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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. I'm guessing this changes all hair in the game, not just your character. But again, that's just a guess. The directions seem a bit vague, but I gather you need to open the Construction Set to choose which type of hair you want. I can't help you with that, but plenty of others can. What I can suggest is trying the multitude of cool wigs out there. I get tired of the same old hairstyle, so I have Growlf's Wig Mod 2.0 (also the original), the Wig Fall Shop mod and AlienSlof makes Slof's Wigs. So many hair styles in many colors. The hair fits just like a helmet. Apachii Goddess store has free wigs in the chests on the first floor. Apachii Heroes store has free beards and wigs. If you can't get this mod figured out, go try some wigs! :smile:
  2. Thanks guys for the compliments on the topic. I'm glad to see it active again. It's part of my nature to be interested in people's reactions, motives, etc. for what they do. I know the quirks I have. It's very fascinating to see others with the same quirks (needing to finish a cave or ruin once started for e.g.). Some of these comments like Wrath of DeadGuy's I could have written about my girl. After playing coming up on a year now, I find little has changed. I'm perhaps a bit more ruthless. I have the big head now, lol There's not much that can slow me or my companions down. I probably need to move the difficulty slider up again. I enjoy killing something (out of self defense or necessity of course :happy: ) and watching it fly high and several feet away from me. I think I'm harder on those perpetrating injustices because there have been instances in the past year where justice REALLY was warranted for members of my family, the kids, and they didn't get it. So anyone ingame who is of power and acts a fool, gets a fool's response, lol It takes a lot for me to lose my temper, but I must admit, I did punch my "husband" in the face when he walked thru one of my display cases for the umpteenth time causing all the contents to spew out. Thank goodness he loves me and just healed himself with a small smile, but did not retaliate :tongue: Oh and I guess I have been...um..."naughty" in the game. Much more so than I would ever be in real life! That's all I'll say about that, I'd have to kill you if I said more :ninja: muhahaha!
  3. You do consistently have some of the coolest sigs MHM! I like that one too :o)
  4. "Does anyone else cry watching Gladiator???" Cry?? How about sob! Us softies gotta stick together :o)
  5. Saw your face in the place, and just returning the favor to say hi! I see you're still going strong with the good sigs :o)
  6. Hey Hey! Just saying hi to you. This purple profile page is very nice! Have a good week and Cheers once again from USA!
  7. Both I think. I know yahoo is working. I'd have to check on MSN. I don't get on them very often, so shoot I forget, lol
  8. Another poster just reported having this same problem. This is what I suggested to him. I hope it helps you as well: There is a little bug that occurs when you have put around 200 hours into the game. It sounds as though this might be happening to you. When it happens to me, the fires no longer flicker, doors and gates open and close for like 10 minutes each way and things in general slow down, animations wise. There is a little program called Animation Fixer that might be what you're needing. You can find it here: http://www.tesnexus....ile.php?id=5127 The description is pretty concise, so once you read it, I think you'll know whether this is your problem or not. I've had to use it about 3 times, lol I've got that many hours in. But it works like an absolute charm. You run it and your game is fixed. I hope that helps! Good luck to you as well! :smile:
  9. There is a little bug that occurs when you have put around 200 hours into the game. It sounds as though this might be happening to you. When it happens to me, the fires no longer flicker, doors and gates open and close for like 10 minutes each way and things in general slow down, animations wise. There is a little program called Animation Fixer that might be what you're needing. You can find it here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5127 The description is pretty concise, so once you read it, I think you'll know whether this is your problem or not. I've had to use it about 3 times, lol I've got that many hours in. But it works like an absolute charm. You run it and your game is fixed. I hope that helps! Good luck :smile:
  10. You do need this! But C'mon son! The full version costs like $40. But I'mma have to spring for it eventually cause the free version only takes vids that are supposed to be 30 seconds long. As you can see they turn out half of that. The longest one I got was 17 seconds. Sound is in game sound. I gotta figure out how to integrate other sounds into the vids. I bet somebody on here already knows how.
