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Everything posted by laiilaiiheii

  1. Looking good! I think another redguard follower could be nice. Not too many of those compared to some races. Curious about the voice actors too, I normally don't install 'just eye candy', I like followers to have something extra, either it be a quest, custom home or custom dialogue lines.
  2. There might be someone making it compatible, if the original author allows it. I think most mods could be compatible if it doesn't use Skyui/Skse. Hard to say though, since it might be build differently than Skyrim. We'll have to see, but I do think in time mods will get compatible if not already on release.
  3. Just a small break from the home showcases https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABnX3Uj-rYM&index=18&list=PL65D03DA0DA3CFDCB
  4. Including some more mods and shortening up on the videos. Hope this is a little more enjoyable to watch. ~Stay Frosty
  5. Wow, looks nice. Wish it was still available. I normally go with better beast races or Far- Argonian Roots. But yeah, Brutish Argonians look awesome. Maybe someone still has the file.
  6. My latest and longest showcase so far. Maybe a little too long.. Hope it's still enjoyable. Endorse the mod if you lke it and try out the author's other great works. :smile: Requests for showcases are still welcome, but got quite a list to do already! Like or Subscribe is much appreciated.
  7. anything below 30 fps is dangerous for your save games though. Weird things may happen.
  8. I love Truevision. Actually alwyas used it and can't find anything better. Others I liked a lot are Conan Enb and Charlotte Enb.. But yeah, True Vision definitly my fav.
  9. A small break from the home showcases. Working on another Castle Showcase. Hope I get it done this weekend. ~Stay Frosty
  10. There is a list on reddit with dangerous or outdated mods. In any case, always do your reading on the mod page and be sure you know how to mod. Best to take a day research before modding, just to be sure you know what you can expect from heavy modded skyrims, what programs to use, what to do before modding etc. A must have for me is legacy of the dragonborn and all it's content. I'm waiting till it's finished. (with a bit of luck next year ^^) And go for one more epic playthrough For perks my must have Is SPERG with community uncapper, simple spell scaling, asis, grimoire of skyrim and patches For combat, I use asis, combat behaviour improved, dodge mod, Combat evolved duel wield parrying archery overhaul. Heart breaker Violens For creatures I use automatic variants with almost all packs and immersive creatures For miscelanious quests besides all the content and add on quests from legacy of the dragonborn, I like the bottomless pit, Vigilant, Thunderchild, death mountain 2 CONAN Darkend molag ball infernal, infernal end (all three parts), Salem, Raven castle updated (Biggest castle there is, quest by different author) Gersonia winterhold rebuild World beater eater Pathudamix dillema And well.. There are quite a lot I enjoyed actually. For homes.. Same thing. I run a home showcase serie so seen just too many. Audio I'd say, follower commentary overhauk, guard dialogue overhaul, skeletons of daggerfall, immersive music (without temple), Audio overhaul and immersive sound compendum. (I believe in that order) For followers I will only name followers with quests. Vilja (with tocatto textures) Sofia (with chaconne textures) Mirai - Girl with the dragon heart Mrissi - A tail of troubles And I like Inigo to go together with Vilja and some cool dialogue lines Also try (immersive) amazing follower tweaks and better stealth ai for followers + dynamic follower dialogue. Armor and weps are really opinion based. So are graphics and homes. best to try those out. Hope it gets you some ideas
  11. The cart rider, For telling me I never been to Solitude before. Every. Single. Trip.
  12. Another one from ChrisHpz. His home mods endorsements are very underrated IMO! Check his three home mods out. (Or watch the latest 2 of my videos here to get a impression of his great work!) ~Stay Frosty
  13. Nice idea! Dragonsreach needs more persons. So do some other districts in cities!
  14. Leafrest is one of my old time favorites. It changed a lot over the updates :) Got another one done, Divenni's Manor by ChrisHPZ. Endorse the mod if you like it. If anyone has a request Pm me or leave a comment.
  15. Hey guys, Would it be possible to install skyrim on my SSD and my mod installer on another drive, to save room on my ssd? I'm not sure how much skyrim reads from the virtual install in mo or nmm when you are in game (if at all). If Skyrim only reads the info from the virtual install on startup it might just be the startup that takes longer, but wouldn't slow down the game itself.. Right..?
  16. Most enbs that don't change too much in the data files are compatible with COT and ELFX. When I try out Enbs I check if the enb contains data files. If it has and needs to overwrite some existing ones, backup the existing files that will get overwritten so you can experiment with ENB's. (also backup skyrim prefs or put it to read only) Normally you have to set a few things differently depending on what you want. As a example, If you use truevision with cot and want the rain effects from cot you have to put RAIN Effect=False in the enblocal.ini
  17. I don't think there is a follower tool for 'just' armors. The biggest ones are amazing follower tweaks, extensible follower framework and ultimate follower overhaul. AFT is the most advanced and most compatible. You might also try Multiple Marriages-Spouse Dress Up-Rehousing-And More - MultiMarriages for spouses. Also try and ask your question in the mod detective thread. People specifically search for it there and you probably get more answers on your question. It's in the top topic of this thread.
