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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. Checking it out now. My last one for the night. At least I can see I'm in good company, lol! :laugh:
  2. I can't vote. I like each person for different reasons, so I celebrate them all! Corny? :geek: maybe. True? yes. :turned: Each has a distinct personality and has their own unique qualities in their role as admin or moderator. Dark0ne- without him the site would not exist, plus he's very straightforward with the rules and shows total support and confidence in his fellow admins and moderators. That's a very important aspect in attracting and keeping folks who WANT to volunteer for jobs that can't be easy and take up personal time. He appears to be a good captain. An entrepreneur, I expect great things from him in the future, now that he's graduated undergrad. LHammonds- made the beautiful Lamps of Oblivion mod which I couldn't live without. Answers questions quickly. Has a good sense of humor; direct, sarcastic in a good way as was mentioned. I like reading his comments. Buddah- again, answers questions quickly and simply. A straight shooter also. Is fair but firm. Makes no bones about speaking his mind, yet gives thoughtful assistance when he sees someone needs it. Vagrant- always did crack me up before he became a mod. He had a sarcastic way about him that put folks in their place, yet gave good, helpful information when needed. He was a good choice. Leader of The Colored Rooms Project, a very ambitious and good mod idea. Always loved that avatar of his. :tongue: Bben- helped me overcome my fear of adding mods to my game. My first mod was his and the dagger is still there as a tribute. Always willing to help when folks need it. Solicits feedback, letting others know he has a "thick skin" so it'll take more than an ill worded comment to rile him up, and he's interested in improving to help others like at Storm Raven Library. Myrmaad- I don't know her as well, but from what I've seen, she is fair and is not afraid to wield the ban hammer. Does so with tact and courtesy often for idiots that don't deserve her kind nature. Offers help when needed. Alienslof- a very sassy spirit, speaks her mind, has spiders on her sig and avatar. :cool: Just a cool chick that again, is never afraid to speak her mind or slam the ban hammer and is not all that nice about it when the situation calls for that level of intervention. I like that about her. Each one does their job. WE all know what their job is, and that in and of itself speaks volumes about how the site is run. They don't care if people like them, they do what has to be done and don't complain, act dictatorial or petty. Even if they don't like me, I like them for what they've worked together as a team to establish here. So there it is. I'm done. Amen. lol :thumbsup: P.S. I don't know the mods/admin of old, so I can't speak on them.
  3. Actually, it sounds pretty intriguing. The reality is even if you make something disney-esque, full of love and light, SOMEone will not like it. Unless your mod clearly goes against the Nexus file upload TOS, I don't know why it wouldn't be ok to create it. You could always add a disclaimer like they do on the movies. You know...."all characters in this film are fiction, not related or meant to impersonate any persons living or dead..." :tongue: Even some of the existing quests in vanilla oblivion have some disturbing and disturbed folks/incidents depicted. The only thing I've seen protested here on a large scale was something to do with a mod dealing with children. So I'd definitely and rightly so, leave references to any child violence or child sexual content out. You should peruse the existing mods. There are some pretty wild things out there already, so your idea doesn't sound outlandish or that bad. I hope the site mods/admin weigh in on it. I'd be interested in seeing your finished product as well. Good luck with it!
  4. BTW- you need to visit DragonRose11's profile page and check out his update line, roflmao!
  5. C'mon SON!! You know you will eventually, lol Your starz are hexed too! But you sure gots a pretty sig graphic :o)
  6. C'mon SON!! I ain't got time for all this updating mess! Get outta here with that bullspit, lol Where my lottery numbers at?? C'mon SON!! Yo starz is hexed, even my buddy tryna help you get em up. Yo Fallout karma done followed you all the way to Nexus, lol! Ahhhh Damn Son :o(
  7. I'll admit, it was a shock to the system, lol! But I can say the new forums seem to be working faster on my machine and I do like the skins. Things seem laid out a bit easier for new folks to find things. It's us old heads that will have the most trouble, since we have to adapt to a new way of finding some things. But change is good :teehee: just feels a bit topsy turvy the first time in. I quoted the above, because that is my main question too. I love giving and receiving kudos. If the "reputation" system replaces kudos, then do we lose all we had? :ohmy: If so I will be sad about that, but I'll live :smile: Good job though, everything looks very professional :thumbsup:
  8. Awwww hell now! C'MON SON!! Where we at da Twilite Zone?? Yeah this gonna take sum gettin used to. Where my kudos at? I feel like a secret agent done broke into the white house computer & peeking w/o permission,lol U do need to make some vids and post'em. Might make me go ahead & play FO3. My karma rating kept messin wit my head. I wanna be good, but it was sooo hard, lmao! Check ya starz out! :o)