  11. Not really a secret, but I've noticed that EVERY bandit, marauder, etc. type character will always have an iron arrow in their inventory, even if they use other kinds of arrows or no bow at all. Sometimes it's a steel arrow, but mostly one iron. Perhaps that is the requisite for being a bad guy, I dunno, but it's always puzzled me as to why they carry one like a good luck charm or something. Hey! Have we reached 100 yet?! lol :tongue:
  12. I'm pretty loyal to my characters once I create them. The only game I had multiple characters in, was Diablo II LOD. Still bowazons tho, just different names. My Oblivion character is different than my MW character, but I play each till I moved on to something else. I'm still playing Oblivion, so she's still my girl. I have no other characters started. I'll play her until I decide to move to something new, which won't be for awhile. I've got both DAO and FO3, but haven't been able to tear myself away from Oblivion to play the characters I started on each. I generally get the 200 hour slow down glitch, and have to use the utility to fix it. I've had to do that three times, so I've got at least 600+ hours into my current OB game. Probably about to run up on 800. I play almost every day for up to 12 hours at a time, depending if I have to teach that day or have other life tasks to take care of. I love games where you can get "lost" so to speak and time flies like it does with Oblivion. :happy:
  13. That is truly wild! I've never seen anything like that in there. Once I took my antisocial companion in there when I had Axel's animal mod enabled and she shot arrows and killed all the pets, but that's about it on the weird'o'meter scale. I'm with Pineapple Rum, gonna have to visit more often. The Love Suite mod is there, so my male companion and I go there once in a blue moon. I'm going more often now just to check that stuff out, lol :tongue:
  14. These ^^ are stellar! Got me lmao! :teehee: I remembered a few more of mine: Guard: What is it citizen? Me: I don't know, you tell me and we'll both be enlightened. NPC: I heard that Oblivion Gates are opening all over Cyrodiil. Do you think what happened to Kvatch could happen here? (or something like that, lol) Me: *shrugs* I dunno, why don't you ask that daedra over there by the big arch thingy with the fire flying out and around it. NPC 1: How are things with you? NPC 2: Nothing I'd like to talk about. Me: Don't look at me, I ain't got shite to talk about either. NPC in a restricted area: I think you'd better leave! Me: Make me....*drawing sword* Beggar: Me kids will thank ye fer yer 'elp... Me: Where are they? Are they saving up for med'cine or a pair of shoes?
  15. Mage's Guild hands down. All of the quests were easy and quick. Nothing like I expected. Glad I saved them for last. In fact I haven't even finished it yet. Dark Brotherhood could have had a better ending and continuation. I hate any quest where you have to escort somebody, anyplace. They walk slow, are prone to getting killed easily and just cramp my style, lol :cool:
  16. Well a very happy birthday to you Antonkr!
  17. Yep, it's an 80's joint, lol I love 80's music. Guess I'm just corny like that, but I love most music. I used FRAPS, C'mon SON I know you know about that program! You can take pics in game & shoot short videos with the free version. On the free ver. you do have to convert the .bmp to .jpg but that's no big deal. Vids on free ver. are only short like that one & the watermark remains. It's fun tho!
  18. Very upbeat and catchy! I could see this as part of an arcade like game such as Mario Brothers. It would also be great "market mood" or "rambling" music in a rpg game. This would lift my spirits and make me feel like shopping in the IC! Good job! :thumbsup:
  19. I haven't used them for a while but free webs was decent. I'm not sure there was much latitude in writing your own code/scripts, but things may have changed now. Here's a link so you can check it out: http://www.webs.com/ For the website I did have, I used godaddy.com They do allow your own building and it's pretty cheap. Used to be anyway.
