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Posts posted by Fifoo

  1. Dezi, he might just be the one I'd fight you for!


    But then, something can be said for sharing as well...

    O.O Oh my... There's no need for fighting girls. Especially over me... I'm sure we can work something out...
    indeed sister,there is! :whistling:

    :woot: A "game" party is starting! Girls vs Boys! But two against one... No chances for us on the paper boys... But with "positive focussing"... Let me coach you my friend! (Lol) :biggrin:

  2. Question one: If you could create your own realm, what would it be?

    A heavenly one, a sweet atoll wall in by a turquoise sea, just for walking on a hot and white sand seashore at sunset and waves playing with bodies...


    Question two. If you could be one mythical creature what would it be?

    A white Unicorn, no doubt, a unique one, just for having my beautiful dreamgirl sit astride my hindquarters and riding naked along the beach. :biggrin:


    Question three: If you could keep one of the five senses what would it be?

    The sense of touch, just see above question two why I made this choice. :whistling:


    Answer four: If you could bring back one person from the past who would

    it be?

    Joan Of Arc, see topic "What would you do with a time machine?" for knowing why, "Click here".


    Question five: If you could gain one power what would it be?

    The power of "Healing by Touch"... :biggrin:



    And thanks for your wonderful topic, you put nice dreams together in my mind. :thumbsup:

  3. @ Fifoo,nicepic

    Huh, really? Thanks... Hairs are shortened yet, because of my job, and I'm shaved (Lol) :biggrin:



    Oops, please understand: "shave off", sorry, bad translation :whistling:

    And I would loved to be as long-haired as my avatar... but this is off topic.

  4. By playing together, and possibly even losing to them, we remain colleagues in sport. Fun and shared experiences being the order of the day rather than just keeping to one's clique. You know, in truth, badminton players tend to be social and accepting of how a match may go. We may start a match as complete strangers and yet by its end, leave the court as friends.

    And how much this is major matter to discuss for showing a path which lead to the greatest rewards IMO.


    I've made the same background as trainer and coach too, by rising to the challenge of rolling up a table tennis club, with upon 30th members aged 7-25th years old. Funny to see that some members -mainly the youngest ones- were first so agressive and rude against other team players in the department league meetings and tournament. It wasn't so easy but by using well training methods based on positive focussing, and by showing respect to others, results were not bad years later* with a junior department champions league, a great guy (thanks my friend, you helped me a lot).


    It's the same way in quote life and also with games. :biggrin:


    Where I have found it is here at Nexus. A place of creative intellects and well meaning colleagues who seem more interested in sharing and shared experience than domination or persecution. On that note, I will end this ramble.

    Nexus is a real good place :happy:


    You deserve kudos more than I do Fifoo.

    :no: I don't believe so, but thanks for your kindness.


    - I don't have much, nothing but love and friendship to give.

    This is the biggest gift you could give to anyone.


    [Off topic]

    * You don't need to take a look on this picture unless you want to see results (and where I am, in the middle part) :whistling:

  5. Hmmm, I like cooking, and when good ready meals give sensual pleasure... and what do you think about music healing ur spirit... But the must for me is to share precious moments with a love partner and make her feeling well... that's so cool :biggrin:
  6. I play games because it's fun - I would much rather have fun than to always have to be the winner.

    short,sweet and to the point Kudos' for you

    And now rob_b, you're entering in my friends list. This is for what games are intended to be. Kudos too. :thumbsup:

  7. Today, I wrote the above quote back to them. It made no impression. They insisted that I was bitter and angry and that it was my fault for declining to speak with them. I suggested they not flatter themselves overly. It goes on. Interestingly, however, I've never seen women behave or choose to twist the experience of gaming in that manner. I leave it to you to ponder whether it reflects on some inadequacy those males may have with women when off-line.


    In answer to Species5478, I would say to make your own choices. Don't let anyone impose their idea of how gaming should be experienced on you. And for me, I keep mine in reserve.




    P.S. And furthering what Species5478 said about kills. This person is ranked high in solo play, but perhaps plays on Casual Difficulty. In my game on Hardcore they had to be resuscitated quite a few times. Hmm...


