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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. :biggrin: Now see, that's why you guys are the "voices of reason" :whistling: Those are great explanations and things to think about when considering rating or not rating a mod :thumbsup: I tend to rate that way too Myramaad. Sometimes I've endorsed, even with problems in the mod, because the modder truly gave it their all and are still working with users to try and improve the experience their mod gives. I like the new rating system of endorsing or not actually. Giving some folks a set of numbers just confuses them, when they were confused to begin with, lol Because in the end, either you like/will endorse a mod or you don't/won't, for whatever reason. You're probably right Micko. But I get just as hackled about the lack of ratings on a good mod. How hard is it to come back the next day and just hit I endorse. Again, just my advocate side showing thru. My daughter just laughed and shook her head :no: when I was writing the post, lol I appreciate all the different responses and viewpoints. Gives me some things to think about too. But I really did want to rant on it, lol So Bben, good rant :yes: Oh and for the record, while I am an emoticon using hog :P , I just used so many this time so I could emulate my heroes and fit in :cool: lol :thanks: you guys for doing what you do best, dropping knowledge! :) That questionnaire would be fabulous. I know if I were doing the modding, that's the kind of feedback I'd want. And I did actually dl and open up the CS, so who knows maybe one day soon... I know one thing, if I ever do mod successfully, I'll be sure to check back and give help to those having trouble, and let the folks who've taken the time to rate and/or add screenies know that I truly do appreciate their recognition and effort. Which brings me to my next rant.... ;D
  2. While I lmao at many of these, this one got me good! Yessss, all of those, not to mention- "Hey, aren't you the Hero of Kvatch, the one that.....yada yada..." Me: yeah yeah, that's me, so why did you say "oh hi, it's you" just 5 min. ago?? The notorious flying items!! :wallbash: Why must my companions tear up every table I've painstakingly ordered, knock books, food and clutter from Skingrad to Leyawiin, then get stuck in the middle of a table?? Some of the glitches, like now not being able to sit anymore. I look like I have some horrible type of contortionist palsy when trying to sit ~sigh~ Is it just me, or did someone get veeeeery sleepy when it came to writing the whole Mages Guild questline?? I can do those in my sleep, with no weapons and naked in 5 min. or less each. Too easy and boring. I love the game and have spent probably close to 500 hours playing it, but there are some minor annoyances that do irk me. Thank God for mods, that's all I gotta say, lol
  3. No YOU have sexy on lock down girl, lol Happy Thanksgiving!

    T :o)

  4. Thank you kind sir! Glad to have you on the list. Perhaps you just have an "old" soul which is always a compliment. Long live the King of Polls! :o)
  5. Thank you for the help and fast response Jimmy!
  6. I think it was a temporary glitch, perhaps related to- This was listed on the mod file browsing pages over on the right under "Site News" about 20 hours ago. I did have it happen to me on TES while browsing mod files yesterday. Sounds as though it's on the way to being mended, which is good news. :bunny:
  7. I've got to agree with Pronam. The three hour rule has frustrated me before, but I still see it as necessary to allow enough time to adequately test the mod. On the other side of the coin, that rule can also prevent someone from prematurely giving a mod a poor rating when they need more time to test it, learn how to use it, ask for help, get clarification, et. al. It's one of those necessary evils, lol Sometimes a pain, but ultimately can be a good thing and/or prevent a bad rating from being given. If you look at your page any time you are browsing mod files you'll see this first column on the right hand side of the page: Site■News ■News Archive ■About Us ■Site history ■RSS Feeds ■Contact ■Staff Files■Index ■Browse categories ■Updates today ■Updates recently ■Latest files ■Top 100 ■Advanced search ■Tag search ■Files of the month ■Add new file ■Manage your files ■Tracking centre ■Download/rating history Image Share■View images ■Top images ■Add images ■Manage images Articles■Article database ■Post an article ■Manage articles Community■Forums ■Logout ■Register ■Top members Members■Edit profile ■Member area ■Preferences ■Logout (in green and underlined here, although they are gold on the page itself-) At entry #19 if you count down the list of topics above, you'll see "Tracking centre." Clicking on that will take you to a page that allows you to "manage favourite files," ones you've marked you'd like to keep an eye on, or manage mod authors or members you've marked as favorites. You can remove items from the list you no longer want to track or keep an eye on. Under that you see "Download/rating history." This is where you'll find all the files you have downloaded for the month and whether or not you've rated them. To my knowledge (which is spotty, lol) you can't remove files from here. But this does let you know how long you have before you can rate something you've recently downloaded. If you are a premium member you'll see your entire file download/rating history. Checking out/clicking on any of the selections in those two columns on the right side of your mod browsing pages will help you explore the site more and find things you may not know you have access to. Plus you can see recent site updates and find links to the latest news about the site and other interesting things. If I've explained anything incorrectly, some of the more senior members feel free to clarify :)