  20. C'mon SON! You betta go check out my first video attempts. And don't dog me for that music, I love that song! Don't worry, some dayz it'll be crunk, lol Changing music? That's an update I can keep up with :o) I started to put a "C'mon Son" clip on there, but quickly changed my mind....lol
  21. You make that "thanks sister" and you got a deal :thumbsup: I love Tarentino, so of course it is ok by me. If you're worried about the sexual predator issue, you could make that one a multiple personality disordered sociopath (yeah I teach psychology, lol). One personality would be seemingly very accomodating and nice, yet he is in cahoots with his "dark" side that does prey on NPCs male or female. Then of course you'd have to have the truly innocent and unaware personality, since in MPD the person is not aware they have alters, but the alters are aware of the person. You could make that person a master of poison and a cannibal. Cannibal, Hannibel Lector style would be really good, lol :biggrin: Ok, I'm looking forward to it, just holla when you're done! Ok, never mind, lol I just read the descriptions again, you've got 'em all, so just go with what ya got! :smile:
  22. Yes,that's what concerns me,I don't want to trigger someone's bad memories or such,that is not my goal. This mod is dedicated to the people who play as evil characters,I myself is not,neither do I find these kind of things entertaining in reality of course,but,going through the search box,I gathered that people usually likes dark themed mods,so I decided to do something based on that.It really isn't a big thing,since it is just a companion mod,but these 'people' has notes in their inventory which describes them in a very detailed way.Some parts of these stories are meant to be funny,but some are very serious. I hate how companion mods usually doesn't have any backup stories,so,you get the picture.I was inspired for this mod by various villains,such as 'Stansfield' from the movie 'Professional' 'Hannibal Lector' ,Malcolm McDowell from 'Clockwork Orange',if you seen it,then you know that they didn't saved on no one,neither did I in these 'prisoner files' from this mod. Thanks for the advice,brother. :thumbsup: I will post a warning in the description,for sure. I still need an answer from one of the moderators,though,I don't want to be crusified for this,even it is just fictional stories,not serious fantasies or any kind of real illness. Sure I'll test it for you. I think WilmRoget's idea about posting a disclaimer of that sort is good. That's what I meant with the movie disclaimer example. But I still say, do remember that many mods and vanilla oblivion itself have many disturbing situations and people. There is a mod or two out there that depict bondage, sadomasochism, etc. One mod has women assaulted by an octopus like creature for cryin out loud! Now, I can get on a soapbox quicker than anyone regarding rape and child molestation. Child molestation is a no no in any form, here or any other mod hosting forum. However, all the other dastardly things we humans do to each other don't seem to be. That doesn't make it right, or insure that a multitude of people will be for or against the mod. One of the beauties of the board, is that if a mod has sexual or disturbing content, the modder can place that in the description right at the top, then folks have the CHOICE to view/download or not. So I still think you'll be ok. If you really want to get a positive nod from the moderators/admin, then pm one of them. They are really good about getting back to you on questions like that. If you make it, just let me know when it's done and I'll download and test. I do think it's very admirable of you to be concerned about how your mod will affect others. :thumbsup:
  23. Thank you for your generosity my friend!
  24. Awww c'mon, lol! You already know who the most important people on the site are. The admin/moderators are because without them this would be utter chaos. We the many users are, because without us, the above mentioned would have no reason to do their jobs. The modders are because they keep Oblivion game play fresh and moving into greater and greater realms, thereby keeping the users coming and the admin/mods busy. It's all win-win synergy, yanno? :happy: And I got brownie points?? Where they at?? Cause my kudos on this side are gone, lol! :pinch: I like ya spirit tho! You disharmonious rascal you! :tongue:
  25. Ok, you're right, this outta be good. I'll have to think on mine. I'm not NEARLY as nice or "clean" as you with my replies, lol! :tongue: These immediately come to mind. Beggar: I can see you are a kind and gentle lady... Me: Really?! I'm carrying a sword bigger than you are! Damian Larkin at Imperial Furniture: I'm at your service Sir Knight! Me: first off, it's Madam Knight. At my service eh? I'll take a gin and tonic sour, you can..um...just bring that to me in my quarters...come alone. :whistling: Beggar: I'm saving up for some med'cine; pair 'o shoes, etc.... Me: :confused: Liar! Cranky Orc: What are you looking at?? Me: (goes Chameleon and punches him in the face, watching the blood spittle fly out of his mouth) You....bleeding. Did you bite your tongue chewing on a piece of horse meat? Some Dunmer told me you guys eat horses... :ninja:
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