  9. Thank you for your endorsements!
  10. Just stopping by to say hi. I always credit you with starting me off with adding mods. I keep my little iron dagger right there in the IC as a tribute to you :o) Hope all is well in your world!
  11. C'mon SON! You know I added two new mods yesterday, lol! I've seen Terror Train, isn't that a trilogy like Trilogy of Terror was? Good sheet right there! Tonite I watched Hurt Locker, love me some war flicks too. It was good, like Jarhead. Not as good as FullMetalJacket or Platoon, but still good.
  12. Go to the "Important Topics" section at the top of this forum's homepage. There are several sections like Mod Detectives and the Mod Lists that might help you. I've seen many mods and tutorials on adding NPCs, but not any that take them out. There is the console command, but that would take one hell of a long time to get rid of everyone! I guess you could always go on a killing rampage and then disable all the corpses :unsure: lol! But seriously, check out that section of stickied and pinned articles. I bet someone can point you in the right direction. If not there is also the articles section-- http://www.tesnexus.com/articles/ as well as the "Advanced Search" section of the Files area of Nexus. Good luck to ya! :)
  13. My modding experience is zero, other than opening the CS and deciding I wanted to play more than I wanted to create that night, lol BUT, I do know that there are lots of good articles and threads on things like this here on the site. Go to this link: http://www.tesnexus.com/articles/ You can search for an article or find older threads that may deal with your particular problem. From what I've read over the time I've been here, my guess is that you DO need to set your created character's faction/ownership. I think that you can also do this thru a console command, but that may be only for already in game NPCs as opposed to added ones. I think you're on the right track though with setting ownership and faction association. Hopefully the articles can get you where you need to be. Hope that helps and Good luck! :thumbsup:
  14. I have done my share of mod trouble shooting, but it's not my favorite thing to do, since like you, I have little patience for it. However, the times I've had to, I look at it as a challenge, like a chess move, or figuring out how to get out of a trap unhurt, lol So I spend most of my time looking for mods, playing the game and taking screenshots. I spend a bit of time here on the forums talking about it. I'm supposed to be learning how to mod, but I play too much to get as much done as I should. I do a lot of the item ideas and writing the books, quest line etc. My buddy mostly does the CS work, but I think he wants me to get on the ball since he wrote a tutorial for me to learn to put clutter in what he mods, :P I think I've been blessed to actually have as few problems as I do with so many mods installed. I followed as closely as I could, the advice given to me by the guy with no title, lol :wink: Bben actually helped me install my first mod. Then Dezdimona had a good tips list for load order that I also followed. That being said, I now have like 166 mods running that give me CTD if I play too long in one sitting. I can sit for 12 hours and play if nothing else is pressing with work or life. I've just learned to REALLY watch load order and hit quicksave often, lol I'm a modaholic. I look for mods daily. BUT I don't have big overhaul mods like FCOM, MMM or OOO. I do use OBMM, but not BAIN or Wryebash. This seems to work for me, so it stays fun. I haven't even finished the main quest or entered Shivering Isles and I still have plenty to do. :)
  15. Ha! rofl! And I thought I was the only one sitting up actually talking to the monitor screen :P
  16. If you go to the Files section of the site and go to advanced search you can search for one using keywords like- "training dummy" or something similar. Here is one by Growlf that uses a deer: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9302 From time to time I've seen mods that add training/sparring rooms that have creatures, maybe humans, you can practice with. There is a beautiful mod out there called "Auriel's Retreat." This mod has a huge area in the center of the worldspace that has each creature in the game. You go to that creature's platform and activate it, then fight it to the death. Link is here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27730 I'm sure you could fight any of these creatures hand to hand and it would still build that skill. I've gained a level accidentally from time to time when I end up fighting bandits hand to hand because I've dropped my weapon. Hope that helps. The training area of Auriel's Retreat is the vividly colored spaces in the middle of the sea. Pictured below. Mod detectives may know of something right off hand. That area is a stickied/pinned thread at the top of one of the forum home pages. Mod Talk most likely. Good luck! :)
