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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. This may have been mentioned, maybe even by me, lol But this thread has been going on so long I forget. ANYway, In Skingrad, across the street from "your" house is Summitmist (sp?) Manor. Once the quest for that is done, everything in there is non owned, meaning it is not stealing to be in there or take/use the things. First I sold everything in there and cleared it out. Now I've had a change of heart and use it sort of like a bed and breakfast for my companions when we're in Skingrad. I've completely redecorated it. There is even safe storage in the chests in the upstairs bedroom. Some food and items respawn all over the house, so there is food and what not. It's been alot of fun re-doing the place. I'm thinking of using the console to setownership and call it my bed and breakfast, lol
  2. Oh make no mistake about it.. C'mon SON-.if I win the lottery (funny movie btw, lol) I WILL be down with the alienware, even if it is all flash and pomp & circumstance, lol I saw the better ones, but they sure didn't look as kool as the alienwares!
  3. Hey you finally show up on the list! Seems you had to approve my friend request first. At least that's what the note in my inbox said. Either way, you're official now, Yay! :o)
  4. Aye, that it was my friend :thumbsup:
  5. Use "player.setcrimegold 0" instead. Thanks LadyMilla and sorry about that Axxaw, I always forget that darned dot between player and the command. :pinch: As far as changing highest bounty, in all my research on the game, I've never encountered a command that would do that. This might be something that has to be, or can be done in the CS, but I haven't a clue as to how you'd go about it. I do hope you find what you're looking for. Sometimes it is little things that just irk a person to lunacy. :wacko: Again, good luck with it!
  6. It's a handy little feature, especially now that I fully understand what it does and how to use it. Thank you for thinking of us premium folks! :thumbsup:
  7. Oh wow! VERY cool! There are dishes I learned from my mom too that have been in our family for generations. Always good to learn that kind of stuff so that the legacy lives on, and the taste too. I keep telling you Next FoodNetwork Star is casting right now! :o)
  8. Sometimes the guards have telepathic powers, lol You can do something totally out of the sight of the guards and either the gods see you and give a warning, or you get bounty anyway. :confused: <POSSIBLE SPOILER (the spoiler tag either doesn't work for me, or I just don't know how to use it :sad: So just highlight the following text: You can get rid of infamy by visiting all of the wayshrines again, or you can go in the console and type with no quotes "SetPlayerCrimeGold 0" hit enter and exit the console. Any fines will be gone. There's also your doyen at the Thieves Guild who can remove bounty. End Spoiler> I just downloaded a mod that has all the wayshrines condensed and stacked behind the bushes in Anvil. That's what I use to get my infamy back to 0 and tho some might consider it a cheat, I call it convience and go on about my business, lol Hope that helps!
  9. lol! @ LHammonds list of evil avatars! Stewie should definitely be in there somewhere, plus the fire haired baby, just rofl! :tongue: We need to do a poll thread in off topic to pair the moderator with an image, to see who'd get what. That would be a hoot! But seriously... :mellow: This is the FIRST and ONLY site I have ever paid money to be a part of! I can't even mod yet, but I've enjoyed all the mods I've had the opportunity to download because of the site and the way it's run. Sometimes, there's a fine line between doing what's right for all who visit here, vs. abuse of power, or doing things that cater to a selected few. I have rarely seen any of the latter, if ever. They are fair, basically treat everyone the same, even old heads who decide to push the limits. The reality is, like parenting, this is NOT a democracy! Somebody has to step up and do the jobs (like effective moderating) that are unpleasant, difficult and/or may evoke angry responses from the masses. Once you remember this is a VOLUNTEER job, then I think it's not as easy to judge, or it shouldn't be anyway IMHO. Give some folks a micromillimeter and they'll take 100 miles! So I am glad to see the type of moderating I see here. It really is a pleasant place where I've made great friends of all ages, from all over the world. I'm not afraid, because I know the TOS and the rules. If I have a question about something I want to do, I ask, and someone gets back to me pretty quickly. That in and of itself is a feat when you have over a million members to keep track of. And if you add in the senses of humor they have, even when dealing with ugly situations, well that's just icing on the cake. So thanks guys for all you do! And kudos to you Keanu for starting the thread. Everybody likes to hear they're doing a good job from time to time. It makes it all worth it, I hope it does anyway. :thumbsup:
  10. Hi and welcome! There's lots of folks that can help with that. Start in the forum section near the bottom of the list under the Oblivion Forums called "File Suggestions/Requests." Just ask for what you want and someone should reply. Good luck!
  11. No time for Master Chef?! Uh uh, no way, lol That's why they made DVR! Mine gets a lot of action with all the reality shows I follow. I love that stuff! If you know what to look for and at, it's very educational, altho I know plenty will disagree with me on that, lol
  12. I think it's going to be your BIRTHDAY!! Happy Happy in advance in case the day gets away from me. They call girls Sweet 16, not sure what they call boys, maybe Manly 16, that fits :o)
  13. No thanks necessary :o) Go have fun and relax, it'll do your spirit good. Give 'em heck in your game!
  14. Boy are you in for a treat! Forget your life, you're moving to OB now, lol I make the videos, but I'm just learning to mod. I have like 213 now. If you like I'll send you my load order and you can pick from there. Just give me a day or so. Get Oblivion Mod Manager & get comfortable with that first off. Then get OBSE. You'll need both to play the good stuff. But I'll put all that on the PM I send.
  15. I know U don't have MC there, that's why I'm hipping U to the online version Son! lol I just got a new printer today. My "go to guy" got me a discount AND a rebate, so basically I'll get $$ back, not free, but paid! Nice HP all in one. You betta recognize on MC! I was talking to dude abt the Alienware, he showed me one that is even better, without the flash- the MRSZ brand or somethin like that.
  16. That indeed would be heaven and so much FUN! Since I can't be there, you must promise to take a video. I hope you are able to, I'd love to see it!
  17. Just rolling through to see "my" video again :o) And just how did you know I LOVE Ren and Stimpy too?? Girl you are alright with me! Hugs to the Queen of the Egyptian dance!
  18. lol! I'd do my best, always try to anyway :o) Nite nite, I need to head that way myself. I'm like a little kid, I HATE to go to bed, lol
  19. You're vey welcome! I must learn to mod. I want to make companions as dynamic and gorgeous as Mondstein and Stoker! Is it very difficult?
  20. Uh....NO, lol You know that while he may appear calmer, he STILL has the potential to chew you up and spit you out, lol I still think you should try it though. Next Foodnetwork Star is currently in casting too. Get in where you fit in girl :o) Just remember us little folks when you make it big time!
  21. Interesting profile Vesemir! I too love horror, some action and comedy...stupid comedy, lol And of course colors. :o)
  22. What's this about lasagne? I don't eat everyone's but I bet I'd eat yours :o)
  23. Thank you for your visit, time in dling that video and leaving a comment/rating. You're always welcome at my place :o)
  24. Now who's reading who's mind?? How on earth did you know that chicken caeser was my daughter's favorite? She likes it for salads, but I know she'll enjoy that sandwich too :o) And the breakfast, ahhhhh I can sleep well on a full and happy stomach. A hug for the courtesy! Now I owe you one :o) I won't say how much fun my girl is having becoming a priestess, might get me put in jail ;o)
  25. Oh man! That would be SO cool to see you on Master Chef! Plus Ramsey seems a bit less hyper and gruff on that show. It's the other guy that is kinda creepy how he stares at folks when trying their food, lol When you come to the USofA, let me know, I'll help you with your list :o)
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