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Posts posted by Fifoo

  1. @ Fifoo..All I can say is that's our Dezi, wise beyond her years, big heart, bigger soul, real, loving, down to earth, and the kindest person I have known here... :smile:


    @ Aeryn333: since the first time I made some post on nexus, I never had doubt on her high qualities and knew that we all here have the chance to share something unique with her, she's a really great person... :happy:

  2. i figured it out, people


    the great equalizer is... the heart (love to be exact)

    love removes tensions and hate

    love is all ya need... love is all ya need

    And kudos for you calliton, you hit the nail on the head! :thumbsup:

    Love can make everything.

  3. Your stories are so immersive and depict so well our world, sometimes full of hope, sometimes so sad, with all good and poor behaviour that humankind can share toward others... you bare our sensibility and feelings for making us going deep down in our heart, and making us thinking about our acts, our feelings, and what we could and would share with others, we can hurt others, sometimes we are concious to doing so, sometimes not... and we can love too, and hurts the others by the same way, especially when we love by a passionate way... this makes us living so deep, so hard, and tears us appart, but there is one thing that makes us going through, and lead to believe in better days: the hope for true Love...


    I'm gonna stop my feedback here, tears are falling down, as sometimes it's too hard to speak more... Thanks, many thanks dezdimona.

  4. Hmm... I think you should use more powered capacities in the future for doing so...


    With the power of... (you know what)... In the name of... (too)... Pronam, on those memorable days, you are Banned!

  5. So, I made some research on my surname's Coat of Arms.




    The surname of ***** was a nickname for a pleasant or agreeable person and finds its origins in Germany in a part of central Europe knowned as Silesia in the past. The name came from humble beginnings and they gained a significant reputation for contribution to the emerging mediaeval society. Well, it smell fine, but...


    I don't know if the family's branch line had modified that one in the past, as they lived in Austro-Hungarian empire, and after finding their origins in Germany, when autonomous states became centralized to a unified nation, some had lived in Austria, some in Hungaria and had changed the surname for nationality reasons, others in Switzerland and in France, others branch lines are also in Albania, Denmark, England and U.S... this is why we must make deeper research in our genealogy branch. And the spelling variations include: ****, *****, ******, ***** and many others. Man see how much difficult it could be to find an adequate Coat of Arms most often times.




    Ecu in Argent (white) and Gueules (red) in Fasce:

    -White: Peace and sincerity. Red: warrior or martyr, military strength and magnanimity.

    Acorn in Chef (high middle part) and Pointe (low middle part):

    -Antiquity and strength.


    Have fun and luck in your search everybody... :happy:


    [Edit] post updated, added some comments.

  6. Thank you, that's very good advise! Unfortunately it turns out the .psd file for that image is corrupted, so its now stuck the way it is, and I don't like editing directly onto jpegs because they lose quality too easily. But so far no one has given me better advise, and now I see what may be the problem. *sigh* I hated seeing that psd get screwed up. If you want to have an idea of how it looks now, it seems a ghost of the giant mushroom has planted itself in front of all the layers in an invisible, non-existant layer of its own, and its bright, bright red, and cannot be removed. In the psd preview it looks white, not red. Very odd.


    Here's another picture I made just for fun. Took about 10 minutes in photoshop.

    Ready for the battle! Ha,ha... good! It's a very funny one, we could remind the hero in the famous film 300', here's a link to a video on YouTube with Era's song "Looking for Something"...


    It was a pleasure to help you for Jeanette's compo, all of this reminds me when I was graphic designer and artistic manager in an advertising agency, but it's the past yet... Sorry for the result in editing, it's so sad for your .psd file, the uses of "bend" tool would be helpful for correcting...

  7. Your poems are like a symphony

    words are playing together

    they blow away near secret places

    where beauty and love reigns

    and we are on your knees

    admiring this marvelous scene

    in hope of never ending times...


    Thank you, sweet great Lady :thumbsup:

  8. Personally I don't like the way this turned out. At one point I restarted the entire image all the way back before cutting out the photos, but it still turned out strange. I don't like it much, and I might end up making another.

    I must tell you that you are a great artist, your pictures include so many poestry, and colors fit wery well together with your choises of subjects and backgrounds.

    I agree with you with the picture of Jeanette on Post Sep 10 2009, 10:35 PM, something looks strange with the background behind Jeanette's head, I personaly think that the top right side with the giant mushroom doesn't fit so well, for having a better harmony in your composition you should take the giant mushroom to fill up this background zone, or simply cut the darker top right loaf zone and put in a lighter one, in mushroom tinge for example, in result Jeanette subject should be better interlinked, nevertheless it's a great work!


    Thanks for sharing your art :thumbsup:

  9. :woot: I would go back in feodal times, being a fearless Knight wearing my heavy armor for helping the widow and the orphan, then meet Joan Of Arc to be her champion, fall in love with her, and finaly save my Love from the burning flames - Ouch! By the Nonsensical piece of rubbish, that really *hurts*!

    Then return in nowadays to regain consciousness in front of my pc, asking me what I'm waiting for, then would go back in feodal times... :biggrin:

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