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Posts posted by Fifoo

  1. As far as the rest of your comments go, here is what I think. There would certainly be many difficulties in implementing such a system. But there is no reason as of yet to think that these difficulties are insurmountable. Being uncertain as to how to implement the system doesnt undermine the idea that it ought to be implemented.


    If you were uncertain as to how to appropriately regulate who could become a doctor or lawyer would that undermine the idea that those things ought to be regulated? Of course not.


    On another note, I dont think that this argument should strictly be viewed as endorsing licensing for parents, only that parenting be regulated in some way. Regulation doesnt necessarily require that the government get involved or that licenses be required. Many people regulate their own actions on an individual level, or a community level, or by some other means other than licenses. It just so happens that the government is the traditional entity to enforce regulation, and licenses are the traditional means for regulating hazardous activities. But like I said, the neeed not be the ONLY things considered in this debate

    I better understand now the way you put your argumentation on and I esteem your point of view... in theory that may sound pretty good but in practice... it's an other world.


    Let me explain here what I mean by a quite simple example upon regulating and endorsing licensing. As far as we know, being regulated and licensed don't make you being someone well qualified for doing things by a good way in real time. In theory it may sounds good for you, but in practice, sorry, it won't for the most of time. See a new licensed car driver, his/her licensed status don't make him/her a good driver by mostly ways. It goes the same for the others drivers too. Only the real capacity gaining by your own experience or by improvement training course could make you a good/better driver, and under the limit of your own capacity to develop your skills, and we may find plenty of other examples in our everyday life by many ways. This is the same thing for parenting: by gaining your own capacity for doing so in a good way and by learning.


    Then, we must be aware of the pernicious side of such a regulating system. Why, will you ask me... Simply because by not licensing someone you will almost take down any chance for him/her to grow in mind and to gain the capacity of leading children by a better way, and this would be disrespectful and unfair if you're not taking care about. You will misrepresent the beautifulest thing you could offer to a man or a woman: the chance to evolve. Any self-respecting man would pay attention on this.


    I shall conclude here by this case: what are you doing for others couples like lesbians, gays and trans-genders, haven't they the same chances as others to give their love to a child... :smile:

  2. I think the lounge would be more like a big bar.

    I'm thinking it as the mall.

    ;D ... or as big as a great theme park, imagine our heads when we're trying to drink our cocktail in the super roller coaster looping (Lol)

  3. ... Lovely X-Mas...


    What do you think about a lovely christmas family assembly with all of yours and good friends you cherish the most, for having a big great party in an unusual and beautiful gathering place... such a memorable moment would be wonderful to share.


    You may say: wow, this would cost a lot, but it's a great idea, don't you think... In facts, isn't christmas time that particuliar moment intended to cherish yours and share love, this would be the greatest gift to anyone... :smile:

  4. ...

    Considering the fact that parenting is an activity that requires competence in order to do it well and to prevent harm from others (namely children), and that there is a moderately reliable test for determining competence, its seems to follow that regulating parenting through licensing, or some equivalent means, is something that ought to be done.


    It's a serious question that give us to do some soul-searching about relationship between family environment and parenting, of course it's a shame when parents seemed to have poor competences for raising their children and doing it right...


    ...but who has the rights for determining the true good model of parenting, and who have the capacity to put those good rules in real cases, who could determine to whom it may concern and would give a selection of experts, psychiatrists, "headshrinkers" for doing so through licensing, a selection of jurists, lawyers, legal practitioners, or judges... be careful of whom you trust or put trust in, depending on what political country you live or not...


    ...could you simply imagine the results about giving licenses or not, you may have perhaps 50% of declared good licensed parents and 30% bad parents with others 20% of people that even don't want to have kids because of that licensing test, it's just an example, the reversal may be true if the licensing setting levels were on high... a real mentally and physically tragedy for those who couldn't have their licenses...