  17. I've heard guards and NPCs in combat say several things. I always thought they were part of vanilla oblivion. Examples: (the one you heard) "This the part where you fall down and bleed to death..." "Is that the best you can do? I've fought mudcrabs (worse I think, can't remember the word exactly) than you!" "Why....won't....you....DIE!!" "C'mon...show me what you've got!" Just to name a few. :)
  18. Really? What about LFact, Illiad86, efikmalydoskonaly, Elora QwkSilvr and myself? We all said we're of the female variety. There's a lot more ladies here than you might realize. :) Also, 'arse' means your rear end, your buttocks, your posterior. I can't think of any more synonyms that aren't naughty. No i havent heard of any of them..>Only Illiad86 i think xD But i think its really cool that girls are playing oblivion and that kind of games i respect those girls :D Savage said it best about "arse," lol I know we can say "bad ass" but as far as using it as an object of admiration, I was trying to keep it clean :P She's also right that there are A LOT of women players here. In fact one thread, I forget which forum, has been long running asking the question why it seems there are so many women here that play TES. I say it's because we bad and we just roll like that, lol ;D Extreme, that sig image is just too cool, btw!
  19. Ok, C'mon Son! Who's Miss Cleo now, lol Of course I check for new mods erryday! Lookin right now. I'm running around 165 with very few problems. Just gotta hit quicksave often, lol An C'MON Son!! Saw need to go along with Michael Myers, Chuckie, Jason, and Freddy! They like has beens tryna pass themselves off as celebrities on reality shows. C'mon SON!
  20. You said a mouthful there sista! My sentiments exactly! :thumbsup:
  21. I always play female, and not just because I'm a female, but because in game I'm a bad ass female with a cute arse :P Nothing thrills me more than to be chameleon like, changing my tactics as the situation dictates and being able to knock down anything- male, beast or female that crosses me. I like looking pretty and sexy, yet being deadly if the situation calls for it. I've had male companions or mercs in games, but I'm always the top dog, alpha female :cool:
  22. I started with Morrowind after I'd done everything I could do playing mods on Diablo II LOD. Then I found Morrowind! Morrowind captured my attention from the start. I know I played that game for a couple of years at least and STILL didn't do everything there was to do, or see everything there was to see. MW plays a bit differently than Oblivion. It was more challenging in some ways. Frankly when I first started playing Oblivion, I was wowed by the graphics, but found the game play dumbed down quite a bit from MW. In Morrowind you had to think more, find places on your own, etc. Mods greatly increase the play value of Oblivion. If I'd found mods for MW at the time, I'd probably still be playing it. But don't get me wrong, I've grown to love Oblivion and now spend just as much time on it as I did on MW. But as someone said, you'll either love MW or hate it. I'd say give it a try. There are things to love and minor annoyances in both. Each is spectacular in its own right, so just try both and see what you think. But watch it, you don't get paid, even though you'll treat them just like a job, lol Only it'll be a job you just love to go to! :P
  23. Alright now Son! Show ya right on them B grade and 80's horror flicks! Loved me some Vincent Price and Christopher Lee back in the day! You're so right about today's horror flicks being lame. Movie gotta go a looong way to scare me, for real. And C'mon SON! Oblivion IS my job, lol!
  24. Aw now C'MON SON!! U kno these folks always fall and go where they aren't sposed to in these horror flicks, lol But horror is my favorite, so C'mon Son don't be doggin the b-grade movies, lol I never did play PSO, I was too busy with LOD, got replaced with Morrowind, now OB. Sheet, that's taken up the last 5 or more years of my life lol!
  25. Ok, I just gotta say C'MON SON!!

    I modded the hell outta Diablo LOD! Bigger Horadric cube, larger pack space and runes out the hoo hoo. I had poison arrows that could take out a whole room of those lil teeny bastids with knives in one shot! You shoulda asked somebody, lol! But I'mma get on outta here wit that bullspit cause I know it won't be as open ended as OB. I wish lmao!

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