  18. Got another one done by request and as one of my favorites and mains. If you like this mod don't forget to endorse. If you never heard of it check it out. If anyone wants me to showcase a (home) mod let me know.. And if you like this style of showcases, please leave a Like or maybe even Subscribe. Thanks
  19. immersive amazing follower tweaks eff should also have less options and can chanhge armors I think
  20. No, If someone for example writes a book, publishes it and later regret it they can't go to every buyer to get their work back. They can however stop it from being sold or made from that point on. I's exactly the same for any other creative work that someone publishes. If a author would dissapear than whatever is online is online, it would be up to family or friends to deicide what to do with it, if the author didn't specifically tell what to do with it. I do think that any creator on anything has a right to change or remove his work. It's his work. Damned be the persons who use it :tongue:, but I never seen that happen. Most mod authors are nice enough to let us share their work and actually listen to what other people want as improvements. I rather see a mod be unsupported than actually removed though. I hope for the mod author from wyrmstooth he won't regret it (for example). We should always respect a author his\her wishes. If the writer from game of thrones would stop tomorrow people would get angry, but in the end it's his choice and whatever a creator his choise is, it's most likely made after a long time of doubt and consideration. A lot of them put their soul into their projects. And also it's a Legacy even if that might sound exaggerated.
  21. You can just try them out and if you don't like them try something else. Normally installing and uninstalling enb's is as simple as putting ini files and deleting those again. You can alos try I can't believe it's not Enb or Imaginator and dynavision together. My favorite Enb is True Vision, which comes with a lot of graphic presets for different Pc's. I want to try out Conan Enb for my next modded Skyrim, looks great.
  22. Finding decent male ones is the challenge. > Lol, I agree. To make female followers look really good, I do advice lifelike idle animation, better facegen animaton and lypsinc, regardless what follower you use. My favorite female followers: Vilja with toccato textures Sofia with Chaconne Textures Mirai, the girl with the dragon heart Vivace Serenity the frosty follower Mrissi, tail of two troubles Sephina the huntress (I think I like her home even more) Seranaholic Male followers: Inigo (great with vilja) SCHWARZENEGGER (Conan, yeah.. Ikr..) Bhruce Hammar Companion: Dohvabit Husky followers Bear musician
  23. Do some research in this order or follow STEP if you can. (I envy those who can follow it from beginning to end, but it's very detailed) *What Skyrim modding tools do I need and are out there *What to do before modding *What mods are dangerous/unsupported *Skyrim and memory, I suggest looking for gopher on that (skyrim does't care what pc you have, even if you have the best pc from nasa) *Must have skyrim mods (Step or skyrim gems are nice tutorials) *Than use anything you want. I suggest gameplay enhancements > game play tools(for example a matter of time) > combat gameplay > Character/npc improvements > followers > quests/ extra content > better towns/ cities mods. *Any graphic tutorial, I suggest a few mods from realvision or predcaliber on youtube. If you really just care for graphics look at the hot files on nexus, Graphics WIP (or even better experiment yourselve with different ones) *A enb OR imaginotor and dynavision OR I can't believe it's not Enb. (truevision is my preferance, but a lot of people don't care for enb or sweetfx) *Ordenator to remove stutter, compress huge files (for disc space I gues)
  24. Ofcourse they can. They could even choose to never upload their work like you said. Every mod we use we have to give the mod author a great thanks. They all do it for free and in the end it's their choice to share their work or not. If the mod is made outside the creation kit, the the mod author owns the mod in full. They could sue someone for reuploading their mod on another site or making money out of it, Since it's their work. When it's made in the creation kit the owner of it will always be bethesda and as long as it is online the mod author can do nothing to really protect it. Normally when a mod has been taken offline by it's author, the author doesn't mind it too much if other people reupload it ( as long as they don't take credit). I personally think if you use a mod for more than 5 hours you should leave a endorsement, it's a easy way to say thank you. If the mod isn't working read everything about it before asking in the comments. It must be one of the most annoying things for mod authors, answering questions that they litteraly leave in the description or someone asked the same thing one post before them. I know of a few mods that stopped supporting because they litteraly were tired of questions and even rants about their mods. A lot of people take mods for granted, download it, enjoy it, but are too lazy to even leave a endorsement on them. I rather not see great mods like wyrmstooth dissapear, but luckily the mod author doesn't mind us sharing his great work. I wonder what the remaster will bring.. The mod dissapearance might be getting worse :(
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