    ...what sort of future would you give to those splitted parents and eventualy adopted children in all the world, are you really sure they would even all accept this fact... how much of them do you think they may fall in delinquency...


    IMO this may be absolutely against ethics and democracy basis, and certainly could tend in negative impacts for human demography with a loss of birthrate... perhaps could we find an another solution for having children best interests at heart, just giving parents a little good guidance may help...


    Nevertheless, stars2heaven, your topic have the merit to point up such important questions and we must never forget the fact that the greatest respect is due to the child, considering this as a personal statement.



  5. Hmm then i will be the town scientist who lives in a bigg tower and experiments with flights

    I give you the white card for doing so my friend, be careful at landing (Lol)

    too late. Anyone here wants to be doctor??

    Hurry up... EMERGENCY!


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  6. Hmm then i will be the town scientist who lives in a bigg tower and experiments with flights

    I give you the white card for doing so my friend, be careful at landing (Lol)

  7. ... if Nexus could be a town, I would love to go on leave there... what do you think about such a picturing, you all could find here plenty of cool and beautiful places... :biggrin:


    - a great port for all the welcomed newbies

    - a museum and university for all the community modders

    - a great druids garden behind the cascades for all who loves poetry (with a special place for a some Little Fairy)

    - a beautiful dome for Dark0ne

    - a sanctuary for buddah's (official old fart) meditation

    - a big temple for LHammonds and AlienSlof, bben46 and all the other admins and moderators I haven't named here (forgive me)

    - a beacon for calliton, the protector and lighthouse keeper (why not)

    - a big jacuzzi for Harabec Weathers and Dezi, just near the cascades (on right side)

    - plenty of beautiful islands with sandbeaches for katashy's caravan as well

    - be sure you'll find there your most awesome house in history dear Birii...

    - any places here would be suitable for wasder (Lol)...

    - oh... and we must think about to plan a landing zone for antonkr :whistling:


    I would love to be a healer or first aid worker for not leaving aside my job in real life, hehe...


    (credit to Peter Lee, Art designer, http://us.blizzard.com/diablo3/media/artwork.xml#59)

  8. :thumbsup: All of your artworks are real pleasure for our eyes, thanks for sharing more of them, you're a kind person kungfubellydancer. Just one question, have you studied in an Art School? If not, you may do so 'cos you are really talented.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8W-5PWsjUU fleetwood mac...go your own way!

    :woot: ...thanks dezi... the stereo on, and everybody on the road! 8) ...little flashback, I was 16' years old when I'd bought Rumours album in 1977. Fleetwood Mac is one of the greatest pop groups of all time... what a tune!


    My prefered one: Fleetwood Mac - Dreams ...players only love you when they're playing.



  10. If you play this at low volume, you're breaking the law...



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  11. I'm honoured by your try, thanks! May I say Venetia_CV or Kitten? I even don't know... :confused:


    I had no fear about it, but wanted to be the kindest as possible as I thought that you loved Industrial Sound and perhaps FLA as I do, IMO they have an incredible tune, very powerfull and well made, Prophecy is my prefered one.


    Ahhh... the smells of

    when I heard your first selection from Skinny Puppy, reminds me when I discovered them in 1987-88 and so this specific sound called Electro-Industrial (the Old school) coming from neighboring Belgium and forthwith bought their "Front By Front" cd album and 45rpm Lp mix also.

    And Skinny Puppy - The Center Bullet added in my Favs. I never payed more attention to them as my musicaly preferments went on other ways in the 90's years, but I swear you to take more care about it now.


    Back now to Front 242 with others selections I made for you...


    ... an EBM taste...



    ... and as you said before: can we hoof it now... :biggrin:




    Some comments added.

    P.S. Someone should see if Skaargoroth needs food or water. ; )

    P.P.S. Meanwhile Illiad86 can belt out some Insomnium for us..