  8. Thanks for moving Vagrant. And also congrats on your new moderator status! You make some good points. I like the suggestion of being able to go back and change the rating, but I can imagine the nightmare that might prove to be in trying to execute such a system. I think the best advice to go by at this point is to remember- I know that's what I look for. The negatives don't really mean much to me, depending on what they're for and how many there are. So again, good point and well said. And yes, I do think it's a shame more people don't rate at all. I can imagine how it might be disheartening to some modders to see mega views and downloads, but only one or two ratings on a mod they've spent countless hours building. I hope more folks will use this as perhaps food for thought in how they rate and as you say, change just might be possible with civil discussion and more pondering on how we do things now.
  9. Ok, first off, if this topic is out of line, I trust one of our talented moderators to either move or delete it. Second- I'm not writing to start a war, lol I really and truly have a question about this and have always been puzzled by it, often irritated as well. In our mod rating system, one can either endorse or not endorse a mod. I see mods not being endorsed because- a. the mod did not fit the user's "personal" tastes, morals, standards, etc. b. the mod did not fit the user's "personal" high quality standards c. the user could not get the mod to work (of course barring any missing files, but there is a category for that, and rightly so). I understand not endorsing a mod because there are important files missing, it conflicts with other major mods (there are too many little ones to ensure one's mod doesn't conflict with nothing at all), or it simply doesn't work due to poor execution, code/script problems, missing meshes/textures, etc. It's the other categories I marvel at. What if a user simply is new to modding and has not read the many wonderful posts and resources here to teach one how to do it properly. Ok, they try someone's well done mod, but because THEY didn't do what they needed to do, the modder pays for it with a funky endorsement? :confused: Also, each person's tastes are subjective. Unless you have child porno (we've already debated this one, lol no need to again) or something equally heinous, why not deactivate and keep it moving if a mod you've downloaded does not meet your PERSONAL tastes or interests, morals, requirements, on and on and etc. How could modders be expected to know what your personal tastes and "high quality standards" are?? :huh: Now don't get it twisted, I'm not talking about poorly made mods, those should have some kind of way to be identified and not endorsed. But I've seen some really good work given negative endorsements because of user inexperience, or personal preference. You have all the right in the world not to like or enjoy a mod, I'm just saying, why does that go against the person who made the mod? If you don't mind my saying so, your personal preference, your personal problem. Don't take it out on the modder, again......just deactivate, delete, keep it moving to something you like better. I dunno, seems the "do unto others and give credit where credit is due" applies. Maybe YOU don't like the mod, but many others do. Does it deserve a thumbs down JUST because you didn't "like" it? Ok, rant off, lol This just kind of bugs me. I see hard working modders that don't get enough credit as it is. I just think some of the thumbs down are for invalid reasons, IMHO of course. What are some others' views on this, or is it just me, cause I never dismiss the possibility that it could be :cool: Like I said, it's something that has puzzled/bothered me for a long time.
  10. I've been meaning to add you to my friends list for the longest. No way you're 13, I thought you were "ancient!" lol Hope all is well with you, long time no see! :o)
  11. No problem at all. I'm glad it helped. :)
  12. I haven't had a chance to use this one yet, but it contains book jackets and a complete tutorial that shows how to make books in the CS I think. You might check it out and see if that has the answers you're looking for. It is called- Metallicow's Book Resource. Good luck! http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26414
  13. The Apachii Heroes Store also has headbands. The female upstairs has them for women and the men have some as well, in the bar I think. They work with women and men if I remember correctly. In the Apachii Goddesses store the Goddess to the left of the front door in purple sells headbands and sheer blindfolds.