    P.P.S. Sorry, and I know it's vain of me to mention it, but it seems that with this post I am now a Veteran here. I was happy to have made my hundreth post, not realising its significance, when the changed dawned on me. So now I am beaming and feel happy, even though I would wish the occasion wasn't marked by the nature of this particular post. Still. If you could see my smile.. : D

    A little edited but I love all what you said here, girl you rocks! :thumbsup: kudos given

  8. This is true. There can not be progression without inequality.

    Personnaly, I wouldn't said that, as inequality is not ethically the finality of it. Inequality in general meaning leads to conflicts and then we are telling about quite the contrary: regression.


    In all domains of thought or existential facts, an evolution may be real when differences are the amplification factor which strives for new ideas. Change in ideas, development, evolution make humankind progress.


    I'd love to see more girl gamers. I've gotten my butt whooped by several girls in video games before. Unfortunately society has created a whole new type of stereotype that this next generation will have to work hard to look past and get rid of. Luckily, this next generation (myself included) is generally open to new ideas.

    I agree, and this is what we tell progress and evolution. :thumbsup:

  9. I agree, for I also see if people simply accepted the differences in others, regardless of gender, race, creed, religion, or orientation, then this world would be a much better place to live. However, someone always manages to throw the monkey wrench into the stew, and creates conflict as a result of jealousy.


    With that said, there won't be a time - no matter how far into the future one goes - that there will ever be equality amongst people. All we can do is simply move on past those would seek our demise. To strive for the greater good, instead of becoming like them. There will always be two sides of the fence - it's up to each person to make their choice whether they want to live in peace or live in chaos.

    You're right about jealousy. We are here at the heart of the problem, become conscious of equality between men and women could already be too much for some people living in the "being the best of both sexes" ego trip, the same is true of self-seeking or egoistic persons.


    As you say it's up to everyone to make choice about to live in good or wrong way, you're right about it, but living in chaos would lead on self-destruction for human kind, we really don't need that, and before everything we must spare no effort for building a livable world for our children, girls and boys, every single one of them, and never-say-die.


    We must be well aware of our responsibilities. I've made my choice.

  10. Nothing would be strange here, you can consider by seeing your bottle half full or half empty the optimistic and pessimistic ways in your mindset. By thinking half full you get your hopes up, I'm an optimist one and I go on with that choice.


    Life is precious, each moments of our life are unique and priceless, even the worst one, so we learn about how to go through for growing in mind and doing to the best next time. Each moments must be lived and shared to the fullest.


    *Open it, and it shall receive* Goa Tse

  11. Oh, dezdimona, hallowed Witch, if I only could be your Halloween pumpkin just for one day... :biggrin:

    mmmmmm, pumpkin pie!

    ... and be deliciously consumed by the beauty of your lovely poetry :happy:

  12. I would love someday for all women to be treated equally but I say there is nothing wrong with being feminine, this is still a problem I see today it is seen as weak. Girls can be equal but please still be feminine it is not weak, inferior, or shameful

    I love your whole reply but copied this. All I want is equality. And I love being female and I play my femininity to the hilt! For both sexes!

    I love your words, you're both quite right and you talk sense with mature reflexion, showing us the good way of life.


    However, the lesson I have taken from the women in my family is to just get on with life. They each in turn found ways to push the envelope of what was expected or permitted in their day. And me, well I am myself.



    Of course, we, men and women, or women and men -I personally never make sexual or social discrimination- are both different beings by nature, and those potential differences make life going much better when they are the counterparts of both in sexual and/or social ways.


    So we must live our gender at the top of it, to the best we can, and accept our differences, even if we are straight, homo, lesbian or transsexual.


    I sincerely think that men or women, gender merged, neither of them are the best one. We are equals and unique simply because we are living together on Earth, both genders, and we have to share life, and love, all the way, and it's the same matter for things surrounding us.


    Sure as hell, if we only accept this, then we are able to live together in harmony, men and women, in our daily life, it's as quite simple as that...

  13. ---Holy shield against fast attacks---


    [Off topic]

    :blink: Ouups! "not taking more care..." :biggrin:

    [in topic]

    Ban all posts since the 700th page, and peculiarly Pronam and Monolithic0117, shame on me for not being here since two weeks!

  14. Hello kungfubellydancer, I'm here again... as we could see the outline of her head is a little too marked and hairs have a strange "glossy" look with the smoke effect in the background, you can fix it and have a more realistic look by adding a filter's effect like "support > sandstone" for example, it modifies your framework by adding a canvas like effect. You must use the effects parsimoniously as they distort colors and contrast... I must tell you that your picture on post #35 is an amazing one, very well done, very sensual and beautiful. I love your works. :thumbsup:
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