    Perhaps could we all establish a choral in togetherness. ;D
  12. Fifoo

    I stopped create Ice Citadel a long time ago, it will never been released.

    About song. I don't know singer name, but you can download song here: http://www.4shared.com/file/141886562/a674..._Recordare.html

    Oh, condone me please, what a shame, I'm sorry to see some hard work ending that way... :confused: You certainly deserve more succeed in your future modding works.


    Thanks for the link, you're a very kind person. And I heartily wish you good luck for all your projects. :happy:

  13. ... One of the best Industrial group today...



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  14. Great work, Imperator3! Kudos given to you.


    What an epic moment your third video: Ледяная цитадель. The music is absolutely fantastic (I think it's a requiem, but I'm not sure, please, could you give me the name of the author, I don't understand Russian language). I'm waiting now for your release.


    I fall down of my chair from laughing with Internet is for porn - Star Wars! The music is incredible and your video is amazing! Thanks!

  15. I personaly prefer strings :biggrin:


    Warning! Mature content! Parental advisory needed, and a good cardiologist too (Lol)...


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  16. While I can understand why they'd want to do something after such a tragedy. IMO violent or "killer" games are a convenient scape goat. it's a simple non-solution to a complex problem.

    I do agree when it comes to education.


    we? lol... not only us i tell you... paranoia is a powerful tool to cotnrol the masses and most govs use it rather than happiness to rule.

    Hmm... Funny how it coincide with the German Elections last weeks. But this is not the way I want to discuss about it.


    I live in Germany and I am mad about all this discussion... As if the youth running amok is a result of killer games. This answer is not that simple. The resons are in society, pressure evrywhere, the future is not safe, parents do not care and are both working full time to feed the mouths, nobody gives a poo abou you when you do not fi into the mass... I could name so many things which are responsible for this crap happening out there...


    I also wonder: Why can people here who are underage play games with mature content. I know how they get them but why doesn´t anybody care about this? Like parents for example, do they know what their children do?


    I have two children myself. And I play killer games. I play softair as well. My kids have never seen me doing these things. They both use the computer regularely but I know what they do with it.


    I have never ever thought about going out and shooting everybody just because of my hobbies. Sometimes it is more the other way around... when I am in an aggressive mood and play at my computer, I feel a lot better and more relaxed afterwards... :)

    you are a wise woman Mav.Society dictates what it feels will help,when in reality all it does is cause more chaos for those who really appreciate a genre of games.The little people run and hide,quake and call for help,but in reality they themselves sow the seeds of their own discord.

    Nicely and wisingly both said, Dezi and Mavrosh... as always. :happy:


    For anyone who didn't look around, the Germans think that WOW should be Adult-Only. They also want to outlaw paintball. This is getting ridiculous.

    In my opinion, people are getting bored by finding non-solutions to a real problem. They only scrape the crust off without entering in the basic problems: modern life, education, and good guidance... Making those ugly ban things are not the solution.


    Many people wants to live in a better world, and a better world could be interpreted by many way in accordance with our world's vision, determined upon our lifestyle, our education, our knowledge of the world. And sometimes people are lost behind the complexity of this problem. Things are getting very fast, too fast sometimes for completely assimilating on how it goes in our world and how it evolves.


    Today games are plainly in our everyday life, and previous generations sometimes don't understand our passion for that. I play games and airsoft too, and this makes me not getting amok to the point of killing people! I've had the chance that my parents inculcated me those golden rules: munificence of mind and respect for eachothers, and to have had a college education gave us a good basis about knowledge of our world, we must never forget this.


    Sadly, it's not the case for everyone and nowadays we can see in every lands that our respective governments are indisposed to give all powers in state education and through lack of money this is not their great priorities. They prefer to put money in money-making domains, or political interests etc... And our economic and financial world models have showned their fragility, their vulnerability and underbelly.


    To some extent a lot of parents are showing their inabilities to give a good education and child rearing is the basic problem.

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