  14. I forgot to mention that Growlf's also contains single pony tails braided and unbraided. The loose, long curly pigtails are also very pretty. Here are views of the Redguard braids from the link I posted above. These can be used on male or female regardless of race. The Apachii Heroes Store Mod gives wigs and beards for men. Growlf's won't work on men, in my experience. It makes them bald.
  15. I've had great success using Growlf's Wigs. Wouldn't play without them. Those mods have the long pigtails you are talking about I think. There is a new mod by Kafeid that allows you to have braided (cornrows) hair, also very pretty. You can find that one here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27602 Growlf's Wigs Ver. 2.0 can be found in the Divine Elegance shop in IC, Market District. The link for those wigs is here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27485 The 1.0 version is here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16930 If I'm not mistaken 2.0 overwrites 1.0 and gives many more wig choices. Unlike some other wigs, these keep their color on my character whether in 3rd or 1st person view. This is not always true of other wigs. I do believe the cornrows have caused a conflict where she is bald in 3rd person view, but I can still see the wig when opening my inventory. You've got some choices anyway. I've included a picture of the braids. These are from Growlf's collection. Hope that helps!
  16. Hi Meku, the best place to request help with finding mods you know the title for is to go here: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=30512 You'll find it at the top of the page for this forum. I think it's the first pinned thread. Good luck in your search! :)
  17. Been meaning to add you to my friends list for the longest. Gotten many a chuckle reading your comments on the forums. Cheers my friend! :o)
  18. Hello sweet gurl :o) Saw that new photo and had to give you a smoochie, a hug and a thumbs up! Luv 'n bullets-SweetSassy
  19. Merci for the add! I am honored my friend. Glad to have you as a friend :o)
  20. Thank you for the friend request. It's always nice to make new friends :)
  21. Actually it's made for Exnems and HGEC, but she says it will possibly work with other types as well. As I say, I use HGEC E cup and medium butt sizes. The goddess shop clothes work great. In fact here's some shots for ya :wink: The gold armor is Dezi's armor I told you about- Astrianna's Battle Armor. Then I use Sigil stones to enchant these items up to armor quality, so in battle she always looks sexy, but still kicks butt. :thumbsup: Glad I could help!
  22. Haven't used any huge overhauls yet, so COBL is my only experience with that. Favorite Mods: Astrianna Sexy Companion, Imperial Furniture Store, Lamps of Oblivion, House Cerane, Apachii Goddess Store Race: Redguard always. Using HGEC and Roberts Male Body Replacer and love those. Would like to try Chocolate Elves, they are so pretty. Weapon: the blades from the Apachii Goddess Store enchanted wtih Sigil Stones; Druid's Staff, Blackwater Blade, Sword of Winter and Staff of Lightening Type of Weapon: blades and bows, staves too. They are good for long distance hits. Type of Armor: homemade. I take clothes and enchant them to armor strength. Before I started doing that- Glass Armor Magic Spell: Aegis; Heal and soultrap. Hang out spot: House Cerane. Just a cool house with all amenities needed. Hang outs depend on what's going on at the time. Lots of times, just being in the woods is cool. Food: with COBL it's hard to choose. Anything different from the vanilla boring food. Sweetcakes before I got COBL and the Tamriel Snack Shop Daedra: Spider. Used to be winged twilight and golden saints in MW. Haven't encountered those yet.
  23. I'm running the game on a Vista 64 bit machine. First thing to do is make sure you are running things as an administrator. The main problem is that security glitch. People say to dl the game to C:// due to not needing the same type of permissions. However, I didn't know that when I installed the game, so it went into the program files. To dl some mods that have master files (.esm), it will ask me if it's ok to continue. I say yes and the mod installs. I use OBMM- Oblivion Mod Manager. Bben46 and Dezdimona have written some good responses to people on how to use this. Bben's library site: http://s1.zetaboards.com/TheStormRavenLibrary/forum/256092/ is a great place to learn to download mods. He addresses the Vista issue there as well, if I remember correctly. I have over 50 mods now and have had very little trouble, even with the game installed in the program files section of my computer. I hope that helps. Hopefully Dezi and Bben will be along shortly and they'll give you much clearer and better help than I've tried to. But rest assured you can run it on Vista, even 64 bit, because I do. Good luck! :)
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