help. Here's the link for Game Booster: http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html
  19. You're very welcome! :o)
  20. lol! Glad to hear it. You have to keep us posted, especially on the romance part! :P
  21. If it keeps on, you listen to your private nurse :o) and go to the doc! Could be a sinus infection as well. Although no...I don't suppose it's good for the head or the arse to sit here 12+ hours per day, lol!! I've been on so long, my eyes would blur and I'd have to get off, cause I just plain couldn't see the screen good anymore. Now THAT's a damned shame, lol!
  22. Saaya, I just wanted to stop by and say hi and kudos to you for what seems as though single handedly converting the clothing mods to BBB! You are amazing! I'm about to dl Apachii's now. Thank you! It was because of seeing your conversions it hit me that for the new BBB body to work, I'd need to change the clothes too. Again I say Kudos!
  23. ...so I'm making this NPC face right? Not heeding the directions some very wise dude gave me, I keep working until I get almost finished. Then guess what?? The program STOPS responding and I lose it all. :o/ Guess I learned "save often and start over" the hard way, lol
  24. You know they say sniffing menthol will alleviate a headache. Also putting pressure in that web of skin between your thumb and hand. Kind of works like acupuncture. I'm an RN, but I whole heartedly believe in holistic and alternative medicine. Good enough for the ancients, oughta be good enough for us! Feel better and have a good start to the week :o)
  25. Well dang, who could ask for anything more as far as school is concerned! That is great news. I hope the year plays out even better than you expect. :o)
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